Overcoming past life torture

Experience profound healing as Jen Ward helps a client release past-life trauma, reclaim their voice, and embrace a future free from emotional pain in this transformative energy session.


In a profound energy healing session led by world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward, a client embarks on a transformative journey to heal deep-rooted traumas from past lifetimes. These buried experiences, including past-life torture, emotional repression, and self-blame, have left a lasting imprint on the client’s energy field. Through a combination of SFT taps, dynamic healing, and intuitive insights, Jen guides the client in releasing these energetic blockages, allowing for profound emotional and physical healing.

The session uncovers a powerful narrative of a past life where the client was a monk and scribe, unable to fight the destruction around her. This revelation brings to light the client’s present-life tendencies of self-suppression and fear of taking action. By addressing these past-life traumas, Jen helps the client reclaim their voice, release guilt, and move towards a future of empowerment and self-trust.

Jen’s unique approach, which includes using music as a healing tool, highlights the importance of integrating different modalities in the healing process. The session not only provides relief from physical and emotional pain but also offers a roadmap for the client to continue their spiritual journey, embracing higher consciousness and leaving behind outdated patterns of behavior.

Key Highlights

🔑 Jen Ward helps the client release the trauma of past-life torture.
🔑 The session uncovers a past life where the client was a scribe in a monastery, facing destruction.
🔑 Jen uses dynamic healing to remove energetic blockages tied to emotional repression.
🔑 The client is guided to reclaim their voice and let go of self-blame and guilt.
🔑 The session emphasizes the importance of releasing old consciousness patterns.
🔑 SFT taps are used to remove trauma stored in the client’s physical body.
🔑 The client experiences a deep sense of validation and energetic release.
🔑 Jen encourages the client to focus on new learning and higher consciousness.
🔑 The client is guided to embrace their personal power and trust themselves.
🔑 Jen’s unique approach includes integrating music as a tool for healing.

Quotable Quotes

💬 “You’ve broken up a lot of crap inside yourself. What I’m going to do is flush it out right now.”
💬 “You’re afraid to be proactive in this lifetime as far as being even more empowered because you just want to keep your head down.”
💬 “We’re going to eliminate the first cause—the first thing you ever did, the first intention you had.”
💬 “What’s happening with you in energy is you were in this contraption, this torture contraption. Not just one lifetime but a few lifetimes.”
💬 “I’m like… And in energy I’m saying ‘Run Lisa run!’ And I’m doing the taps.”
💬 “The way you raise their vibrations is by accepting them and loving them and allowing them to be.”
💬 “People just think I do taps and they don’t realize I do dynamic healing as well.”
💬 “We’re calming your energy. When you’re frantic and want to get to that tap that’s frantic energy.”
💬 “You have a past life memory of bleeding out, so when your energy is releasing from doing the taps, it triggers a memory of bleeding out.”
💬 “It feels like your energy’s not flowing as easily as it could. It feels like you’ve been so beaten that you’re still… It feels… You feel dehydrated energetically.”


00:00:00 Introduction and Initial Connection
00:02:03 Sound Healing and Emotional Release
00:03:42 Past Life Regression and Healing
00:09:47 Addressing Physical Ailments
00:12:01 Spiritual Teachings and Personal Growth
00:18:25 Dealing with Guilt and Responsibility
00:24:48 Empowerment and Self-Trust
00:30:25 Healing Through Song
00:32:39 Energetic Cleansing Techniques
00:34:32 Healing Energetic Schisms
00:38:17 Releasing Deep-Seated Traumas
00:41:24 Validating and Releasing Pain
00:43:05 Understanding and Overcoming Past Life Memories
00:54:33 Removing Energetic Blockages
00:55:37 Session Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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