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Justice for All

Break free from cycles of injustice and disempowerment with SFT Tapping. Restore balance, higher consciousness, and universal accountability in this session.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. Waiting for Judgment Day for accountability is eliminated; in all moments.
  2. Prolonging accountability in any way is eliminated; in all moments.
  3. The imbalance between transgressions and accountability is eliminated; in all moments.
  4. The backlog of transgressions between man and earth are squared; in all moments.
  5. The backlog of transgressions between man and beast are squared; in all moments.
  6. The servitude of inanimate life to man is eradicated; in all moments.
  7. All engrams and muscle memory of buying passage to heaven are expunged; in all moments.
  8. All loops in the system of accountability are eliminated; in all moments.
  9. Accruing wealth to bypass accountability is eliminated; in all moments.
  10. The selfish pursuit of wealth is rendered obsolete; in all moments.
  11. The imbalance in humanity’s ledger through human selfishness is put in the black; in all moments.
  12. Selling our essence for wealth is eliminated; in all moments.
  13. Selling our integral existence for wealth is eliminated; in all moments.
  14. Selling our integrity to the highest bidder is eliminated; in all moments.
  15. The stronghold that fascist greed has on humanity is eliminated; in all moments.
  16. The deluge of sludge of ill intentions are hit with higher intentions and converted back to divine love; in all moments.
  17. The onslaught of selfish intentions meandering through the human psyche is dissipated; in all moments.
  18. Opting out of the celestial choir in pursuit of ego gratification is thwarted; in all moments.
  19. Fragmenting our light emanation through inferiority is rectified; in all moments.
  20. Ego gratification as an art form is eliminated; in all moments.
  21. The beratement and disparagement of our better angels is eliminated; in all moments.
  22. Emulating those who stain sanctity of purpose is eliminated; in all moments.
  23. Forgoing purpose to accumulate wealth is eliminated; in all moments.
  24. The derailment of purpose by the ego is eliminated; in all moments.
  25. Worship of the ego through the universal mind is eliminated; in all moments.
  26. Every way humans are knocked off course is eradicated; in all moments.
  27. Being goaded into lifetimes of disparagement is eliminated; in all moments.
  28. Desecrating the sacred and emulating scoundrels is eliminated; in all moments.
  29. Killing innocence in every knowable form is eradicated; in all moments.
  30. The genocide of higher consciousness is eradicated; in all moments.
  31. Working against our own empowerment is eradicated; in all moments.
  32. Tainting of Source through interpretation is eradicated; in all moments.
  33. Mangling the eminence of Source in a myriad of ways is eliminated; in all moments.
  34. Forfeiting all accountability or denial as a satellite for Source is eliminated; in all moments.
  35. Dismissing our innate access to Source is eliminated; in all moments.
  36. Denying our empowerment by outsourcing our connection to Source is eliminated; in all moments.
  37. Refusing to be a conduit to Source is eradicated; in all moments.
  38. Gifting your empowerment over to the power mongers is eradicated; in all moments.
  39. Refusing to connect the dots of our own configuration in the celestial realms is eradicated; in all moments.
  40. Dumbing down our existence to a selfish free-for-all is eradicated; in all moments.
  41. Treating this lifetime like a blue light special is eradicated; in all moments.
  42. Ignoring our own instincts to follow the herd mentality is eradicated; in all moments.
  43. Needing a panel of judges to mandate accountability is eradicated; in all moments.
  44. Enslavement of souls is eradicated; in all moments.
  45. Our moral compass is honed to heightened alert; in all moments.
  46. All energy pissed away by deflecting accountability is reinvested in our moral compass; in all moments.
  47. All disconnect between the suffering inflicted by man and the pain we carry is eliminated; in all moments.
  48. Humanity is stopped on the dime in its freefall to destruction; in all moments.
  49. This wake-up call to humanity pierces all facade and registers to the core of each soul’s being; in all moments.
  50. The belief we can sidestep accountability by bullshi*ting a man-made god is eliminated; in all moments.
