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Global Healing for Israel-Palestine Peace

Global healing for Israel-Palestine peace through SFT tapping. Release collective trauma, transcend conflict, and awaken higher consciousness for true unity.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. The first cause of proxy wars in the Middle East is eliminated; in all moments.
  2. All proxy wars are fizzled out of existence; in all moments.
  3. All mercenaries are put out of commission; in all moments.
  4. The Israel-Palestine conflict is thwarted from emboldening religious zealots; in all moments.
  5. Power mongers are thwarted from using the Israel-Palestine conflict in pursuit of power; in all moments.
  6. Those jockeying for power are thwarted from amping up the hate in Israel and Palestine; in all moments.
  7. The stoking of hate between Palestine and Israel is thwarted; in all moments.
  8. All genocide of the Palestinian or Israeli people is immediately thwarted; in all moments.
  9. The first cause of the Israel-Palestine conflict is eliminated; in all moments.
  10. All power mongers are leveraged out of a position of power; in all moments.
  11. All engrams and muscle memory of the Israel-Palestine conflict are removed; in all moments.
  12. All curses from holy scriptures are removed from Israel and Palestine; in all moments.
  13. All attempts to dehumanize those in the Israel-Palestine conflict fail; in all moments.
  14. All illusion is stripped off power factions using the Israel-Palestinian conflict to stay in office; in all moments.
  15. Power factions are thwarted from inflaming the Israel-Palestine conflict to stay in power; in all moments.
  16. The transgressions of power factions are thwarted from reflecting on the Israelis and Palestinians; in all moments.
  17. All self-enrichment at the cost of Israelis or Palestinians is thwarted; in all moments.
  18. All those who enrich themselves as the result of the October 7th attack are immediately held accountable; in all moments.
  19. All interference in the peace process between Israel and Palestine is thwarted; in all moments.
  20. All those perpetuating the Israel-Palestine conflict are energetically reprimanded; in all moments.
  21. All superiority over other factions and people is thwarted in both Israel and Palestine; in all moments.
  22. All false equivalence between Israelis and Palestinians is thwarted; in all moments.
  23. All self-righteousness and victimization driving the Israel-Palestine conflict is eliminated; in all moments.
  24. All psychic fervor of hate is removed from the Israel-Palestine conflict; in all moments.
  25. All power factions are thwarted from enlivening old engrams of hate; in all moments.
  26. All power factions are held accountable for war crimes against humanity; in all moments.
  27. Power factions are thwarted from weaponizing conservative values; in all moments.
  28. All those being used by power factions to consolidate power through conservative coalitions wake the fuck up; in all moments.
  29. Power factions are immediately thwarted from committing genocide; in all moments.
  30. All false equivalence between power mongers and the passionate is released; in all moments.
  31. All crimes against humanity that power mongers commit are a crushing blow to their own standing; in all moments.
  32. All power mongers are stripped of all legitimacy; in all moments.
  33. The Israelis and the Palestinians take back their empowerment from power factions; in all moments.
  34. All legitimacy is stripped off opportunists and power mongers in the Israel-Palestine conflict; in all moments.
  35. All nations turn against power mongers for their crimes against humanity; in all moments.
  36. The world thwarts being pulled into war by power factions; in all moments.
  37. All engrams and muscle memory of the Israel-Palestine conflict are expunged from existence; in all moments.
  38. All coalition of dictators is pulverized into dust; in all moments.
  39. All scapegoating of the Palestinian or Israeli people is eliminated; in all moments.
  40. All equating the Palestinian or Israeli people with extremism is eliminated; in all moments.
  41. Extremists are thwarted from using the Palestinian or Israeli people as human shields; in all moments.
  42. All victimization of Israelis or Palestinians is thwarted; in all moments.
  43. The first cause in using hostages as bargaining chips is eliminated; in all moments.
  44. The nefarious intentions of all power factions in the Israel-Palestine conflict are exposed; in all moments.
  45. All power factions selling out humanity are exposed; in all moments.
  46. The suffering in Israel and Palestine is immediately eliminated; in all moments.
