Liberating the earth and moon

Join Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider in a powerful Supermoon SFT Tapping event to liberate the Earth and Moon, heal their energies, and shift humanity from exploitation to universal empowerment.


In this profound group SFT tapping event, hosted by world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider, participants gather during the October 2024 Supermoon to tap into the cosmic energy of this powerful celestial event. The focus of this session is on liberating both the Earth and Moon from negative energies and empowering them as conscious entities. The event highlights how humanity’s relationship with Earth has become one of exploitation, and through SFT tapping, participants are invited to shift that dynamic, bringing in higher consciousness and universal empowerment. This session is a call for collective healing and awakening to our responsibility as caretakers of Earth and its symbiotic relationship with the Moon.

Event Highlights

🔑 Addressing Earth’s Consciousness and Humanity’s Exploitation:  Jen Ward emphasizes that the Earth is not just an inanimate object but a conscious, living entity with a soul. Humanity’s disregard for the Earth has led to widespread exploitation, mirroring the way parasites infect a host. Through SFT tapping, the event focuses on healing the collective’s destructive impact on the Earth by fostering respect and reverence for it as a sentient being.

🔑 Supermoon’s Celestial Energy as a Portal for Healing:  This session takes place during the October 2024 Supermoon, which is uniquely positioned to offer strong cosmic energy for healing. Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider guide participants in utilizing this energy to shift planetary consciousness. The event highlights the interconnectedness of the Earth and Moon, making the Supermoon an ideal time to address deep-rooted issues of exploitation and subjugation.

🔑 Shifting from Subjugation to Empowerment;  A core theme of this session is the transition from subjugating the Earth for personal gain to empowering it through respect and care. Participants are guided through SFT taps that release ingrained behaviors of exploitation, encouraging a mindset of co-creation with Earth rather than dominance. The goal is to align humanity with the Earth’s natural rhythms and empower both to thrive.

🔑 Exploring the Astral and Causal Planes:  Jen introduces metaphysical insights about the layers of consciousness surrounding Earth, including the astral and causal planes where souls reside between lifetimes. The session delves into how these layers impact the collective consciousness and how humanity can raise its vibration by healing past life traumas stored in these planes through SFT tapping.

🔑 Humanity’s Primal Tendencies and Escapism:  Jen Ward discusses the primal programming that leads humans to view the Earth as disposable. These tendencies manifest as escapism, whether through overpopulation, resource depletion, or searching for new planets. The tapping session helps participants release these tendencies, inviting a more thoughtful and appreciative relationship with Earth and its resources.

The Earth and Moon as Conscious Entities

In this session, you are encouraged to reconsider the way you perceive the Earth and Moon, not as lifeless objects, but as conscious, living entities with deep spiritual significance. Jen Ward introduces the concept that both celestial bodies have a soul, and their existence plays a crucial role in human evolution. You are asked to consider how your daily actions impact these bodies. Are you treating the Earth as a disposable resource, or are you revering it as a sacred partner in your spiritual journey?

Through SFT tapping, you are guided to release entrenched beliefs that prevent humans from recognizing the Earth and Moon’s sovereignty. Each tap serves as an opportunity to honor your connection to the planet, shifting from a mindset of dominance to one of empowerment and reverence.

Harnessing Supermoon Energy for Transformation

The October 2024 Supermoon offers an extraordinary opportunity to harness celestial energy for transformation. The Supermoon’s proximity to the Earth amplifies its influence, making it an ideal time to engage in energy healing practices like SFT tapping. You are encouraged to align yourself with this potent energy, using the taps to release negative patterns tied to Earth’s exploitation.

The session highlights how celestial events, like the Supermoon, act as portals for deeper spiritual work. The energy of the moon, combined with the Earth’s consciousness, creates a powerful synergy for healing the collective and restoring balance. Are you ready to tap into this cosmic energy and liberate both yourself and the planet from the limitations of lower consciousness?

Healing Humanity’s Relationship with the Earth

Humanity’s current relationship with the Earth is one of exploitation, treating it as a resource to be used up without regard for future generations. In this tapping session, Jen Ward helps you confront this dynamic, encouraging a shift in consciousness. Through the SFT taps, you are invited to release the mindset of treating Earth as disposable and instead cultivate a deep appreciation for the planet’s gifts.

As you engage with the taps, you may begin to notice shifts in how you view your own role as a caretaker of the Earth. Are you contributing to the planet’s desecration, or are you actively working to heal and restore it? The SFT tapping practice serves as a powerful tool for realigning your intentions and actions with the Earth’s natural rhythms.

Expanding Beyond the Mental Realm

A key theme of this session is the exploration of higher planes of consciousness, such as the astral and causal planes. These planes are where past and future life memories reside, influencing the collective consciousness. By tapping into these metaphysical layers, you can address and heal unresolved issues that may be holding you back in this lifetime.

Jen Ward guides you through the process of expanding your consciousness beyond the mental realm, where the ego often traps individuals in lower vibrations. Through SFT tapping, you are empowered to transcend the limitations of the mind and connect with the deeper wisdom of the Earth, the Moon, and the cosmos.