  51. Genuflecting to the universal mind is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  52. Deferring to the universal ego to avoid accountability is eradicated; in all moments.
  53. Basing our governing system on the moral compass of those on the take is eliminated; in all moments.
  54. Dumbing down our judicial system to the moral compass of tainted judges is eliminated; in all moments.
  55. Standing in judgment to anyone but ourselves is eradicated; in all moments.
  56. Every individual is repurposed with the integrity and ability to self-govern; in all moments.
  57. The whole judicial system bending to the will of billionaires is eradicated; in all moments.
  58. All judges on the take enjoy the quick, sharp retribution for the poison they secrete; in all moments.
  59. The toxic waste of tainted judges is eliminated from our judicial systems; in all moments.
  60. All retribution for bad acts is administered in full by one’s own moral compass; in all moments.
  61. Earth and all beasts are freed of the burden that man puts them under; in all moments.
  62. The disconnect between all bad actors and their crimes is eliminated; in all moments.
  63. All self-sabotage through ignoring one’s moral compass is eliminated; in all moments.
  64. All bait and switch tactics of committing egregious acts and feigning remorse are eradicated; in all moments.
  65. The stain of a flawed judicial system is removed from our universal moral compass; in all moments.
  66. The caveat of god deferring accountability and implying redemption is eradicated; in all moments.
  67. Demonizing others in the name of god is eradicated; in all moments.
  68. The disconnect between our understanding of god and its application is eradicated; in all moments.
  69. Treating our connection to Source as if it exists in a vacuum is eliminated; in all moments.
  70. The refusal to acknowledge Source in all atoms of life is eliminated; in all moments.
  71. Desecrating Source by denying it in others is eradicated; in all moments.
  72. The disconnect from the perpetual source of love is eliminated; in all moments.
  73. Shutting down Source within our own atoms is eliminated; in all moments.
  74. Having pissing contests with other atoms of love is eradicated; in all moments.
  75. Creating voids in the love through hate, fear, ignorance and need is eradicated; in all moments.
  76. Stockpiling of need, want, regret and desire is eradicated; in all moments.
  77. All hellish realities created through need, want, regret, or desire are collapsed and dissolved; in all moments.
  78. All pockets of need creating disease within our beingness are eliminated; in all moments.
  79. All reliance on lower consciousness crutches to blindly flail along is eliminated; in all moments.
  80. Disassociating from perpetual love by sitting in a piss pool of need is eradicated; in all moments.
  81. All individuals are lifted out of their piss pool of need and propped firmly on their legs of empowerment; in all moments.
  82. All egregious acts committed daily are eradicated; in all moments.
  83. The fixation on want is eradicated; in all moments.
  84. Worshiping excess is eradicated; in all moments.
  85. Dis-aligning ourselves in the celestial realms by fixating on what is eradicated; in all moments.
  86. Removing ourselves from wholeness by fixating on want is eradicated; in all moments.
  87. Harboring and nurturing demons of need is eliminated; in all moments.
  88. All psychic streams of energy that paralyze consciousness are dissipated; in all moments.
  89. All complex energy matrices that are paralyzing the planet are sent into the light and sound; in all moments.
  90. All complex energy matrices that obsess in need are escorted into the light and sound; in all moments.
  91. All deviations from being a satellite for Source are readjusted in the self; in all moments.
  92. All disconnect between the microcosm of self and the macrocosm are eliminated; in all moments.
  93. The first cause in paralyzing the world in selfishness and need is eliminated; in all moments.
  94. All programming and conditioning that disconnects the individual from Source is eradicated; in all moments.
  95. All evolutionary backtracking in our trajectory to Source is autocorrected; in all moments.
  96. All backtracking on individual accountability is immediately autocorrected; in all moments.
  97. All mass agreements to embolden the ego through a man-made god are eliminated; in all moments.
