Invest in Your Healing Journey
Explore personalized energy healing sessions, transformative books, masterclasses, and empowering events to unlock your true potential.
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Private Healing Session
Experience a personalized one hour remote energy healing session with world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward to release blocks, heal trauma, and align with your true purpose.
Emergency Healing Session
Overwhelmed by a crisis? Connect with world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward for an emergency healing to gain clarity, release chaotic energy, and find your path forward with immediate, focused healing.
Pet Healing Session
Dive into the profound world of energy healing tailored especially for your furry companions with world renowned energy healer Jen Ward.
Extended Healing Package
Commit to a powerful six-week program with world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward. Clear past-life trauma, remove blockages, and reclaim your passion and purpose.
Group Healing Events
Participate in our regular group healing events hosted by Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider.
Group SFT Tapping Events
Tap into the power of collective healing with Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider. Elevate your energy, uplift humanity, and create lasting positive change
The SFT Lexicon
Unlock your potential with Jen Ward’s groundbreaking guide to clearing life’s deepest blockages. Achieve freedom, purpose, and fulfillment through SFT tapping.
Jenuine Poetry for Life
Immerse yourself in the transformative poetry, art, and spiritual truths of Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider.
Hands on Healing
Experience Jen Ward’s hands-on healing in Wodonga, Australia. Remedial massage and energy healing tailored to release blockages and restore balance.
In Person Retreat
Transform your life with a 2-day in-person retreat hosted by Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider in Wodonga, Australia. Intimate healing for up to 6 people.
Stop Habitually Reincarnating
Unlock the secrets to conscious reincarnation and break free from karmic cycles with our transformative master class. Elevate your spiritual journey today.
Fountain of Youth
Unlock the power of eternal youth with Jen Ward’s Fountain of Youth Master Class. Transform aging narratives and rejuvenate mind, body, and spirit.