Humanity’s Role in Earth’s Empowerment

One of the most impactful takeaways from this session is the reminder that humanity has a crucial role in empowering the Earth. Through SFT tapping, you are invited to shift your perspective from subjugation to empowerment, not just for yourself but for the entire planet. The taps serve as a reminder that you are not separate from the Earth but deeply interconnected with its consciousness.

As you engage with the session, reflect on your role as a caretaker of the planet. Are you contributing to its exploitation, or are you actively working to restore balance and harmony? The power to heal the Earth and the Moon lies within your hands through the simple yet profound practice of SFT tapping.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. The radical objectifying of Earth, the Moon, and existence is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  2. Humans following the trajectory of an infestation is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  3. Humans sending scout ants out into the galaxy in desperation is eradicated; in all moments.
  4. The disposable mentality is eradicated on Earth; in all moments.
  5. Treating Earth as disposable is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  6. Embarrassing our species in front of others is eradicated; in all moments.
  7. The archaic quest to stay primal is eradicated; in all moments.
  8. Pissing away our intelligence on conspiracy theories is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  9. All blockages to applying the Occam’s Razor theory regarding evolution are eradicated; in all moments.
  10. All blockages to applying the Occam’s Razor theory in regard to reincarnation are eradicated; in all moments.
  11. All primal programming in the DNA is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  12. The human brain filtering out the evidence of reincarnation is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  13. All crash-and-burn mentality regarding Earth is eradicated; in all moments.
  14. All blockages to applying the Occam’s Razor theory regarding the health of the planet are eradicated; in all moments.
  15. All denial of man’s responsibility to the planet is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  16. All entrenched beliefs that prevent humans from rising to their responsibility to Earth are eradicated; in all moments.
  17. All infestations of ignorance are eradicated from the Earth and Moon; in all moments.
  18. All blockages in the synergy between the Earth and Moon are eradicated; in all moments.
  19. All mindsets for humans to go down in a blaze of glorious ignorance are eradicated; in all moments.
  20. All nefarious attempts to subjugate the entire Earth are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  21. All mainstream attempts to annihilate truth, morality, and accountability on the planet miserably fail; in all moments.
  22. All curses, threats, and psychic attacks administered to Earth by misled humans are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  23. All engrams created of world domination by nefarious intentions are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  24. All limitations on Earth created by fear-based humans are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  25. All psychosociopathic wet dreams about world domination are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  26. Treating Earth and the Moon like inanimate objects is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  27. All blockages to every individual respecting the Earth and Moon sovereignty are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  28. All blockages to the Earth and Moon thriving are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  29. All symbiotic lifeforms on Earth are immediately regenerated; in all moments.
  30. All the ingratitude that is stifling the breath of the Earth and Moon is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  31. All disconnects between the Earth and her inhabitants are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  32. All disconnect in experiencing the Earth’s wisdom and splendor is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  33. Treating Earth like an evil stepmother by those who were planted here is eradicated; in all moments.
  34. All engrams and muscle memory of resenting being planted on Earth are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  35. All engrams and muscle memories that create a disconnect in appreciating Earth are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  36. All blockages to paying homage to Earth through gardening, tilling the soil, and caring for other beings are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  37. All blockages to respecting Earth as reverently as the Sun are eradicated; in all moments.
  38. All blockages to sending blessings and gratitude to Earth are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  39. All denial of Earth’s splendor is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  40. All asshole attempts to take ownership of the Earth and Moon are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  41. All tribalism and war running the planet to the ground is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  42. The practice of converting Earth’s resources into devices of destruction is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  43. All yin prowess is immediately enabled to bring balance, wisdom, and accountability to all of Earth; in all moments.
  44. All yang energy is immediately knocked off its perch in dominating Earth; in all moments.
  45. The Earth’s trajectory is immediately shifted from subjugation to empowerment; in all moments.
  46. All species on Earth upgrade to reveling in their own empowerment; in all moments.
  47. Man shifts his paradigm from subjugating Earth to empowering her; in all moments.
  48. Humans release their primal tendencies of escapism regarding Earth; in all moments.
  49. All humans are redirected to a thoughtful appreciation of Earth; in all moments.
  50. Earth and the Moon are immediately scoured clean of infestations and parasites; in all moments.
  51. Earth experiences a renaissance of gratitude and reverence for her gifts; in all moments.
  52. Earth is centered and empowered in gratitude and reverence for the generosity of her bounty; in all moments.
  53. Earth resonates, emanates, and is interconnected with all life in gratitude and reverence for the generosity of her bounty; in all moments.

Conclusion and Call to Action

As you reflect on this event, consider how your relationship with the Earth impacts your own spiritual journey. Are you treating the planet with the respect it deserves, or are you contributing to its exploitation? How can you shift your daily habits to honor the Earth and Moon as conscious entities? What steps can you take to align your actions with the universal call for empowerment?

For deeper healing, download the SFT protocols from the Jenuine Healing website, and use the Energetic Cleanse protocol with phrases like “treating earth like an ash can”; “feeling abandoned on earth”’ and “being disconnected from earth”.

Explore other Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping events and join the Declaration of Universal Interdependence” Facebook page to stay connected with a like-minded community.

If this session has brought up personal issues for you, consider booking a private session with Jen Ward to continue your healing journey.

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