  47. All synergy between power factions emboldening the Israel-Palestine conflict is eliminated; in all moments.
  48. Power factions in the Israel-Palestine conflict are thwarted from carrying the water for power-hungry zealots; in all moments.
  49. All engrams and muscle memory of them versus us are eliminated in Israel and Palestine; in all moments.
  50. All profiteering at the expense of human suffering is thwarted; in all moments.
  51. All those profiteering off human suffering are immediately hoisted on their own pathetic petard; in all moments.
  52. All power factions are immediately thwarted from benefiting from the suffering of others; in all moments.
  53. All power factions are thwarted from standing on the shoulders of despots to prevail; in all moments.
  54. All nefarious power faction alliances are exposed; in all moments.
  55. All contracts dictators have with world domination are annulled; in all moments.
  56. All the suffering that power factions intend to inflict falls squarely in their own lap; in all moments.
  57. All coagulation of power factions with radicalized conservatism is purged from existence; in all moments.
  58. All old consciousness kicked up by radicalized conservatism is immediately squelched; in all moments.
  59. Those with nefarious intentions are thwarted from hiding behind self-righteousness; in all moments.
  60. Power factions are thwarted from using the Israel-Palestine conflict to make a name for themselves; in all moments.
  61. All delinquency on truth and compassion comes due; in all moments.
  62. Power factions are unceremoniously ousted as speaking and acting for Israel or Palestine; in all moments.
  63. All secret agreements between power factions are exposed and severed; in all moments.
  64. Other countries and well-doers are thwarted from adding to the chaos and entanglement of the Israel-Palestine conflict; in all moments.
  65. Israel and Palestine both grow a pair in calling out power factions and removing them from power; in all moments.
  66. Programming and conditioning children to hate is immediately thwarted; in all moments.
  67. Power factions are immediately thwarted from delaying world peace; in all moments.
  68. The world is released from being divvied up into them versus us; in all moments.
  69. All the chaos and confusion between Israel and Palestine is eliminated; in all moments.
  70. All scapegoating and abusing the sacred people of Palestine and Israel is immediately thwarted; in all moments.
  71. Palestinian and Israeli people remove their labels and lay down their sword and shield; in all moments.
  72. The weight of all nefarious transgressions is removed from the Palestinian and Israeli people; in all moments.
  73. All curses on Israel-Palestine relations are removed; in all moments.
  74. Palestine and Israel are freed of acting out pissing contests of God; in all moments.
  75. The dehumanizing and demoralizing of both the Palestinian and Israeli people is immediately thwarted; in all moments.
  76. All blockages to the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip being addressed are removed; in all moments.
  77. The whole world sends their love and support to the Palestinian and Israeli people; in all moments.
  78. All pious genuflecting at the chagrin of the Palestinians or Israelis is eliminated; in all moments.
  79. Palestine and Israel are both released from being the world’s poster boy for them versus us mode; in all moments.
  80. The anchors of the Daisy of Death are released from the Israel-Palestine conflict; in all moments.
  81. All engrams and muscle memory of Israel and Palestine being enemies are released; in all moments.
  82. Cain and Abel empower and nurture each other; in all moments.
  83. All roots to dissension are released between Palestine and Israel; in all moments.
  84. Israel and Palestine find common ground to coexist and transcend; in all moments.
  85. All blockages to Israel and Palestine coexisting and transcending are removed; in all moments.
  86. All blockages to Israel and Palestine synergizing to drive out power factions are removed; in all moments.
  87. Israel and Palestine coalesce in the right for the other to exist; in all moments.
  88. All blockages to Palestine and Israel peacefully coexisting and transcending are removed; in all moments.
  89. Palestine and Israel are centered and empowered in benevolence and respect for each other; in all moments.
  90. Palestine and Israel resonate, emanate, and are interconnected with all life in benevolence and respect for each other; in all moments.
  91. The coming together of Israel and Palestine is a seedbed to world peace; in all moments.


