Eliminating the abyss of need

Unlock inner abundance and eliminate the abyss of need with SFT Tapping. Transcend ego-driven scarcity, heal emotional wounds, and embrace energetic outflow and balance.


In this transformative Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer, Jen Ward, and Marvin Schneider tackle one of the most pressing issues holding humanity in lower consciousness—the abyss of need. This need, driven by ego and scarcity, fosters a cycle of want that blocks your access to inner abundance and higher consciousness. Through profound insights and the power of SFT tapping, you’ll discover how to dissolve these deep-rooted energy blockages, heal emotional wounds, and unlock a state of energetic outflow. This event offers a powerful opportunity to transcend the ego and experience universal empowerment.

Event Highlights

🔑 Transcending the Ego to Eliminate Need: Jen and Marvin explain how the ego drives the need for validation, attention, and material possessions, creating an energetic abyss that fosters stagnation. They discuss how SFT tapping helps dissolve this blockage, allowing you to step into a state of outflow and release the constant hunger for more.

🔑 Understanding the Difference Between Want and Need: In this session, Jen clarifies the distinction between essential human needs (such as food and shelter) and superficial wants that stem from ego-driven desire. By identifying these differences, you can start releasing the grip of materialistic pursuits that limit your spiritual growth.

🔑 The Concept of Energetic Outflow: One key highlight is the idea of keeping energy moving through outflow—by giving, serving, and supporting others, you keep the energy in balance. Jen shares how this principle can unlock a sense of inner abundance, where less is truly more, and your life becomes more harmonious.

🔑 Breaking Free from Scarcity: This event deeply explores how societal conditioning pushes you to accumulate more than necessary. The collective programming of scarcity perpetuates a sense of lack and overcompensation. Jen and Marvin guide you through SFT taps to break free from this programming and step into a mindset of abundance.

🔑 Healing the Collective Consciousness: As each individual works to dissolve their personal need and scarcity, they simultaneously contribute to healing the collective consciousness. Jen emphasizes the importance of universal empowerment—by healing yourself, you are also healing humanity.

The Abyss of Need and Its Ego-Driven Roots

At the core of the abyss of need is the ego, which creates a constant hunger for more—be it attention, material goods, or validation. This need is often misinterpreted as essential, but in reality, it serves only to inflate the ego and create stagnation. Through SFT tapping, you can begin to release this false sense of need, freeing yourself from the cycle of want and scarcity that keeps you stuck in lower consciousness.

Energetic Outflow as a Path to Abundance

One of the profound insights shared during this event is the concept of energetic outflow—when you give, serve, and support others, you keep the energy moving. Energy, like water, must flow to remain pure and balanced. When you practice outflow, you shift from a state of wanting to a state of having, where abundance is not something you seek, but something you embody.

Healing Past Life Engrams and Emotional Baggage

Jen touches on how past life experiences and emotional baggage can fuel your sense of need. These energy blocks, often unconscious, perpetuate feelings of lack and scarcity. By addressing these issues with SFT tapping, you can dissolve the energetic remnants of past traumas and step into a new paradigm of abundance and fulfillment.

 Breaking the Chains of Societal Conditioning

Society constantly encourages you to accumulate, to measure your worth by what you own. This event delves into the dangers of this conditioning and how it blocks you from experiencing true joy and abundance. Through tapping, you are empowered to reject the messages that tell you more is better and instead embrace the principle that less is more.

