SFT Tapping Companion
- All psychic streams of energy that advance evil are dissipated; in all moments.
- All conservatives that weaponize their passion, awake to the stupor of their betrayal; in all moments.
- All those who weaponize their faith are rebuked as enemies of their Messiah; in all moments.
- All monopolies of conservative coalitions are pulverized into pieces; in all moments.
- All strongholds of conservative coalitions bifurcate and are diluted; in all moments.
- All conservative coalitions are lanced out of the body of the collective; in all moments.
- All illusion is stripped off the opportunists advancing conservative coalitions; in all moments.
- All conservative coalitions are fissioned to ineffectiveness; in all moments.
- All conservative zealots unclench their grip on the womb; in all moments.
- All weaponized prayer and fervor is dissipated; in all moments.
- All invoking of a Messiah for egregious intent is thwarted; in all moments.
- All desecration of a Messiah’s message is vehemently met with the sword of truth; in all moments.
- Truth purges ignorance from the collective; in all moments.
- All malfeasance is rendered down to a nothing; in all moments.
- The disenfranchised are thwarted from collecting into conservative coalitions; in all moments.
- All fear mongering and hate spewing is extracted out of the collective; in all moments.
- All those desecrating get decimated; in all moments.
- Passion of the heart is thwarted from weaponing aberrations of the mind; in all moments.
- All mental aberrations supported by passion of the heart are collapsed and dissolved; in all moments.
- All passion driven nefarious intentions are rendered back down to truth; in all moments.
- All those who desecrate truth are hoisted on the petard of their own nefarious intentions; in our moments.
- All conservative zealots are prevented from wearing the garb of their Messiah; in all moments.
- Invoking the Messiah is stripped from the resume of the corrupt; in all moments.
- All those who spew hate are burned by the acid of their own bile; in all moments.
- All masks, walls, and armor of piety are stripped off all conservative zealots; in all moments.
- The garb of truth advocates is ripped off the back of all power mongers; in all moments.
- All conservative zealots are taunted by the hypocrisy of their own reflection; in all moments.
- The claws, teeth, and brass knuckles are stripped away from all conservative zealots; in all moments.
- The first cause is eliminated in invoking faith to grift others; in all moments.
- All religious and political factions are gutted of their Ponzi scheme winnings; in all moments.
- The religion of ignorance and entitlement is replaced with common sense discernment; in all moments.
- Conservative coalitions are bleached out of the fabric of life; in all moments.
- Individual empowerment is stitched back into the fabric of life; in all moments.
- The passionate refuse to bend over for grifters and politicians; in all moments.
- Individual sovereignty is prevented from getting fucked up the ass by conservative coalitions; In all moments.
- Religious figureheads are thwarted from pimping out their flock for a seat at the table; in all moments.
- All indoctrination into ignorance is immediately thwarted; in all moments.
- Digressing seekers back into submission with the dangling carrot of half-truth is thwarted; in all moments.
- All ass wiping between heads of church and heads of state is thwarted; in all moments.
- Sovereignty release is being dicked around by religious factions; in all moments.
- Stroking the sheep’s ego to coax them into remaining sheep is thwarted; in all moments.
- Sacred Scripture is thwarted from beating believers into submission; in all moments.
- Threats of fire and brimstone are prevented from stoking primal fear; in all moments.
- The wave to hold humanity in the Dark Ages is quelled; in all moments.
- The mask of the Messiah is removed from the twisted grimace of the power mongers; in all moments.
- The sheep release all propensity to remain sheep; in all moments.
- The demonizing of those awakening is thwarted in all moments.
- The sheep release confusing the light of truth for damnation; in all moments.
- All programming and conditioning of original sin is released; in all moments.
- The pissing away of energy by sending an up to the sky is released; in all moments.
- Siphoning off one’s own energy through God’s sized lies is thwarted; in all moments.
- The first cause in martyring Yin to the debauchery and folly of Yang is released; in all moments.
- The righteous release selling their soul for 30 pieces of silver; in all moments.
- All of the corrupt are immediately driven down the embankment in the Exorcism of the Legion; in all moments.
- Both the deceivers and the deceived are knocked in their ass by the light of Damascus; in our moments.
- The first cause in demonizing goddess to prevent mass awakening is eliminated; in all moments.
- All women are released from being deduced to whores and mothers; in all moments.
- Goddess refuses to birth ignorance; in all moments.
- All propensity to inseminate women with ignorance is thwarted; in all moments.
- All blockages to man meeting his own internal Christ consciousness are removed; in all moments.
- Man release is being hobbled on the road to enlightenment; in all moments.
- The shell game between religion, politics, and source is irrevocably ended; in all moments.
- The desperate threats of a maniacal ego are removed from the pathway to truth; in all moments.
- All the bullshit of the ego and the universal mind is extracted from the fabric of humanity; in all moments.
- All worshipping of the universal mind is thwarted; in all moments.
