Removing tribalism

Explore how removing tribalism and embracing universal empowerment can uplift humanity and foster global harmony through spiritual practice and energy work.


In this powerful group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider tackle the pervasive issue of tribalism, which has long divided humanity on various levels. They explore how tribalism manifests in global politics, local communities, and even within families, perpetuating a “them versus us” mentality that hinders spiritual growth and collective harmony.

The event delves into the importance of universal empowerment and the necessity of transcending divisive mindsets. Jen and Marvin emphasize that true spiritual practice lies in recognizing Source in everyone and working toward the upliftment of all. They also address the need to integrate free market principles with universal empowerment, ensuring that economic systems serve the broader collective.

Through a series of SFT taps, the duo leads viewers in powerful energy work designed to dissolve tribalistic tendencies and foster a more inclusive, compassionate world. This session is a call to action for those seeking to contribute to the collective awakening and embrace the interconnectedness of all life.

Key Highlights

πŸ”‘ The destructive nature of tribalism on a global and personal scale.
πŸ”‘ The importance of replacing competition with universal empowerment.
πŸ”‘ The role of spiritual practice in transcending divisive beliefs.
πŸ”‘ Insights into the energy crisis and the abundance of universal energy.
πŸ”‘ The connection between spiritual consciousness and political ideologies.
πŸ”‘ The concept of spiritual hedonism and its pitfalls.
πŸ”‘ The integration of free market principles with universal empowerment.
πŸ”‘ The significance of uplifting all of humanity through collective energy work.
πŸ”‘ The role of compassion in dismantling divisive mindsets.
πŸ”‘ The importance of universal interdependence for global harmony.

Quotable Quotes

πŸ’¬ “Tribalism is a core issue in the upliftment of all humanity.”
πŸ’¬ “We are all aspects of the same atom of Source, interconnected in ways many have forgotten.”
πŸ’¬ “Spirituality is simply recognizing Source in yourself and everyone you meet.”
πŸ’¬ “The harder you try to force the universe into a particular outcome, the more it pushes back.”
πŸ’¬ “Hate takes a lot of energy; it’s time to let it go.”
πŸ’¬ “Free market principles must be infused with integrity, accountability, and compassion.”
πŸ’¬ “The real power lies in living with true intention and purpose.”
πŸ’¬ “The polarity between universal empowerment and free market principles must be dissolved.”
πŸ’¬ “The universe feels orchestrated for us when we align with its flow.”
πŸ’¬ “Every individual has the power to contribute to the collective awakening.”


00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:59 Reflections on the Democratic National Convention
00:05:51 Understanding Tribalism and Its Impact
00:27:48 Addressing Collective Issues Through Tapping
00:34:46 The Role of Individual Empowerment
00:41:57 Mass Movements and Societal Change
00:49:54 Understanding the Dynamics of Love vs. Fear
01:01:40 Declaration of Universal Interdependence
01:03:40 Spiritual Hedonism Explained
01:07:12 Fundamental Free Market Principles
01:11:13 Demonization of Progressive Inclusiveness
01:12:14 Trickle-Down Economics: A Critique
01:12:44 Stripping Illusions Off Free Market Principles
01:32:33 Reconstituting Market-Based Economics
01:40:17 Final Thoughts and Call to Action
01:43:44 Subscription and Support

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