  98. All soul contracts with the ego and a man-made god are nullified; in all moments.
  99. All psychic streams of energy that embolden world domination by ego are dissipated; in all moments.
  100. Avoiding accountability by waiting for the rapture is eliminated; in all moments.
  101. The shift in consciousness to realign with accountability comes through these taps; in all moments.
  102. Existing in a vacuum of ignorance and denial is eradicated; in all moments.
  103. All elementals that are used in destruction are called back to earth; in all moments.
  104. The earth rescinds her support of the plague of humans; in all moments.
  105. The plague of humans is recalibrated to numbers and mentality that coexists with all life; in all moments.
  106. The plague mentality of humans is thwarted; in all moments.
  107. Humans rescind from their swarming mentality; in all moments.
  108. The ignorance that causes overpopulation is eradicated; in all moments.
  109. Overpopulation is autocorrected; in all moments.
  110. Humans release the gullibility that has them projecting evil everywhere; in all moments.
  111. Humans release creating evil out of fear and limitations; in all moments.
  112. Humans’ propensity to worship rogue powermongers is thwarted; in all moments.
  113. All humans worshiping powermongers are immediately upgraded in understanding; in all moments.
  114. The vacuum of a single-life mentality is eliminated; in all moments.
  115. Single-life mentality is eradicated; in all moments.
  116. The desecration of earth by humans is eliminated; in all moments.
  117. Trailblazers of higher consciousness are protected from f*ckery and annihilation; in all moments.
  118. Emulating a starburst of light and sound is encouraged in all individuals; in all moments.
  119. Humans are eradicated from being cowering scourges hovelled in apathy; in all moments.
  120. The depravity of humans is released from the epilogue of human existence; in all moments.
  121. The insolence and selfishness humans breed are excavated from existence; in all moments.
  122. The diatribe of excuses humans cling to, to scourge earth are eradicated; in all moments.
  123. The fixation on laws of old consciousness is eliminated; in all moments.
  124. Ruminating for truth in the dark ages is eradicated; in all moments.
  125. Looking for salvation in fixed lies of the past is eradicated; in all moments.
  126. Expecting empowerment to effortlessly descend upon man is eliminated; in all moments.
  127. Expecting an outer source to resurrect self-empowerment is eradicated; in all moments.
  128. Passively awaiting self-empowerment is eradicated; in all moments.
  129. The nut is cracked open on the stubborn human fixation on being saved; in all moments.
  130. All humans are striated and planted in the fertile ground of their empowerment; in all moments.
  131. All self-serving humans go the way of the dinosaur; in all moments.
  132. Global awakening happens in a flash; in all moments.
  133. The resurrection is satisfied in an upgraded understanding of empowerment; in all moments.
  134. All the need and want of man is converted into fervor to assist their brethren; in all moments.
  135. All kneeling in ignorance is upgraded to forging love and empowerment out of the wreckage of the past; in all moments.
  136. Reflecting the density of human consciousness by personifying AI is released; in all moments.
  137. Trapping human consciousness in machine dense vibrations is released; in all moments.
  138. Converting to an AI-based planet to serve ignorance, power and greed is immediately thwarted; in all moments.
  139. The hijacking of earth by power-crazed nutjobs is irrevocably thwarted; in all moments.
  140. Destruction as the epilogue of earth is vehemently thwarted; in all moments.
  141. All engrams and muscle memory of cruelty and selfishness are expunged from the analogue of man; in all moments.
  142. All soul contracts of man to be subservient to a base nature are eradicated; in all moments.
  143. All individuals’ indifference to others is eradicated; in all moments.
  144. All greed, hoarding, wielding power and lording superiority over others is eradicated; in all moments.
  145. All psychic control on the human psyche is eliminated; in all moments.
  146. All manipulation of akashic records is thwarted; in all moments.
  147. All corruption in the lords of karma is rectified; in all moments.
  148. All holding of consciousness hostage in mental aberrations is eradicated; in all moments.
  149. All corruption in the process of spiritual evolution is eradicated; in all moments.