 Universal Empowerment Through Collective Healing

The final insight Jen and Marvin share is that healing is not just personal—it is collective. When you release your own needs and outflow love and energy to others, you contribute to the collective healing of humanity. In doing so, you become part of a global shift toward higher consciousness and universal empowerment.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. All stagnant energy of need is dried up; in all moments.
  2. All want driven by need is eradicated; in all moments.
  3. All synergy between want and need is eradicated; in all moments.
  4. All psychic streams of energy of want are dissipated; in all moments.
  5. All want conversing with need is eradicated; in all moments.
  6. We release the confusion between want and need; in all moments.
  7. Humans are released from being primed to want; in all moments.
  8. Humans release confusing want for need; in all moments.
  9. Humans release being subjugated by want; in all moments.
  10. Humans release being coerced into believing that they need; in all moments.
  11. Humans are universally freed from the propensity to take; in all moments.
  12. Humans release the need to overcompensate; in all moments.
  13. The belief that evil is blatantly ugly is eradicated; in all moments.
  14. All masks, walls, armor, and illusion are stripped off all evil; in all moments.
  15. The first cause of evil is eliminated; in all moments.
  16. The comely beguile of evil is eradicated; in all moments.
  17. Being duped by evil in all its forms is eradicated; in all moments.
  18. All psychic extremes of energy of the seduction of evil are eradicated; in all moments.
  19. Belief in a personified evil is eradicated; in all moments.
  20. All psychic streams of energy that coerce want and need are eradicated; in all moments.
  21. Confusing want for need is eradicated; in all moments.
  22. Overemphasizing necessity to the desperation of need is eradicated; in all moments.
  23. All industries based on coercing the populace to want are eradicated; in all moments.
  24. The manipulative ploy of coercing the populace to want is eradicated; in all moments.
  25. All creature comforts that are a liability to humanity are eradicated; in all moments.
  26. All creature comforts that were cajoled into mainstream are eradicated; in all moments.
  27. All creature comforts that are a liability to higher consciousness fall out of want; in all moments.
  28. All succubae of need and want are eradicated; in all moments.
  29. All atoms of life are freed from the mind trap of need; in all moments.
  30. All atoms of life are released from the subjugation of want; in all moments.
  31. All the lower worlds shift their paradigm from need and want to have; in all moments.
  32. Space is made in the world for individuals to relax in their atoms in the moment of having; in all moments.
  33. The slavery to accumulating more is eradicated; in all moments.
  34. All hoarding in a perpetual state of desire is eradicated; in all moments.
  35. The Wei Chi is healed and repaired on the psyche and physicality of all beings; in all moments.
  36. Being trapped in the paralysis of want and need is eradicated; in all moments.
  37. All hoarders on all levels awaken from their stupor; in all moments.
  38. The emptiness of hoarding, especially of wealth, is realized by all; in all moments.
  39. The burden of perpetual want is taken off the yoke of humanity; in all moments.
  40. The desperate desire to outdo your neighbors is eradicated; in all moments.
  41. The concept of sharing is integrated into the collective; in all moments.
  42. The benevolence of giving is reinstated as a simple pleasure; in all moments.
  43. Hoarding to excess and as a detriment to the planet is realized as a crime against humanity; in all moments.
  44. The satisfying balance of having enough is realized by all; in all moments.
  45. Redistribution of energy is immediately activated between the energetic hoarders and those deficient; in all moments.
  46. The psychic fingers of take are all dissipated; in all moments.
  47. All industries, governments, religions, and societal groups based on take are repurposed to give; in all moments.
  48. All programming and conditioning to take is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  49. All social norms whose bylaws center around taking are eradicated; in all moments.
  50. All pleasure experienced by taking is eradicated; in all moments.
  51. All psychic streams of energy that activate the pleasure principle in taking are dissipated; in all moments.
  52. All energy matrices and complex energy matrices that hold humanity in the primal propensity to take are escorted into the light and sound; in all moments.
  53. All of humanity is centered and empowered in the sanctity of having enough; in all moments.
  54. All of humanity resonates, emanates, and is interconnected with all life in the sanctity of having enough; in all moments.

Conclusion and Call to Action

The abyss of need that Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider address in this SFT tapping event is not just a collective one – it is a personal struggle as well. By releasing the ego-driven desires that create stagnation, you can step into a state of abundance and energetic outflow. Reflect on your own life: What areas are still driven by ego and need? How would your life change if you let go of wanting and embraced outflow? How can you contribute to the collective healing of humanity?

You can start your journey by downloading the SFT protocols from the Jenuine Healing website. Consider using these Energetic Cleanse protocol with phrases like “the abyss of need”; “confusing want with need” and “being subjugated by need”. These taps can guide you toward both personal and collective empowerment.

To explore deeper healing, explore the vast catalog of past group SFT tapping events or book a private session with Jen Ward. This event brought up personal insights for many, and you too can experience profound transformation by tapping into the power of energy healing. Lastly, visit the Declaration of Universal Interdependence Facebook page to connect with others on this journey and continue healing yourself while contributing to the healing of humanity.

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