SFT Tapping Companion
- The ridiculous game of them versus us ends altogether; in all moments.
- Convincing others to divvy up into them versus us is thwarted; in all moments.
- All psychic streams of energy pitting us against them is thwarted; in all moments.
- All entitlement of us is released; in all moments.
- All demonization of them is released; in all moments.
- All dance between us and them is released; in all moments.
- Them takes their marbles and goes home; in all moments.
- Us takes their marbles and goes home; in all moments.
- Us releases justifying hurting them; in all moments.
- Them relinquishes all need to retaliate; in all moments.
- Them releases inflicting themselves on us; in all moments.
- The pull to demonize those that are different is dissipated; in all moments.
- All ******* contests between gods is dissipated; in all moments.
- All ethnic cleansing is eliminated; in all moments.
- All war cries are muted; in all moments.
- All righteous anger is dissipated; in all moments.
- All professional victimization is eliminated; in all moments.
- All those cornering the market on victimization are dismantled; in all moments.
- All mercenaries are disarmed; in all moments.
- All drones are rendered inoperable; in all moments.
- All straight faces are compelled to smile; in all moments.
- Bravado erupts into mirth; in all moments.
- Strong arming defers to compassionate hugs; in all moments.
- Wielding weapons gives way to playing instruments; in all moments.
- Dividing lines are scratched into hopscotch squares; in all moments.
- Triggers are relaxed; in all moments.
- War cries are converted into songs of peace; in all moments.
- Gods of all denominations sing Kumbaya together; in all moments.
- Foreboding omens of war transcend to harbingers of peace; in all moments.
- Harbingers of awakening flourish; in all moments.
- White doves sail the skies; in all moments.
- Olive branches become the prevailing gross national product; in all moments.
- Us releases being radicalized by them; in all moments.
- Them releases being coerced by us; in all moments.
- All radicalization by them or us is thwarted; in all moments.
- We release converting to them to opt out of us; in all moments.
- All extreme practices of them or us are released; in all moments.
- All excuses to amping up the vitriol are released; in all moments.
- All vitriol between, about or by us or them is thwarted; in all moments.
- All radicalizing of our children against them or us is thwarted; in all moments.
- All quid pro quo between them or us is eliminated; in all moments.
- An “eye for an eye” mentality between them or us is eliminated; in all moments.
- All programming and conditioning of the Hammurabi code is eliminated; in all moments.
- All adherence to the Hammurabi code is eliminated; in all moments.
- All engrams and muscle memory of the Hammurabi code are removed; in all moments.
- All adherences to the Hammurabi code are expunged from Earth’s analogs; in all moments.
- All individual and universal soul contracts with the Hammurabi code are nullified; in all moments.
- The reemergence of hate is dissipated; in all moments.
- The sensationalism of ethnic profiling is dissipated; in all moments.
- All outer triggers to hate are released; in all moments.
- All entrenched land grabs are released; in all moments.
- All ownership of earth by pathetic men is released; in all moments.
- All of protecting what one doesn’t own is released; in all moments.
- Men’s hyperbolic self importance is eliminated; in all moments.
- Men’s pathetic war dance is converted into self reflection; in all moments.
- All psychic streams of energy that fuel a fervor for war are dissipated; in all moments.
- The heart of a poet is gifted to all those who enact war; in all moments.
- The gift of hindsight is gifted to all those who drool for war; in all moments.
- The selfish gene is extracted from the DNA of all humans; in all moments.
- The primal prompting to destroy **** is removed from the analogs of humanity; in all moments.
- All rationalizing war and destruction is deemed universally ridiculous; in all moments.
- All justification of selfish pursuit is universally debunked; in all moments.
- All personality worship radically shifts into tall poppy syndrome; in all moments.
- All cabals of mean girls are busted apart through compassion and thoughtful intentions; in all moments.
- All fledgling nefarious intentions are spermicided out of existence; in all moments.
- All bluster and bravado is extracted out of all full throttled nefarious intentions; in all moments.
- All ill gained surpluses back into the coffers of the collective; in all moments.
- The vile slime of the most corrupt humans is scraped off the shoe of humanity; in all moments.
- All of humanity is freed from stepping into the ******** of pathetic power mongers; in all moments.
- All power mongers are seen outside the veneer of their own wet dreams; in all moments.
- All inclination to identify with selfishness and greed is dissipated; in all moments.
- All corruption of the propensity to live one’s purpose is thwarted; in all moments.
- Passion of purpose precludes propensity to corrupt; in all moments.
- Genius is seeded in all those who reverently serve; in all moments.
- Altruism of purpose is reestablished; in all moments.
- Living from the heart is induced; in all moments.
- Power plays are averted through altruistic acts; in all moments.
- Altruistic living is the lay of the land; in all moments.
- All ties with power are severed; in all moments.
- Power withers off the vine of the collective; in all moments.
- Power is castrated; in all moments.
- The collective reenacts kindness as a mainstay; in all moments.
- Kindness and compassion are ignited as favored lifestyles; in all moments.
- Living from the heart is deemed a strength; in all moments.
- Living from the heart is the new black; in all moments.
- Weakness is thwarted from strong arming kindness; in all moments.
- The need to be on guard against all humans relaxes its stance; in all moments.
- Humans arise to the propensity to be kind; in all moments.
- Humanity is freed of being a police state; in all moments.
- All blockages to seeing friends in strangers are released; in all moments.
- Humans are freed of needing to be on guard duty in their own lives; in all moments.
- All engrams and muscle memory of a police state are removed from the analogs of the collective; in all moments.
