Dismantling the axis of evil

Dismantle dark forces and empower Earth’s energy grid with energy healing and SFT tapping, guided by Jen Ward. Raise your consciousness for universal empowerment.


In this powerful Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer, Jen Ward, alongside Marvin Schneider, leads a session to energetically dismantle the Axis of Evil. By addressing nefarious autocrats, dictators, and power structures on a global level, the event empowers the Earth’s energy grid to bring humanity into higher consciousness. The work in this event not only focuses on shifting the planet’s collective energy but also encourages individual empowerment, helping participants tap into their own higher purpose through energy healing and SFT tapping.

Event Highlights

🔑 Dismantling the Axis of Evil: Autocrats and dictators are symbolic manifestations of an energy grid stagnation, and this event focuses on dissolving those power structures to restore Earth’s energy flow.

🔑 Healing Earth’s Chakras: The Earth’s energy grid is compared to chakras, which have been corroded by negative intentions. Participants are guided in clearing these blockages to allow Earth to vibrate with a more dynamic and life-affirming energy.

🔑 Higher Vantage Points: Jen Ward encourages raising your collective vantage point above the arrogance of autocrats and dictators, removing their leverage and empowering individuals.

🔑 Eradicating Dark Energies: The SFT taps are designed to remove nefarious energies from Earth’s chakras and energy grid, eradicating the forces that have kept humanity in stagnation.

🔑 Aligning Humanity with Earth’s Energy: The event stresses the interconnectedness between individual empowerment and the Earth’s wellbeing, showing how healing oneself contributes to universal empowerment.

Healing Earth’s Chakras and Energy Grid

Earth, like the human body, has energy centers (chakras) that can become clogged with negative energy, leading to global stagnation and suffering. Through this event, you are guided to actively participate in clearing these energy centers, which has a profound impact on both the planet and your own wellbeing. The Earth is a living consciousness, and by realigning with her energy, you assist in her empowerment, which echoes back into your personal healing.

Dissipating Autocrats’ Power through Higher Consciousness

By raising your consciousness above the ego and arrogance of autocrats, you strip them of their perceived power. This perspective shift allows you to see these figures as small and insignificant in the larger energetic framework, giving you the strength to dismantle their influence. This event empowers you to disarm the synergy between autocrats and their dark energies through SFT tapping.

Aligning Personal Healing with Earth’s Empowerment

When you tap into higher consciousness, you not only heal yourself but also contribute to the healing of Earth’s energy grid. This event emphasizes how personal empowerment and Earth’s empowerment are interconnected. By participating in these energetic shifts, you uplift both yourself and humanity, freeing the planet from the clutches of nefarious forces.

Using SFT Tapping to Dissolve Evil Intentions

SFT tapping is a powerful technique that enables you to break free from negative influences and help dissolve dark intentions from Earth’s energy grid. During this event, participants use their intentions to eradicate nefarious energies, which prevents autocrats from continuing to siphon power from humanity. By tapping into your own higher power, you contribute to global transformation.