The Israel-Palestine conflict has long been a source of deep pain, not only for those directly involved but for humanity as a whole. In this Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider took participants beyond political narratives and historical grievances, working at an energetic level to bring profound healing to the collective. Unlike conventional solutions that reinforce division, this event operated at a higher vantage point, focusing on transcendence rather than polarization.

By addressing the underlying energy patterns fueling conflict, this session sought to dismantle the hold of power factions, religious extremism, and self-interest that keep humanity locked in cycles of war and suffering. It invited participants to shift from “us vs. them” mentalities to a space of universal empowerment, recognizing the interconnectedness of all people. This was not just about Israel and Palestine—this was a profound effort to heal all divisions across humanity and move toward a future of higher consciousness.

Event Highlights

🔑 Transcending Conflict at an Energetic Level: The session focused on removing first causes of war, power struggles, and historical trauma. Participants engaged in SFT tapping to release entrenched patterns of violence, retaliation, and manipulation fueling the Israel-Palestine conflict and broader global unrest.

🔑 Eliminating Proxy Wars and Hidden Agendas: The event addressed how geopolitical power factions use conflicts as proxy wars to advance their own agendas. Through targeted SFT taps, energy was cleared to neutralize manipulative forces and remove the influence of those benefiting from chaos.

🔑 Dismantling Religious Extremism and Partisan Control: Religious zealotry was a key focus, with taps targeting radicalized ideologies, oppression, and the exploitation of spiritual beliefs for power. This addressed not just the conflict itself, but also how fanaticism fuels division worldwide.

🔑 Breaking Free from “Us vs. Them” Programming: The session tackled the deeply ingrained tribal consciousness that perpetuates separation. Participants worked to dissolve mental constructs of superiority, victimization, and dehumanization, replacing them with a higher awareness of unity and compassion.

🔑 Empowering the People, Not Power Factions: The SFT taps disrupted the cycles of control and manipulation that keep Israelis and Palestinians trapped in suffering. By energetically shifting focus from leaders and factions to the actual people affected, the session created space for genuine peace to emerge.

🔑 A Call for Global Participation in Healing: A powerful message was conveyed—this conflict affects all of humanity. Participants recognized how their own energetic burdens and collective suffering are tied to this larger struggle and how tapping can facilitate both personal and global healing.

Dismantling the Energy of Power Mongering

Throughout history, wars have rarely been about the people caught in the crossfire—they have always been about power factions jockeying for control. The Israel-Palestine conflict is no exception. This session exposed how autocrats, war profiteers, and religious zealots manipulate divisions to maintain dominance.

Participants engaged in targeted SFT taps to strip these factions of their legitimacy, ensuring their manipulations no longer hold power. The energetic cleanse went deep, dissolving the programming of hatred, fear, and retaliation that keeps populations subjugated. By cutting off the energy supply to self-serving leadership structures, the session created space for authentic peace and self-governance.

Healing the Collective Trauma in the Psyche of Humanity

A core theme of the session was how collective trauma embeds itself in the human psyche, affecting even those who believe they are unaffected. The war, while localized, generates an energetic ripple that fuels suffering across the globe. This event encouraged participants to recognize that the pain of one is the pain of all.

Through focused SFT tapping, participants worked to release stored trauma from their own energy fields, freeing themselves from the weight of ancestral wounds, historical imprints, and subconscious fear. This process of individual healing contributes to dismantling global cycles of violence and retaliation.

Releasing the Falsehood of Superiority and Victimization

The illusion of moral superiority and the entrenched victim-perpetrator dynamic are major barriers to peace. This event highlighted how both sides in the Israel-Palestine conflict—and in all conflicts—are manipulated into reinforcing these roles.

By tapping into the energy behind these distortions, participants actively dismantled the programming that fuels resentment, retaliation, and self-righteousness. This crucial work allows for true mutual recognition, compassion, and coexistence beyond the conditioned narratives imposed by external forces.

The Role of Music in Healing Frequencies

A powerful element of the session was the use of music and song to shift energy. As Jen Ward and participants invoked songs of peace and unity, the vibrational frequencies cut through energetic resistance, allowing deeper healing to take place.

Music has historically played a role in ending wars, as seen in the Vietnam War era, when songs became catalysts for change. The session reinforced the idea that sound frequencies are essential tools for restoring balance and uplifting consciousness.

Conclusion and Call to Action

The Israel-Palestine conflict is a microcosm of the world’s larger struggle for peace. This session made it clear that healing cannot come from political maneuvering or war—it must arise from within the consciousness of individuals. What false narratives about division are you still holding? How can you release them? Are you willing to acknowledge the right of all people—regardless of background—to live in peace and empowerment?

If this event resonated with you, explore more of the powerful SFT tapping sessions available. Download the SFT protocols here and integrate these taps into your personal healing practice. Consider using these Energetic Cleanse Protocol phrases to remove energy from global conflict: “Proxy war programming”; “Religious zealotry constructs”; “Weaponized ideology”; “Power faction manipulation”; and “Energetic polarization”.

To participate in future group healing events, click here. If this session stirred personal wounds, book a private healing session with Jen Ward here. Those seeking a deep, long-term healing transformation can sign up for the Extended Healing package here.

Join the global movement toward universal empowerment and peace. The shift begins with you.

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