Dissolving ritualistic control

Break free from ritualistic control and reclaim your sovereignty with Jen Ward’s SFT tapping on Durga Ashtami. Step into higher consciousness and universal empowerment today!


Ritualistic practices, often embedded deeply in spiritual traditions, can serve to disempower rather than uplift. In this group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider address the burden of ritualistic control and its role in keeping individuals locked in lower consciousness. Held during the Hindu spiritual portal of Durga Ashtami, this powerful event explores how breaking free from ancient, disempowering rituals can bring about personal sovereignty, higher consciousness, and universal empowerment. Through focused SFT tapping, the event offers participants a unique opportunity to dissolve long-held beliefs and reclaim their inner power.

Event Highlights

🔑 Releasing the Chains of Ritualistic Control:  Jen Ward explains how ritualistic practices, whether spiritual or mundane, keep individuals trapped in cycles of disempowerment. These rituals, passed down through centuries, often leave people feeling obligated to follow paths that stifle their personal sovereignty. By using SFT tapping, participants can break free from these engrained patterns and step into their own empowerment.

🔑 The Portal of Durga Ashtami as a Spiritual Gateway:  Durga Ashtami, an important day on the Hindu calendar, is traditionally associated with the worship of deities like Goddess Durga. However, this session reclaims the energy of this day, using it as a portal to dissolve disempowering practices and connect with higher consciousness. Jen Ward emphasizes that while traditions may have served humanity in the past, they often need to evolve for personal and collective growth.

🔑 Deconstructing the Worship of External Entities:  One key point discussed is how the worship of deities and demigods often locks people into cycles of idolatry and self-sacrifice. Jen highlights how this practice not only disempowers the individual but also traps the entities being worshipped. The session urges participants to reclaim their power and transcend the need for external validation or control from spiritual authorities.

🔑 Empowerment Through Self-Awareness and Personal Sovereignty:  Jen Ward’s insights into how individuals unknowingly sacrifice their own empowerment to outdated rituals are profound. Whether it’s through religious practices, familial obligations, or societal expectations, the session encourages participants to tap into their own truth. Personal sovereignty is the key to accessing higher consciousness, and this event helps dissolve the ties that bind people to limiting traditions.

🔑 Healing the Collective through Individual Transformation:  As each participant releases their own disempowering beliefs, they contribute to the healing of the collective. This session shows how personal growth and empowerment can ripple outward, contributing to universal empowerment. By freeing oneself from the past, participants help create a more conscious, empowered world.

Breaking Free from Ritualistic Control

Rituals, whether part of a spiritual practice or everyday routines, often seem benign. However, they can act as invisible chains, locking you into a disempowering cycle. You may not realize it, but following outdated rituals can stifle your personal growth and disconnect you from your true self. For example, religious practices that emphasize worshiping external entities—be they deities or traditions—may feel comforting but ultimately keep you from connecting with your inner power.

In this session, Jen Ward explains how rituals, even the simplest ones like morning routines or societal obligations, can drain your energy. By focusing on SFT Tapping, you begin to dissolve these patterns and reclaim your personal sovereignty. You are encouraged to question every ritual in your life: does it empower you, or does it pull you further away from your truth? Personal sovereignty, not ritualistic control, is the path to higher consciousness.

The Power of Durga Ashtami as a Spiritual Portal

Durga Ashtami traditionally symbolizes the triumph of good over evil. However, this event reframes Durga Ashtami as a spiritual portal to break free from disempowering traditions and step into your truth. Rather than focusing on the worship of external deities, Jen Ward invites you to use this powerful day to dissolve the energetic ties that hold you back.

This isn’t about abandoning spiritual traditions entirely; it’s about evolving them. As Jen explains, what may have served humanity thousands of years ago may no longer be relevant today. By participating in this tapping session, you allow yourself to transcend outdated practices and align with the energy of personal and universal empowerment.

Transcending Idolatry and the Worship of External Entities

One of the most powerful revelations from this session is how worshiping external entities—whether deities, religious figures, or spiritual leaders—keeps you in a loop of disempowerment. When you give your power to an external source, you lose connection with your own spiritual agency. Jen Ward emphasizes the importance of reclaiming your sovereignty and transcending the need for external validation.

