Releasing Hidden Fears

World renowned energy healer Jen Ward uncovers past life traumas, releasing suppressed anger, suffocation fears, and noxious odors for deep healing.


Are you struggling with fears or discomforts that seem irrational or unexplainable? In this powerful Jenuine Healing private session, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward works with the client to uncover and release deeply buried past life traumas around crowds and close contact with others. Jen uncovers how these aversions are rooted in past life traumas involving unsanitary conditions, pestilence, and feelings of suffocation. Using her unique approach, Jen helps the client release the energetic imprints of these traumas, guiding her toward freedom and peace. If you have ever felt discomfort in crowded spaces or an inexplicable aversion to certain smells or people, this session may provide you with the insights and tools you need to heal.

Session Highlights

🔑 Releasing Suppressed Anger and the Throat Blockage: The session begins with an unexpected revelation of anger stored in the client’s throat, representing lifetimes of suppressed expression. Jen identifies that this anger isn’t just about frustration; it’s tied to moments in past lives where the client felt unable to speak their truth or stand up for themselves, carrying this energetic blockage into the present life.

🔑 Uncovering Past Life Squalor and Fear of Crowds: Jen delves into the Akashic records and finds lifetimes spent in crowded, unsanitary conditions—visions of the client being surrounded by noise, unpleasant smells, and cramped spaces. These past experiences of living with the herd, amidst filth and disease, explain why the client might feel overwhelmed or repulsed in busy environments today. This isn’t just discomfort; it’s a soul-level response to traumatic memories that have been buried for centuries.

🔑 Healing the Trauma of Suffocation and Intimacy Issues: The session takes a deeper turn as Jen connects the client’s present struggles with intimacy and closeness to a traumatic past life where suffocation and the odor of disease were daily realities. One particularly poignant moment reveals the client suffocating in the embrace of a beloved camel, an animal that represented their only connection in a life filled with isolation. This has subconsciously created a link between intimacy and suffocation, influencing how the client interacts with others in this lifetime.

🔑 Cleansing Energetic Imprints of Disease and Odors: Jen perceives the client’s sensitivity to noxious odors as a past life imprint, tied to experiences of disease, lice, and crowded, unclean environments. Today, these imprints manifest as a heightened aversion to strong smells, perfumes, or close contact with others. Through SFT tapping, Jen helps the client energetically release these psychic streams, freeing them from the subconscious memories that have kept them on guard. This sensitivity isn’t just a personal quirk—it’s a survival mechanism from past lives that can finally be released.

Expert Insights

Jen’s expertise shines in her ability to uncover and energetically release past life traumas that continue to shape the client’s present experiences. Her use of SFT tapping as a tool to address specific fears tied to squalor, suffocation, and unwanted intimacy provides immediate relief and lasting healing. Jen’s insight into the Akashic records offers the client a rare glimpse into how these past life imprints influence their day-to-day reality, highlighting the transformative potential of personalized energy healing. Through this session, Jen helps the client reclaim their freedom, guiding them to release the subconscious burdens that have weighed them down for lifetimes.

SFT Taps

💬 We release the anger; in all moments.

💬 We release needing to suppress what we think; in all moments.

💬 We release being surrounded by idiots; in all moments.

💬 We release living with the herd; in all moments.

💬 We remove all engrams and muscle memory of lice; in all moments.

💬 We energetically delo ourselves; in all moments.

💬 We remove all scabies, rabies, and ticks; in all moments.

💬 We release associating crowds with lice; in all moments.

💬 We release living in squalor; in all moments.

💬 We release the need to quarantine ourselves; in all moments.

💬 We release reacting to the inconsistencies in others; in all moments.

💬 We release being offended by other people’s behavior; in all moments.

💬 We release carrying the trauma of the collective; in all moments.

💬 We release associating intimacy with suffocating; in all moments.

💬 We release living in a balm of noxiousness; in all moments.

💬 We release avoiding people to avoid noxious odors; in all moments.

💬 We remove all engrams and muscle memory of noxious odors; in all moments.

💬 We dissipate all psychic streams of noxious odors; in all moments.

💬 We shift our paradigm from stench to purity; in all moments.

💬 We are centered and empowered in purity; in all moments.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Reflect on how the echoes of past life experiences might be impacting your own life. Do you avoid crowds or certain smells without fully understanding why? Are there fears or discomforts that feel out of place in your current reality? These could be energetic reactions to past traumas that are ready to be released.

To help you start clearing these blockages, consider downloading the free SFT protocols and use the Energetic Cleanse protocol with phrases such as suppressed anger, past squalor, avoiding crowds, suffocating, noxious odors, being surrounded by idiots, and quarantining ourselves. This simple yet powerful practice allows you to personalize your healing journey and clear the energetic blocks that may be holding you back.

Explore more private sessions on our website and, when you’re ready, book your own private session with Jen Ward to uncover the hidden traumas that may be influencing your life. You have the power to heal your mind, body, and soul through the transformative practice of Jenuine Healing.

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