Drying up ignorance

Participate in this powerful SFT tapping and energy healing event to clear stagnant energy, dissolve ignorance and access higher consciousness.


In this profound Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer, Jen Ward, and Marvin Schneider delve into the pervasive impact of ignorance on humanity and the planet. The event, aptly titled “Drying Up Ignorance,” invites participants to strip away layers of ignorance that have been baked into human consciousness over centuries. Through a series of powerful SFT taps, this event works to dissolve the stagnant energy created by ignorance and apathy, clearing a path toward universal empowerment, higher consciousness, and freedom for all individuals.

Event Highlights

🔑 Addressing the Root of Ignorance: Jen Ward connects the deep-seated ignorance in humanity with past-life traumas and societal conditioning. Participants are guided to acknowledge how past fears of persecution in past lives still play out in their reluctance to speak up and be seen. This transformative insight helps individuals break free from hiding and reclaim their voice.

🔑 Releasing the Stagnancy of Ignorance: Marvin Schneider compares ignorance to stagnancy, explaining how it keeps individuals locked in lower consciousness. The SFT taps clear this stagnant energy, allowing participants to move into a higher vantage point of understanding and creativity, ultimately contributing to universal empowerment.

🔑 Ignorance of Spiritual Laws: Jen emphasizes the widespread ignorance of spiritual laws, comparing them to the law of gravity—universal and unwavering. The event explores how humanity often picks and chooses which spiritual laws to follow, leading to imbalance. The taps in this session work to restore alignment with all spiritual laws, facilitating a more harmonious existence.

🔑 Tapping into Personal Empowerment: Through her teachings, Jen Ward reveals that arrogance and ignorance are closely related, with some individuals using intellectual arrogance to shield themselves from new perspectives. The SFT taps help dismantle these barriers, empowering participants to open their minds and hearts to universal truths.

🔑 Breaking the Cycles of Addiction and Ignorance: A powerful aspect of the event involves addressing addiction as a manifestation of ignorance. Jen explains how the craving for love and connection is often displaced onto unhealthy addictions. The SFT taps liberate individuals from these cycles, allowing them to seek higher forms of love and fulfillment.

🔑 Healing Ignorance Within Families: Participants are encouraged to recognize the ways in which ignorance is baked into family dynamics, particularly in how children are raised. The session provides a framework for breaking out of generational ignorance, empowering parents to raise children with higher awareness and a deeper connection to their own inner compass.

Ignorance and Apathy: Barriers to Universal Empowerment

In this event, you learn that ignorance is not simply a lack of knowledge, but a refusal to expand beyond the safety of familiar beliefs. Often linked with apathy, ignorance creates a stagnant energy that limits your ability to reach higher consciousness. Jen Ward explains that both ignorance and apathy stem from a deep-seated fear of being seen and heard. Perhaps in past lives, you experienced persecution for speaking up, which now manifests as hesitation in expressing your truth. By recognizing these patterns and tapping through them, you begin to dissolve the energetic blocks that have kept you in lower consciousness. Embracing your unique voice is the first step toward universal empowerment.

The Spiritual Laws You Might Be Ignoring

You may be familiar with the Law of Attraction, but do you understand how it interacts with other spiritual laws? Jen emphasizes that spiritual ignorance is often the result of selectively applying spiritual principles while ignoring others. Just as the law of gravity applies universally, so do spiritual laws. When you fail to honor all of them, your efforts to manifest and align with higher consciousness may fall short. This session challenges you to go deeper in your spiritual understanding and embrace the full spectrum of spiritual laws, which act as a foundation for transcending ignorance and living a more harmonious, empowered life.

Addiction as a Manifestation of Ignorance

During the event, Jen connects the issue of addiction to ignorance, particularly the ignorance of true love and connection. Many people unconsciously use substances, behaviors, or even relationships to fill the void left by a disconnection from their inner compass or spiritual source. You may find yourself drawn to unhealthy patterns as a way to seek comfort or escape pain. The SFT taps in this session help you recognize where ignorance has led to addiction in your own life, and offer you a powerful tool to break these cycles. By addressing the root of ignorance, you can find healthier ways to meet your emotional and spiritual needs.

Breaking Free from Generational Ignorance

Family dynamics play a significant role in how ignorance is passed down through generations. In this event, Jen Ward explains how many of the beliefs and behaviors you have inherited are rooted in ignorance baked into family structures. You might unconsciously perpetuate these patterns, even when they no longer serve you or your loved ones. Through SFT tapping, you have the opportunity to break free from these generational cycles and empower your children to trust their own inner compass. By healing the ignorance within your family, you create a ripple effect that extends into the collective, contributing to the larger shift toward higher consciousness.

