Consciousness over con

Break free from manipulation and con men like Donald Trump using SFT Tapping. Reclaim your Akashic Records and rise into Higher Consciousness and Universal Empowerment.


In this eye-opening Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and co-host Marvin Schneider dive deep into the manipulative tactics used by con men like Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. Through psychic ploys and energy manipulation, these figures distort collective consciousness, reshuffling Akashic Records to keep individuals trapped in false realities. Jen Ward leads participants through transformative SFT tapping exercises, empowering you to reclaim your sovereignty, rise into higher consciousness, and break free from these manipulative energies. By dismantling these energetic traps, this session offers profound healing for those seeking spiritual awakening and universal empowerment.

Event Highlights

🔑 Con Men and Psychic Ploys:  Jen Ward explains how con men, including Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, use psychic streams of energy to distort the collective Akashic Records. These manipulations trap individuals in false perceptions of reality, keeping them in lower consciousness. Through SFT tapping, you can reclaim your Akashic Records and free yourself from these energetic distortions.

🔑 Restoring Personal Sovereignty:  A key focus of the event is empowering individuals to reclaim their personal sovereignty. Jen Ward shows how energy healing can dismantle the psychic ploys used by con men to manipulate and control. You will learn how to clear your energy field, strip away manipulation, and regain control over your destiny.

🔑 Higher Consciousness vs. Manipulation:  The session highlights the importance of discerning between higher consciousness and manipulative forces. Jen Ward leads participants through an energetic cleanse designed to awaken truth within, helping you break free from lies, manipulation, and con artistry. This is especially critical for those feeling overwhelmed by the mass deception prevalent in today’s world.

🔑 Breaking Free from Akashic Distortions:  Con men manipulate Akashic Records, making it difficult for individuals to see the truth. This session teaches you how to clean up your own Akashic Records and protect them from distortion, restoring clarity and aligning you with higher consciousness. This process is crucial for spiritual awakening and long-term personal growth.

🔑 Energy Healing for Universal Empowerment:  Jen Ward emphasizes that true universal empowerment comes from recognizing and dismantling manipulative energy streams. Through energy healing and SFT tapping, you can strip away these distortions and rise into a space of truth, love, and abundance. This empowerment extends beyond personal healing, helping uplift humanity as a whole.

The Psychic Ploys Behind Con Men 

Con men like Donald Trump and J.D. Vance use more than just words to deceive—they manipulate energy fields and Akashic Records to distort reality. These psychic ploys create false narratives that trap you in fear and disempowerment. By participating in SFT tapping, you can neutralize these ploys and free yourself from their grasp, ensuring that your energy remains your own.

Reclaiming Your Akashic Records 

Akashic Records are the energetic archives of your soul’s journey. Con men intentionally distort these records to keep you stuck in the past or confused about the present. This event teaches you how to reclaim your Akashic Records, enabling you to correct past distortions and live in alignment with your highest truth.

Universal Empowerment Through Higher Consciousness 

The path to true empowerment lies in rising above manipulative forces and stepping into higher consciousness. Jen Ward’s energy healing techniques guide you in breaking free from the energetic constraints imposed by con men, allowing you to embody universal empowerment. This shift is not only personal but contributes to the collective awakening of humanity.

The Importance of Discernment in Energy Healing 

Jen Ward emphasizes the need for discernment in today’s world. Many figures, like Trump and Vance, present themselves as powerful leaders while manipulating others for their gain. This event shows you how to identify energetic deception and separate it from authentic leadership, enabling you to trust your inner compass and live in alignment with higher truth.

