Transforming corporate greed

Explore the roots of corporate greed and misconduct and learn how to transform business practices for the betterment of society. Join Marvin Schneider and world renowned energy healer Jen Ward as they perform SFT taps to address corporate malfeasance.


In this powerful Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event, Marvin Schneider and world renowned energy healer Jen Ward tackle the pervasive issue of corporate greed and its impact on society. The duo explores the historical roots of corporate misconduct, tracing it back to the influence of Milton Friedman’s economic theories and the Chicago School of Economics. They discuss how the prioritization of shareholder interests over the wider community has led to a range of ethical issues in the business world.

Throughout the video, Marvin and Jen perform a series of SFT (Spiritual Freedom Technique) taps, aimed at energetically addressing various aspects of corporate misconduct. These taps cover topics such as exploitation of employees, manipulation of financial systems, and the abuse of public trust. The pair emphasizes the need for a paradigm shift in corporate culture, moving away from short-term profit-driven mindsets towards a more holistic approach that considers the well-being of individuals, communities, and the environment.

The discussion also touches on the role of investment firms, the advertising industry, and the potential for corporate leaders to drive positive change. Marvin and Jen offer insights into how businesses can transform their practices to better serve society while remaining profitable. This thought-provoking video challenges viewers to reconsider their understanding of corporate responsibility and encourages participation in a collective energetic shift towards more ethical business practices.

Quotable Quotes

“Companies and businesses that produce things are pretty, they’re a pretty core part of the collective interactions.”

“Greed is at the core of malfeasance and misconduct.”

“The pursuit of wealth is actually not consistent with the pursuit of purpose.”

“If you don’t serve the wider community, you cannot serve the interests of the corporation.”

“Wall Street needs to be the servant of Main Street, not the other way around.”

“You can’t fix a problem with the same mind that has made the problem.”

“The true source of wealth creation is creativity and innovation.”

“Unregulated capitalism has led to any number of financial crises over the last hundred years.”

“The purgatory of middle management is eradicated in all moments.”

“All corporations resonate, emanate, and are interconnected with all life in serving the wider community.”


00:00:00 Introduction to Transforming Corporate Greed
00:00:35 The Role of Corporations in Society
00:03:53 Historical Context and Milton Friedman's Influence
00:07:06 The Chicago School of Economics
00:09:38 Corporate PR and Real Intentions
00:10:55 The Business Roundtable and Corporate Accountability
00:13:06 Elon Musk and the Quest for Higher Consciousness
00:17:00 The Power of SFT Tapping
00:22:44 The Mechanics of Group Tapping
00:25:24 Tapping to Dissolve Corporate Greed
00:59:18 Corporate Exploitation and Misconduct
01:01:55 Condoned Corporate Fraud
01:04:10 Personal Anecdote on Peer Pressure
01:05:09 Corporate Corruption and Human Rights Abuses
01:11:30 Failures in Risk Management
01:32:18 Middle Management Purgatory
01:34:59 Corporate Greed and Public Trust
01:40:18 Call to Action and Final Thoughts
01:56:14 Subscription and Premium Content

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