Spiritual Ignorance in Modern Society

Spiritual ignorance is not limited to individuals—it is reinforced by societal structures such as religion, education, and government. Jen highlights how many of these institutions operate on outdated paradigms that no longer serve humanity’s evolution. You are invited to question the systems you engage with and recognize where they may be perpetuating ignorance. This event challenges you to trust your own inner knowing, rather than relying on external authorities to dictate your beliefs or behavior. By doing so, you step into your own power and contribute to a collective awakening that dismantles ignorance on a global scale.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. The ignorance that humanity has been galvanized in is systemically stripped away; in all moments. 
  2. All the slurry of ignorance that humanity wades in is immediately dried up; in all moments. 
  3. The ebb and flow of ignorance that distracts humanity from transcending is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  4. All the ignorance that distracts humanity from its purpose is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  5. The earth is thawed out of the ice age of ignorance; in all moments. 
  6. All intentional or unintentional ignorance is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  7. The ignorance of poisoning our own bodies is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  8. The ignorance of creating our own suffering is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  9. The ignorance caused through addiction is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  10. The addiction to ignorance is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  11. Subjugating others in ignorance to maintain power is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  12. Humanity subverting its own awakening through worshipping ignorance is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  13. Mass enslavement through ritualistic beliefs and practices is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  14. Ignorantly giving our power away is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  15. Worshipping in ignorance is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  16. Ignorance of our own potential is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  17. Ignorance of our own journey is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  18. Ignorance of our connection to source is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  19. Ignorance of our own subjugation and ability to be free is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  20. Humanity’s ignorance of the interconnection between the individual and the collective is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  21. The alluring bliss of ignorance is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  22. All processes that use blissful ignorance as bait are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  23. All synergy between bliss and ignorance is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  24. All ignorance of self-awareness is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  25. All commiserating in ignorance is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  26. Snake pits, brothels, and hovels of ignorance are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  27. Ignorance of spiritual law is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  28. Ignorance of cause and effect is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  29. Ignorance of our omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  30. Ignorance of our Akashic records is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  31. Ignorance of accountability is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  32. Willful ignorance is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  33. Ignorance of the wisdom of the trees is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  34. Weaponizing ignorance is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  35. Ignorance as an excuse is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  36. All disconnect between action and consequences is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  37. All ignorance between our experiences and karmic lessons is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  38. All synergy between ignorance and arrogance is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  39. All energy trapped in ignorance is immediately freed; in all moments. 
  40. Getting trapped in the quicksand of ignorance is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  41. Confusing ignorance for spiritual devotion is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  42. Being trapped in the ignorance of the scriptures is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  43. Being shackled to a manmade God by ignorance is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  44. All ignorance is extracted out of the thinking process; in all moments. 
  45. Being trapped in inaction by ignorance is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  46. Governments, religions, corporations, schools, and parents are immediately thwarted from trafficking in ignorance; in all moments. 
  47. All reflective mirrors of ignorance are immediately shattered; in all moments. 
  48. Ignorance is stripped off all cajoling tactics; in all moments. 
  49. All of humanity shifts its paradigm from ignorance to intelligent self-reflection; in all moments. 
  50. All vivaxes between war and ignorance are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  51. Staying in ignorance to avoid the pain of growth is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  52. The practice of inducing pain to prevent growth is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  53. Growth’s paradigm is shifted from inducing pain to supporting wellbeing; in all moments. 
  54. Paralysis in ignorance is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  55. All individuals immediately shift their paradigm from ignorance to listening to their own inner compass; in all moments. 
  56. All individuals immediately break out of the sarcophagus of ignorance they have been trapped in; in all moments. 
  57. A rebirth of consciousness void of ignorance is immediately activated and realized; in all moments. 
  58. All individuals in the collective are immediately induced out of the coma of ignorance; in all moments. 
  59. All individuals are aligned with their own capacity to discern; in all moments. 
  60. All the ploys to keep humanity in ignorance are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  61. The scum of ignorance is scraped off all surfaces in the lower worlds; in all moments. 
  62. All ignorance on all levels is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  63. All the lower worlds are elevated through the elimination of ignorance; in all moments. 
  64. All atoms of life immediately transcend ignorance; in all moments. 
  65. All atoms of life are centered and empowered in transcending ignorance; in all moments. 
  66. All atoms of life resonate, emanate, and are interconnected with all life in transcending ignorance; in all moments. 

Conclusion and Call to Action

As you reflect on this powerful event, consider where ignorance has influenced your life. How has it shaped your worldview, relationships, or even your spiritual journey? Are you ready to dry up the ignorance in your life and step into a space of universal empowerment? By addressing these questions and engaging with the SFT taps, you’ll begin the process of dismantling the layers of ignorance holding you back.

We invite you to download the SFT protocols from the Jenuine Healing website and use the Energetic Cleanse protocol with phrases like “ignorance”; “baked on beliefs”; and “refusing to transcend”.

Explore more group SFT tapping events and join the Declaration of Universal Interdependence Facebook page to further ignite your path to higher consciousness.

If this event has brought up any personal issues, consider booking a private session with Jen Ward to dive deeper into your individual healing journey.

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