Healing the Collective: From Manipulation to Empowerment 

As more individuals rise into higher consciousness, the collective will naturally shift from manipulation to empowerment. Jen Ward’s energy healing techniques offer a way to cleanse not just your own energy, but also contribute to the greater good. The more you heal yourself, the more you help to dismantle the con men’s energetic traps on a global scale.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. All con men are lobbed off their perch; in all moments. 
  2. The curtain is drawn back on all con men; in all moments. 
  3. The con man is stripped of his bag of tricks; in all moments. 
  4. The first cause of believing the con man’s bullshit is immediately eliminated; in all moments. 
  5. All believability is stripped off all con men; in all moments. 
  6. The first cause of being duped by a conman is eradicated; in all moments. 
  7. All false equivalencies between the conman and higher consciousness are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  8. All the strides that the conman has made in duping humanity are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  9. The cloudy eyes of selfish manipulation are thwarted from being confused for a clear heart; in all moments. 
  10. All myopic blindness to con men and corruption is immediately healed through the light of awakening; in all moments. 
  11. All those struggling to know truth with their mind experience truth in their heart; in all moments. 
  12. The tin cup of insincerity of the con man is thwarted from being confused with the golden chalice of enlightenment; in all moments. 
  13. All ill will orchestrated by the conman is immediately melted away; in all moments. 
  14. All those resigned to believe in conmen immediately awaken to a passion for universal empowerment; in all moments. 
  15. All the roadblocks strewn in the way of universal empowerment by con men are immediately swept away; in all moments. 
  16. All apathy programmed into the reverent by con men is converted into a fervor for universal empowerment; in all moments. 
  17. All dirtbags getting a pass from the vetting of scrutiny are immediately and perpetually run through the mill; in all moments. 
  18. The bitching and whining of the conman is immediately stifled; in all moments. 
  19. The magnitude of lies and bluster from the conman is immediately deflated through the comparison to truth; in all moments. 
  20. All our better angels prevail in wrestling the con men out of positions of authority; in all moments. 
  21. All con men are figuratively, morally, politically, and literally defeated; in all moments. 
  22. All con men on the pulpit, the corner office, the seat of government, or local bars are extricated from their position of authority; in all moments. 
  23. The first cause forming a forked tongue is eliminated; in all moments. 
  24. All those with forked tongues are ejected from being a mouthpiece for anything; in all moments. 
  25. The paradigm is shifted from giving preferential treatment to the con man to seeing him convicted; in all moments. 
  26. All blockages to the conman getting convicted are immediately removed; in all moments. 
  27. All reverence is immediately stripped off the conman; in all moments. 
  28. All darkroom deals of quid pro quo are immediately exposed; in all moments. 
  29. Humans are immediately thwarted from falling for the shell game; in all moments. 
  30. All threats that the con man has made on humanity are rendered empty; in all moments. 
  31. The ruse is up on earth; in all moments. 
  32. The conman’s bag of tricks is universally rendered ineffective; in all moments. 
  33. All psychic streams of energy of the prayer pipeline are immediately dissipated; in all moments.
  34. All those dabbling in black magic are afforded the grace to pull out; in all moments. 
  35. All false credentials are stripped off all con men; in all moments. 
  36. All con men are vetted for legitimacy before being given the key to the office; in all moments. 
  37. All legitimacy is stripped off all con men; in all moments. 
  38. All political influence is stripped off all con men; in all moments. 
  39. All synergy between political influencers and con men is immediately severed; in all moments. 
  40. The political ruse is stripped off all influencers supporting con men; in all moments. 
  41. All rhetoric supporting con men is immediately dissipated; in all moments. 
  42. The weaponization of con men is immediately thwarted; in all moments. 
  43. The radicalization of con men is eradicated; in all moments. 
  44. All networking of con men is immediately thwarted; in all moments. 
  45. All pseudo realities created by con men are immediately dissipated; in all moments. 
  46. All engrams and muscle memory of pseudo realities created by con men are immediately removed; in all moments. 
  47. All house of cards propped up by con men are immediately collapsed and dissolved; in all moments. 
  48. The paradigm of humanity is immediately shifted from con men to higher consciousness; in all moments. 
  49. All portals to pseudo realities are collapsed and dissolved; in all moments. 
  50. Humanity transcends all con men and pseudo realities; in all moments.

Conclusion and Call to Action

This event has revealed the deep-rooted manipulations of con men like Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, who use psychic ploys to distort the collective consciousness. Reflect on the ways these manipulative energies may have influenced your own life. Have you ever felt controlled by outside forces, uncertain about your own truth? Are you ready to reclaim your Akashic Records and break free from these distortions?

To continue your healing journey, download the SFT protocols from the Jenuine Healing website. The Energetic Cleanse protocol can help you clear the energetic residue left by con men, using phrases like “being conned”; “being manipulated”; and “the conman”.

Explore our extensive library of group SFT tapping events and Join the Declaration of Universal Interdependence Facebook page to stay connected with others on the path to universal empowerment.

If this event has brought up any personal issues for you, consider booking a private session with Jen Ward to further your healing and spiritual awakening.

Let this be the beginning of your journey to reclaiming truth, higher consciousness, and spiritual sovereignty.

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