- The tinning of the celestial music is re tuned to love, sincerity, and truth; in all moments.
- All programming and conditioning that causes an aversion to the universal sound is released; in all moments.
- All weaponizing of Sacred Scripture into mandates for power is thwarted; in all moments.
- All curses and threats embedded in Sacred Scripture are removed; in all moments.
- All individuals expound into alignment and the embodiment of source; in all moments.
- The scales are dropped from the eyes of everyone who spews hate; in all moments.
- Individuals release refuting their own evolution into God consciousness; in all moments.
- The narcissist power mongers and insane are released from confiscating truth; in all moments.
- Those awakening are released from being targeted by narcissist power mongers and the insane; in all moments.
- Buying a set of goods for the promise of salvation is released; in all moments.
- Converting peace into an endless road to heaven or hell is released; in all moments.
- All those who sold their soul to the devil reclaim their sovereignty; in all moments.
- All of glorifying the beast is thwarted; in all moments.
- The dualistic nature is transcended; in all moments.
- The hypocrisy of spitting in God’s face while pretending to kneel at his feet is thwarted; in all moments.
- Being deceived by those who desecrate the spirit is thwarted; in all moments.
- All those dancing with the devil while donning a halo exhaust their own nefarious intentions; in all moments.
- Funneling bigotry and piety into political and governing systems is thwarted; in all moments.
- All psychic streams of energy that weaponize piety and
- judgment are dissipated; in all moments.
- All pious hack jobs are thwarted out of the Governing systems; and all moments.
- All attempts to rollback consciousness miserably fail; in all moments.
- All those terrified of awakening are thwarted from pulling humanity into lower consciousness; in all moments.
- The entitled that infringe and other’s rights are deduced to humility and gratitude; in all moments.
- All despots invoking a Messiah to induce ilk are rendered mute and ineffective; in all moments.
- All zealot division and subjugation seeping into everyday life is thwarted; in all moments.
- The first cause in flushing humanity into a cesspool of bigotry is eliminated; in all moments.
- Coalescing conservatism into mass enslavement is purged out of existence; in all moments.
- The coalition of conservatism congealing into fascist ideology is immediately dissipated; in all moments.
- Galvanized hate and evil are power washed out of the fabric of humanity; in all moments.
- Hate and division are released from poisoning the meade of human kindness; in all moments.
- All egregious acts knock the sender on their ass in a boomerang of instant karma; in all moments.
- The universal mind is taken down as the beast preventing enlightenment; in all moments.
- Our direct connection to source is freed of interference by the universal mind; in all moments.
- The universal mind is thwarted from derailing awakening; in all moments.
- The Kingdom of God is recognized as being a gold-plated prison cell; in all moments.
- Consciousness is freed of all limitations of the universal mind; in all moments.
- The seven headed beast is decapitated with the sword of truth; in all moments.
- The ten horns of the beast are completely severed from being portals for evil; in all moments.
- All limitations and the understanding of Christ consciousness are shattered; in all moments.
- The scepter of power slips out of the hand of the few and is recast into empowerment for all; in all moments.
- The dysfunction between the sea beast and the scarlet beast is thwarted; in all moments.
- All illusion and enabling is stripped away from the sea beast, scarlet beast and the Fu; in all moments.
- All curses to mass awakening alluded to in the sabotage of the Tower of Babel are removed; in our moments.
- All dictums that derail mass awakening are rendered ineffective and ignored; in all moments.
- All Christian coalitions are disarmed, dismantled, and ousted from power; in all moments.
- All religious and conservative coalitions are disarmed, dismantled, and ousted from power in all moments.
- All curses, threats, and limitations that a man-made God has put on humanity are removed; in all moments.
- All blockages to receiving the celestial word are removed; in all moments.
- The dust of the rubble of conservative coalitions is thwarted from choking humanity; in all moments.
- The garb of advocates of truth are stripped off the back of the malevolent; in all moments.
- All attempts of conservative coalitions to dismantle democracy are thwarted; in all moments.
- The wind on the back of conservative coalitions immediately wanes; in all moments.
- All attempts of conservative coalitions to postpone mass awakening are thwarted; in all moments.
- All members of conservative coalitions are prevented from twisting the sword of truth into weapons of revenge; in all moments.
- The world is centered and empowered in mass awakening; in all moments.
- The world resonates, emanates, and is interconnected with all life in mass awakening; in all moments.
The rise of radicalized conservatism has polluted global consciousness, turning what were once core values into weapons of division, subjugation, and manipulation. In this transformative Jenuine Healing group SFT Tapping event, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider worked to strip away the energetic strongholds that have allowed extremist conservatism to thrive unchecked.
This session was more than just a response to political and religious extremism—it was an energetic intervention aimed at severing the psychic streams of energy that perpetuate fanaticism. The goal was to clear out the distortions that keep individuals trapped in rigid, fear-based belief systems and to restore clarity, compassion, and individual sovereignty. By engaging in this deep energy work, participants took a powerful step toward reclaiming consciousness from the grip of radicalized manipulation.