- All humans are safe to be at ease; in all moments.
- All psychic streams of energy that amp up the hype are dissipated; in all moments.
- All scumbag vitriol of lower consciousness are expunged from relevancy; in all moments.
- All the spittle and spew of scumbags is purged from the sanctity of existence; in all moments.
- Gratitude and reverence is infused into the sanctity of existence; in all moments.
- All blockages to appreciating, respecting and serving existence are released; in all moments.
- All individuals of the collective are realigned with their purpose through gratitude, respect and service; in all moments.
- All individuals of the collective are centered and empowered in living their purpose through gratitude, respect and service; in all moments.
- All individuals of the collective resonate, emanate, and are interconnected with all life in living their purpose through gratitude, respect and service; in all moments.
In a world increasingly fractured by division, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider led a profound Jenuine Healing group SFT Tapping event to dismantle the entrenched ‘them versus us’ mindset. This session coincided with a powerful celestial portal event, amplifying the impact of the energy healing work. By addressing the deep-rooted programming of partisanship and tribalism, participants engaged in SFT Tapping to break free from outdated narratives and embrace a new paradigm of universal empowerment. This event wasn’t just about healing personal wounds—it was a collective effort to uplift all of humanity into higher consciousness.
Event Highlights
🔑 Dissolving the ‘Them Versus Us’ Paradigm: Participants confronted the ego-driven need to separate into factions, dismantling the conditioned beliefs that reinforce division, rivalry, and partisanship. Through SFT Tapping, they worked to neutralize the forces that perpetuate conflict and polarization.
🔑 Celestial Energies as a Portal for Transformation: The event was strategically timed with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, leveraging the powerful energies to enhance spiritual expansion and revolutionary shifts in consciousness.
🔑 Releasing the Need for Justification and Retaliation: Taps addressed entitlement, demonization, and the cycle of revenge, allowing participants to transcend reactive states and shift into a space of mutual understanding and unity.
🔑 Converting War Energy into Peaceful Expression: Powerful taps transformed aggression into compassion, turning war cries into songs of peace and replacing the drive for control with collaborative solutions.
🔑 Breaking Free from Social and Political Manipulation: Participants released conditioning from media-driven fear narratives, rejecting radicalization, extremism, and the exploitation of victimhood to reclaim personal and collective sovereignty.
🔑 Living from the Heart: The session concluded with taps to realign humanity with kindness, service, and gratitude, reinforcing that true empowerment comes from outward generosity rather than inward selfishness.
The Cosmic Lens on ‘Them Versus Us’
Throughout history, humanity has been conditioned to define itself through opposition—dividing into nations, religions, ideologies, and political factions. While these structures provide identity, they also perpetuate division and conflict. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction served as a cosmic mirror, reflecting the illusion of separation and urging us to embrace oneness.
By aligning with higher consciousness, you can liberate yourself from programmed division. The celestial timing of this event created a window for mass awakening, allowing those who engaged in SFT Tapping to break the cycle of ‘them versus us’ at an energetic level.
The Ego’s Resistance to Unity
One of the most insidious aspects of ego consciousness is its need to categorize, compare, and compete. The ego thrives on conflict, using righteousness, victimhood, and revenge as fuel.
During the session, participants experienced internal resistance, feeling discomfort as deep-seated programs surfaced. This was a sign of real transformation, as the old paradigms struggled to maintain control.
If you’ve ever felt the compulsion to defend a position or engage in outrage, recognize that these responses stem from ego-driven programming. SFT Tapping interrupts these reactive patterns, allowing you to step into higher awareness and compassionate neutrality.
The Path to Collective Healing
Humanity’s evolution hinges on moving beyond polarized thinking. Every conflict—whether personal, political, or global—stems from an us-versus-them mentality. The energy work in this session helped dissolve the illusion of division, showing that the true enemy is separation itself.
By embracing universal empowerment, you are not only healing yourself but also contributing to the collective shift. Imagine a world where 8 billion people operate from outflow rather than fear-driven self-preservation. This vision is not a fantasy—it is a real state of being accessible through energy healing.
Releasing the False Equivalence of Conflict
A recurring theme in the session was the false equivalence between victim and perpetrator. Many conflicts today are deliberately manipulated, blurring moral clarity. The ego confuses self-righteousness with truth, allowing deception to flourish.
SFT Tapping cuts through the distortion, aligning you with higher discernment rather than reactionary division. As you release the energy of judgment and manipulation, you become free from the influence of deceptive narratives and capable of seeing truth beyond illusion.
Conclusion and Call to Action
What would your life look like if you no longer felt the need to take sides, prove your righteousness, or battle against perceived enemies? How would your relationships transform if you could see through the illusion of separation and step into genuine understanding?
The path to higher consciousness begins with personal responsibility. If you feel the weight of old conditioning, political division, or past trauma, SFT Tapping provides a profound tool for liberation. Download the full SFT Tapping Protocols here and start dissolving these energetic blockages today.
For those who want to deepen their journey, explore Jenuine Healing’s vast library of healing videos here, or consider participating in a live group SFT tapping event here.
If this session stirred personal wounds or deep-seated conditioning, consider booking a private healing session with Jen Ward here. A one-on-one session allows you to address specific blockages and reclaim your power in a personalized way.
For those committed to long-term transformation, the Extended Healing package offers continued support. Take your empowerment to the next level by signing up here.
The time for awakening is now. The more you align with service, kindness, and higher consciousness, the more you contribute to dismantling division and uplifting humanity. Be the embodiment of unity and step into your highest potential today.