Reclaiming Universal Empowerment

The ultimate goal of this session is to reclaim universal empowerment for all beings on Earth. The work you do here has far-reaching effects, not only liberating the planet from dark forces but also uplifting the collective consciousness. This transformation allows humanity to reconnect with the planet and the cosmos in a more dynamic, vibrant, and empowered way.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. All power factions are thwarted from blocking or monopolizing the energy grids of Earth; in all moments. 
  2. All cabals, entities, and nefarious factions are extracted from nesting on the chakras of Earth; in all moments. 
  3. All those who block or manipulate the energy grid of Earth are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  4. All nests of nefarious intentions are eradicated from Earth’s chakras and energy grid; in all moments. 
  5. Earth is completely, immediately, and irrevocably purged of all entities and cabals with nefarious intent; in all moments. 
  6. All entities subjugating Earth are immediately purged; in all moments. 
  7. Autocrats are immediately severed from the nefarious entities and cabals that feed them or feed on them; in all moments. 
  8. Autocrats are immediately thwarted from feeding nefarious entities and cabals with suffering; in all moments. 
  9. Nefarious cabals and entities are immediately and irrevocably thwarted from stoking suffering in the lower worlds; in all moments. 
  10. All energy grids, discs, and chakras are immediately purged of all squatters; in all moments. 
  11. The Fu is immediately stripped of its influences and means of control; in all moments. 
  12. The Fu is immediately deprived of feeding or feeding off his autocratic pets; in all moments. 
  13. All humans are immediately inoculated against the fever of power’s guile; in all moments. 
  14. The Fu is immediately rendered powerless in all the lower worlds; in all moments. 
  15. The Fu is immediately thwarted from shape-shifting to reptile, insect, or any intimidating genome; in all moments. 
  16. All evil intentions are extracted from Earth, its energy grids, and all the lower worlds; in all moments. 
  17. All evil intentions are thwarted from lying in dormancy; in all moments. 
  18. All evil intentions are completely and immediately eradicated from Earth; in all moments. 
  19. All landmines of evil intentions are immediately swept out of Earth and the human genome; in all moments. 
  20. All chakras are immediately purged of control and subjugation; in all moments. 
  21. All energy grids in Earth’s microcosm and macrocosm are purged of being outposts for nefarious entities and cabals; in all moments. 
  22. All humans are immediately inoculated against the influence of the Fu; in all moments. 
  23. The Fu is immediately and irrevocably encapsulated in its own microcosm; in all moments. 
  24. Humans are immediately thwarted from feeding evil through their prayers, bitching, and selfish intentions; in all moments. 
  25. The balm of ignorance and apathy that evil operates in is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  26. The clutches that evil has wrapped around Earth are immediately retracted; in all moments. 
  27. All surrogates for evil acting as autocrats are immediately contained within the limitations of their own microcosm; in all moments. 
  28. All intentions for autocrats to sidestep accountability are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  29. Earth is immediately and irrevocably purged of autocrats; in all moments. 
  30. All entities and cabals that feed autocrats are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  31. All energy hoarded by Fu dictators and their cabal is immediately returned to Earth’s sovereignty; in all moments. 
  32. All the means of subjugating Earth and her beings are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  33. All the wisdom and insights kept from humanity are immediately returned to it; in all moments. 
  34. All the creative endeavors that have been caught and killed flood immediately into the bandwidth of the human experience; in all moments. 
  35. All the truth, kindness, and sweetness that have been gutted from the Earth experience are returned to her; in all moments. 
  36. All forms of subjugating Earth are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  37. Earth shifts its paradigm from helpless naivety to being a badass champion of truth and justice; in all moments. 
  38. All autocrats are immediately hobbled on their knees of accountability; in all moments. 
  39. All autocrats’ lies and persuasion are immediately pissed away in the wind of no one gives a shit; in all moments. 
  40. All playing footsie between autocrats and their loan shark oligarchs is immediately chopped off at the knees; in all moments. 
  41. All oligarchs who traffic in human suffering and depravity are immediately rendered their comeuppance; in all moments. 
  42. All oligarchs are immediately extracted of all the providence they have hoarded from humanity; in all moments. 
  43. All those stockpiling humanity’s providence and monetary wealth are immediately gutted of their ill-gotten gain; in all moments. 
  44. All those who caretake monetary wealth do so as benefactors to uplift humanity; in all moments. 
  45. Taking is eradicated as an option on Earth; in all moments. 
  46. All taking that creates stagnant energy is flushed away by giving; in all moments. 
  47. A plethora of giving is enacted on the planet to flush out the pockets of stagnant energy; in all moments. 
  48. A renaissance of giving and receiving is actualized on Earth until all beings realize their worth; in all moments. 
  49. All autocrats and the act of taking for power’s sake are immediately eradicated like a plague; in all moments. 
  50. All blockages to all of humanity stepping up as caretakers of the Earth are immediately removed; in all moments. 
  51. All of life is reconnected to the sustenance of Earth, her chakras, and energy grids; in all moments. 
  52. Earth, with humanity at her helm, reclaims its galactic position as a benevolent, empowered presence; in all moments. 
  53. Earth is centered and empowered as a benevolent, empowered galactic presence; in all moments. 
  54. Earth resonates, emanates, and is interconnected with all life in being a benevolent, empowered galactic presence; in all moments.

Conclusion and Call to Action

This event offers an incredible opportunity to free both Earth and humanity from the oppressive grip of dark forces. Reflect on how your personal energy impacts the collective, and consider how you can further empower yourself by aligning with the Earth’s restored energy grid. Ask yourself – How can I contribute to the healing of Earth’s energy grid? In what ways am I allowing nefarious energies to influence my life, and how can I dismantle them? How does my individual healing align with the collective empowerment of humanity?

Download the SFT protocols from the Jenuine Healing website to continue your energetic cleanse, and explore more group SFT tapping events to deepen your connection with Earth and universal empowerment. For those inspired by this event, consider joining our Declaration of Universal Interdependence group on Facebook and participating in further events led by Jen Ward to expand your healing journey.

If you feel called to address any personal issues that have surfaced, book a private session with Jen to unlock deeper transformation.

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