Event Highlights
🔑 Releasing the grip of radical conservatism on governance: The session exposed how extremist groups have embedded themselves within political and judicial systems, using distorted interpretations of morality to justify oppression.
🔑 Dissolving the manipulation of religious fervor: Participants worked to break free from the weaponization of faith, releasing energetic contracts that have bound them to distorted teachings and oppressive ideologies.
🔑 Unraveling the control of conservative coalitions: The event targeted the monopolization of power by extremist factions, dismantling their influence and restoring balance to the collective.
🔑 Freeing individuals from mass indoctrination: The session addressed the hijacking of conservative values for personal and political gain, allowing participants to reclaim their ability to think critically and discern truth.
🔑 Eliminating the psychic streams of energy that fuel extremism: Deep energetic work severed the unseen forces that keep people trapped in radicalized beliefs, dissolving the strongholds of fanaticism.
🔑 Addressing the perversion of religious scripture: The group worked to neutralize the distortions of sacred texts used to justify bigotry, hate, and control over others.
🔑 Breaking the cycle of fear-based obedience: Participants released subconscious programming that conditioned them to obey without questioning, restoring their inner authority and sovereignty.
The Energetic Stronghold of Radical Conservatism
Radicalized conservatism is not just a political issue—it is an energetic distortion that thrives on manipulation and fear. Over generations, certain groups have hijacked conservative values, twisting them into tools of oppression and control. This session worked to strip away these distortions, clearing the energy that has allowed fanaticism to take hold.
By engaging in SFT Tapping, participants actively dismantled the structures that perpetuate intolerance, dogma, and authoritarianism. The taps worked to dissolve the collective programming that keeps people blindly following leaders who exploit religious and political rhetoric for their own gain. The goal was to restore a balanced, heart-centered approach to spirituality, governance, and human interaction.
Dismantling the Weaponization of Faith
One of the most significant revelations in this session was the extent to which faith has been used as a weapon. In many conservative religious factions, fear is instilled from birth—fear of divine punishment, fear of questioning authority, and fear of stepping outside the rigid framework imposed by religious leaders.
SFT Tapping in this session neutralized the energetic contracts that have kept individuals bound to oppressive belief systems, allowing participants to see through the illusion of manipulation. The taps worked to release individuals from subconscious agreements made with religious institutions that have sought to control rather than uplift. By breaking these ties, participants reclaimed their personal connection to source, free from fear and coercion.
Releasing Political Extremism from the Collective
Radicalized conservatism has found a dangerous foothold in politics, where leaders manipulate conservative values to funnel power into extremist agendas. These power structures thrive by using division, manufactured outrage, and the illusion of righteousness to justify acts of oppression.
During this session, participants worked to energetically dissolve the stronghold that radicalized political factions have on governance. The taps specifically targeted the psychic streams of energy that fuel authoritarian leadership, severing the cords that allow hate-based rhetoric to gain momentum.
By releasing these attachments, participants contributed to the dismantling of extremist coalitions that have exploited conservative values for personal and political gain. The work done in this session paved the way for governance that is based on truth, fairness, and true service to humanity, rather than self-serving agendas.
Breaking the Cycle of Indoctrination
A core theme in this session was the importance of freeing individuals from the cycle of indoctrination. Many people caught in radicalized conservatism do not realize they have been manipulated—they genuinely believe they are fighting for righteousness, when in reality, they are being used as pawns in a much larger game.
Through SFT Tapping, participants dissolved the subconscious programming that conditioned them to accept extremist ideology without question. The session worked to clear the energetic distortions that make individuals susceptible to blind obedience, replacing them with clarity, discernment, and the ability to see beyond deception.
By dismantling these energetic structures, participants took a powerful step toward restoring personal sovereignty and reclaiming their own capacity for independent thought.
Conclusion and Call to Action
How much of what you believe is truly yours, and how much has been implanted by systems designed to control? What would your connection to truth look like if it was free from fear-based conditioning?
SFT Tapping offers a direct way to clear the layers of manipulation that keep people trapped in radicalized belief systems. To begin this process, download the full SFT Tapping Protocols here and start dissolving these energetic distortions today.
To experience deeper energy work and gain more clarity, explore Jenuine Healing’s extensive video library here or join a live group SFT tapping event here.
If this session brought up unresolved personal struggles or exposed deeper programming that needs clearing, consider booking a private healing session with Jen Ward here. Personalized sessions provide targeted energy work to release subconscious blockages and restore true empowerment.
For those committed to long-term transformation, the Extended Healing package offers continuous energetic clearing and advanced healing work. Step fully into your empowerment journey by signing up here.
Now is the time to purge radicalized conservatism from your energy field and reclaim your sovereignty. The world is shifting—make sure you are shifting with it.