By continuing to worship external forces, you trap not only yourself but also the entities you worship. This cycle of idolatry must be broken if you wish to step into your own power. Through tapping, you are given the tools to dissolve these energetic ties and realign with your own truth. The only path to higher consciousness is through your own empowerment, not through the glorification of others.

The Universal Impact of Personal Empowerment

You might wonder how your own personal growth could impact the world. But as Jen Ward explains, individual empowerment contributes to universal empowerment. Each time you dissolve a limiting belief, you are not only freeing yourself but also contributing to the collective energy of humanity. Personal and universal empowerment are deeply interconnected, and this session shows how tapping into your truth can ripple outward, affecting everyone around you.

By taking responsibility for your own spiritual growth, you also help dismantle the structures that keep humanity locked in lower consciousness. Empowerment is not a solitary journey; it’s a collective movement. Every time you free yourself, you contribute to the freedom of others.

Reclaiming Your Power Through Self-Awareness

At its core, this tapping event is about one thing: self-awareness. You are encouraged to reflect on the rituals, beliefs, and practices that may have served you in the past but are now holding you back. This is not about rejecting spirituality; it’s about evolving it. Jen Ward offers insights into how self-awareness is the first step to reclaiming your power. Once you are aware of the rituals and beliefs that limit you, you can actively choose to dissolve them and step into your full potential.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. The ritualistic worship of weapons is immediately eradicated in all moments. 
  2. All psychic streams of energy of worshipping weapons are immediately dissipated in all moments. 
  3. All energy matrices that support or enable the worshipping of weapons are sent into the light and sound in all moments. 
  4. All complex energy matrices that support, enable, or embolden the worship of weapons are escorted into the light and sound in all moments. 
  5. All incarnated beings whose primary purpose is to embolden chaos, weaponry, and war are escorted into the light and sound in all moments. 
  6. All gods, demigods, and fractured souls who purport war and the worshipping of weapons are escorted into the light and sound in all moments. 
  7. All glorifying of war is transcended in all moments. 
  8. The sacrifice of female empowerment to war gods is eradicated in all moments. 
  9. All ritualistic sacrifice to dogma is immediately thwarted and eradicated in all moments. 
  10. Humanity perpetually playing out ritualistic sacrifice is eradicated in all moments. 
  11. All psychic streams of energy of control caused by ritualistic sacrifice are dissipated in all moments. 
  12. All engrams, muscle memory, and manipulation of ritualistic sacrifice are immediately eradicated in all moments. 
  13. Living in a perpetual state of ritualistic sacrifice is immediately eradicated in all moments. 
  14. Perpetually playing out ritualistic sacrifice through war, violence, and chaos is immediately eradicated in all moments. 
  15. All rhetoric mandating, glorifying, or sensationalizing ritualistic sacrifice is eradicated in all moments. 
  16. All baked-in unworthiness that prevents humans from measuring up is eradicated in all moments. 
  17. All groveling and genuflecting in a hierarchy of gods, demigods, and fractured souls is eradicated in all moments. 
  18. All mean-spirited teachings that leave individuals gutted of passion are transcended in all moments. 
  19. All gilding of traditions into cages for human subjugation is eradicated in all moments. 
  20. All generational conditioning that has been hardwired into the DNA is eradicated in all moments. 
  21. All condoning and enabling of petty gods is repurposed into self-empowerment in all moments. 
  22. The washing of the feet of gurus is repurposed into washing off the indoctrination of deceit in all moments. 
  23. All incarnated souls who are chained to the worship of demigods are immediately freed in all moments. 
  24. All those who are caged in worship and idolatry are immediately freed in all moments. 
  25. We eliminate the first cause in spiritual bait and switch in all moments. 
  26. All despots of religion who are chained to rituals and idolatry are immediately awakened from their stupor in all moments. 
  27. All curses hard-baked into indoctrination are immediately removed in all moments. 
  28. The veil of illusion between the seeker and deception is immediately removed in all moments. 
  29. The ego’s long, tenuous effort to subjugate the true self immediately ends in all moments. 
  30. All souls are removed from Hell, Valhalla, and the River Styx in all moments. 
  31. All portals to Hell, Valhalla, the River Styx, and all other forms of self-imprisonment are immediately collapsed and dissolved in all moments. 