  150. All indifference to other forms of life is eradicated; in all moments.
  151. The plume of importance is removed from the head of all humans; in all moments.
  152. Plundering earth is eradicated; in all moments.
  153. All inability for self-reflection is eliminated; in all moments.
  154. Wearing a badge of false humility is eradicated from all humans; in all moments.
  155. The drunken rage of selfishness is removed from the epilogues of humanity; in all moments.
  156. Earth is redirected to a trajectory of sincerity, integrity and kindness; in all moments.
  157. The mask of the red death is removed from man; in all moments.
  158. Pissing our energy up into the ethers is released; in all moments.
  159. Looking for salvation in the accumulation of wealth and power is eradicated; in all moments.
  160. The hypocrisy of worshipping a god yet ignoring accountability is released; in all moments.
  161. Expecting expungement of transgressions with a hollow prayer is eradicated; in all moments.
  162. Self-entitlement is eradicated; in all moments.
  163. All illusion is stripped off the ignorance of worshiping golden idols; in all moments.
  164. Clinging to ritualistic practices is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  165. All worshipping of Jesus yet spitting on his message is eradicated; in all moments.
  166. Using avatars are inspiration
  167. to commit egregious crimes against humanity is eradicated; in all moments.
  168. All avatars are released from being shackled to man’s ignorance; in all moments.
  169. The deadness is removed from the eyes of all those drawing breath; in all moments.
  170. Ignorance is thwarted from partnering with greed; in all moments.
  171. Man is stripped of his insolence that he is superior to others; in all moments.
  172. The disconnect between humans and all other atoms of life is eradicated; in all moments.
  173. The damage that humans have inflicted on all other atoms of life is eradicated; in all moments.
  174. All humans disconnect from their own insolence is released; in all moments.
  175. All mass denial of human culpability is expunged from existence; in all moments.
  176. Running the earth down to dead energy is immediately thwarted and reversed; in all moments.
  177. Breeding children to be slaves to power is eliminated; in all moments.
  178. Conditioning children to serve power is eradicated; in all moments.
  179. The head dressing of selfishness is removed from all chief as*holes; in all moments.
  180. Humans shift their paradigm from plaguing the earth to serving humanity; in all moments.
  181. The compulsion to take is replaced with a fervor to outflow; in all moments.
  182. All genius is utilized for the betterment of all; in all moments.
  183. All ingenuity that has been trapped in a catch and release ploy, are freed to upgrade humanity; in all moments.
  184. All dumbing down of humanity by the selfish is immediately rectified; in all moments.
  185. The fervor to take is replaced with the passion to assist humanity in awakening; in all moments.
  186. The dredge of human selfishness is rinsed out of existence; in all moments.
  187. All atoms of life are acknowledged, validated and respected; in all moments.
  188. The acknowledgement of light in others nurtures enlightenment in the trajectory of all; in all moments.
  189. All doom and gloom scenarios are ousted from sanctuary in the skeptics; in all moments.
  190. All skeptics are knocked off the fence; in all moments.
  191. All those serving as spoilers for mass awakening are flushed out of relevance; in all moments.
  192. All humans either choose to awaken or are flushed out of the way of mass awakening; in all moments.
  193. All atoms of life recoup their higher purpose and realign with awakening; in all moments.
  194. All atoms of life opting to coexist on this planet are upgraded to higher consciousness; in all moments.
  195. All atoms of life continuing on earth agree to outflow in higher consciousness; in all moments.
  196. All atoms of life are centered and empowered in aligning and outflowing in higher consciousness; in all moments.
  197. All atoms of life resonate, emanate, and are interconnected with all other atoms of life in aligning and outflowing in higher consciousness; in all moments.
  198. The fervor for assistance through a resurrection is consciously served in these taps; in all moments.
  199. The fervor for assistance through a resurrection is consciously serviced in these taps; in all moments.