  32. All belief systems of self-flagellation and derision are eradicated in all moments. 
  33. All systemic means of preventing the individual from transcending are eradicated in all moments. 
  34. All universal denunciation of the sovereignty and empowerment of the individual is eradicated in all moments. 
  35. All pigeonholes that beliefs, traditions, and celebrations inflict on humanity are eradicated in all moments. 
  36. All means of rewarding the individual for prostrating themselves are eradicated in all moments. 
  37. All insidious encryptions subjugating morals encapsulated in traditions and beliefs are eradicated in all moments. 
  38. All the reverence allotted to moldy, dusty, moth-ridden beliefs and traditions is eradicated in all moments. 
  39. Basing truth on a makeshift foundation of ignorance is eradicated in all moments. 
  40. Systemically draining the passion and reverence out of each new generation through archaic mandates and beliefs is eradicated in all moments. 
  41. Using family cloisters to inbreed the passion and purpose out of humanity is eradicated in all moments. 
  42. All hierarchical structures that null and twist passion and purpose into an abomination of control are collapsed and dissolved in all moments. 
  43. Reverence and passion for truth are untethered from ritualistic practices of scorn and self-derision in all moments. 
  44. All gods, demigods, and fractured souls are freed from the prison and sentence of being worshipped in all moments. 
  45. All gods, demigods, and fractured souls are freed from their mental depiction that holds them captive in all moments. 
  46. All those fated to transcend are freed from the cage of personality worship in all moments. 
  47. All incarnated souls are immediately freed of worshipping past versions of themselves in all moments. 
  48. The maniacal dance between love, suffering, unworthiness, and worship is immediately eradicated in all moments. 
  49. All programming, conditioning, and muscle memory of expressing love and devotion through self-depravity is immediately eradicated in all moments. 
  50. All mounds of self-flagellation instilled and reinforced in morals and traditions are eradicated in all moments. 
  51. All individuals embedding fear of facing themselves are thwarted from being reinforced through social norms and traditions in all moments. 
  52. All social norms and traditions that encapsulate the individual into the sarcophagus of denial and resistance are eradicated in all moments. 
  53. The black fever of resistance to self-empowerment is purged from the ethers in all moments. 
  54. All those trapped in a perpetual purgatory of self-recusal are immediately reintegrated back into the jetstream of higher consciousness in all moments. 
  55. All atoms of life are pulled out of the mire of all lower-world agreements and set free into the winds of higher consciousness in all moments. 
  56. All lower-world agreements creating a quicksand to awakening are eradicated and annulled in all moments. 
  57. All fear and admonishment that bans individuals from higher consciousness is eradicated in all moments. 
  58. The primal fear that the higher worlds will be infiltrated with the wrong kind is immediately eradicated in all moments. 
  59. All blockages to higher consciousness are removed in all moments. 
  60. The floodgates to higher consciousness are opened in all moments. 
  61. All atoms of life are freed from being spiraled away from higher consciousness in all moments. 
  62. All atoms of life are perched and encouraged towards awakening and higher consciousness in all moments. 
  63. All atoms of life are centered and empowered in being perched and encouraged towards awakening in higher consciousness in all moments. 
  64. All atoms of life resonate, emanate, and are interconnected with all life in being perched and encouraged towards awakening in higher consciousness in all moments. 

Conclusion and Call to Action

Have you ever stopped to think about the rituals that dictate your life? Are they empowering you, or are they keeping you from your highest potential? This tapping event challenges you to break free from outdated practices that no longer serve you. Consider how releasing these patterns could change not just your life, but the collective energy of humanity.

Reflect on these questions: What beliefs or practices are you holding onto that no longer serve you? How would your life change if you let go of them? What does true personal sovereignty mean to you?

If this event resonates with you, visit the Jenuine Healing website to download the SFT protocols and try using the Energetic Cleanse protocol with phrases such as “ritualistic practices”; “genuflecting to outdated gods”; and “spiritual elitism”. Explore other group SFT tapping events and join the Declaration of Universal Interdependence Facebook page to stay connected to the work of Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider.

If this event has stirred personal issues for you, consider booking a private session with Jen Ward to dive deeper into your own empowerment journey.

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