On the powerful portal of the total solar eclipse, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider led a transformative Jenuine Healing group SFT Tapping event focused on restoring true justice. This session coincided with an energetic shift, providing an opportunity to dismantle false narratives, challenge systemic corruption, and ignite personal and collective accountability.

The eclipse symbolized a reset, illuminating hidden injustices and inviting participants to transcend the conditioning that keeps them trapped in cycles of powerlessness. Through SFT Tapping, attendees released blockages preventing them from stepping into higher consciousness and universal empowerment. This event was a profound call to action, urging humanity to reclaim its moral compass and realign with truth.

Event Highlights

🔑 The false concept of judgment day was addressed, revealing how waiting for external accountability disempowers individuals from taking responsibility in the present.

🔑 Participants released the burden of karmic cycles and soul contracts that tethered them to flawed judicial systems, clearing outdated beliefs about punishment and redemption.

🔑 Deep energetic work dismantled the influence of power structures that manipulate public perception, including media narratives, political corruption, and religious conditioning.

🔑 The imbalance between personal transgressions and true accountability was corrected, ensuring that all actions carry their natural energetic consequences without delay.

🔑 The event addressed the parasitic nature of wealth accumulation at the expense of integrity, helping participants reclaim sovereignty from economic and social control.

🔑 The role of ego in perpetuating injustice was explored, showing how fear and division fuel systems of oppression and how personal empowerment can dissolve these structures.

🔑 A global reset of consciousness was initiated, helping to dissolve constructs that allow people to bypass moral responsibility through manipulation and deceit.

Dismantling the Illusion of External Justice

One of the most profound realizations from this session was the dismantling of the belief that justice is something external. Many people operate under the assumption that karma, a divine force, or a governing body will eventually balance the scales. This belief often leads to inaction, complacency, and a lack of personal accountability.

Through SFT Tapping, participants confronted the reality that justice begins at the energetic level. True justice is not about punishment but about alignment with higher truth. The session empowered individuals to see how their own energetic signatures contribute to the world’s greater balance, reinforcing that every action has an immediate ripple effect.

Breaking Free from Cycles of Corruption

The session addressed the deep entanglement between power, wealth, and justice. Many have been conditioned to believe that wealth grants immunity from consequences, creating a distorted moral landscape where those in power escape accountability while the vulnerable bear the burden.

By tapping into the root causes of this imbalance, participants dismantled the false equivalence between wealth and worthiness. They worked to neutralize the energetic stronghold that allows individuals to manipulate justice systems for personal gain. In doing so, they reclaimed their ability to create a world where integrity outweighs influence and where morality is not dictated by financial status.

Transcending the Manipulation of Fear

A core theme of the session was understanding how fear is used as a weapon to maintain control. Institutions, whether religious, governmental, or corporate, have long relied on fear-based conditioning to keep people in a state of submission.

SFT Tapping helped participants release the need for external validation and the subconscious fear of retribution that keeps them from standing in their truth. The session reinforced the understanding that fear is an illusion—one that dissipates the moment individuals reclaim their spiritual authority and recognize their direct connection to source.

Accountability as the Key to Universal Empowerment

Justice and universal empowerment are inseparable. When people avoid accountability, they remain trapped in cycles of disempowerment, repeating lifetimes of suffering rather than stepping into liberation. This session helped dissolve the false dichotomy between victim and perpetrator, illustrating that true empowerment comes from embracing responsibility for one’s own energy.

The idea that justice requires external enforcement was replaced with the understanding that universal balance is self-regulating. Participants tapped into a higher perspective where every action, intention, and belief contributes to the larger field of consciousness. By embodying integrity in every moment, individuals align themselves with the natural order of justice rather than resisting it.

Conclusion and Call to Action

What would change in your life if you stopped waiting for external forces to balance the scales and took full responsibility for your own energy? How would your reality shift if you embraced the truth that justice is not something imposed but something cultivated through your thoughts, actions, and presence?

SFT Tapping is a powerful tool for releasing the energetic blocks that keep you from fully stepping into your empowerment. Download the full SFT Tapping Protocols here and begin the process of clearing outdated conditioning today.

To explore more healing sessions and experience deep transformation, access Jenuine Healing’s video library here or join an upcoming live group SFT tapping event here.

If this session stirred unresolved personal struggles or patterns of disempowerment, consider booking a private healing session with Jen Ward here. Individual sessions offer tailored energy work to help you reclaim sovereignty over your life.

For those committed to long-term transformation, the Extended Healing package provides continuous energetic clearing and deep healing work. Take your empowerment journey to the next level by signing up here.

True justice begins with you. Step into your highest empowerment today and become the catalyst for the world you want to see.

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