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Beyond Party Politics

Discover how SFT tapping empowers humanity, transcends party politics and divisions, and raises collective consciousness for universal empowerment.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. The vantage point of humanity is shifted from victim to hero; in all moments.
  2. All parasites who burrow into the flesh of humanity are immediately purged from existence; in all moments.
  3. All the joy and inspiration gathered in groups is accessed as fuel to raise consciousness; in all moments.
  4. All the joy that has been suppressed through control is now a groundswell of joy into higher consciousness; in all moments.
  5. All those who gaslight the joy of humanity experience the blowback of the extinguishing of negativity; in all moments.
  6. Political activism induces the ecstasy that religions have dropped the ball on; in all moments.
  7. All hate factions camouflaged as love factions are stripped of all illusion and eradicated; in all moments.
  8. All the sheets and uniforms of professional haters are immediately retired; in all moments.
  9. All political power is immediately converted into individual empowerment; in all moments.
  10. All individuals are swept up into a tsunami of universal joy and empowerment; in all moments.
  11. All masks, walls, armor, and illusion are removed from all blockages to universal empowerment; in all moments.
  12. The drought of universal joy, love, abundance, freedom, health, and wholeness is immediately ended; in all moments.
  13. All forms of cruelty and suffering immediately end; in all moments.
  14. Humanity is swept up into a spontaneous group hug; in all moments.
  15. All bullies and cynics are immediately leveled; in all moments.
  16. All individuals are gifted with and expound a clear vision of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  17. All blockages to universal integrity, sincerity, compassion, and enthusiasm are removed; in all moments.
  18. All pork-barreling is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  19. The dying class of despots and dictators goes the way of the 8-track tape; in all moments.
  20. All political leaders operate from the intention of service; in all moments.
  21. All leaders are supported in their position only through their intention to outflow; in all moments.
  22. The landscape clears for all avatars of universal empowerment to expound in their purpose; in all moments.
  23. All individuals embrace and embolden their inner avatar of truth; in all moments.
  24. All think tanks working against higher consciousness immediately collapse and dissolve; in all moments.
  25. All think tanks give way to inspirational symposiums; in all moments.
  26. All constructs of ignorance are immediately removed; in all moments.
  27. All guardrails preventing higher consciousness are immediately removed; in all moments.
  28. All blockages to universal joy breaking out are immediately removed; in all moments.
  29. All communities of exclusion are immediately collapsed and dissolved; in all moments.
  30. All delusions of entitlement are immediately dissipated; in all moments.
  31. All cracks in the power grid give way to fissures of empowerment; in all moments.
  32. All status quo is converted into onward and upward; in all moments.
  33. All fissures of empowerment feed higher consciousness throughout the land; in all moments.
  34. All syntax networks operate in optimal joy, love, abundance, freedom, health, and wholeness; in all moments.
  35. A groundswell of joy, love, abundance, and freedom seeps into all the cracks of lower consciousness; in all moments.
  36. A thirst for learning and knowing is systemically reawakened; in all moments.
  37. All syntax networks are upgraded to operate in sincerity, compassion, integrity, and respect; in all moments.
  38. All forms of subjugation are systemically rendered obsolete; in all moments.
  39. Integrity, accountability, compassion, and kindness are universally self-adjudicated; in all moments.
  40. Attributes of higher consciousness immediately infuse into form; in all moments.
  41. All programming and conditioning of political, governance, and economic systems is immediately upgraded to be in accordance with spiritual law and universal empowerment; in all moments.
  42. All syntax network processing of political, governance, and economic systems is immediately rewired to be in accordance with spiritual law and universal empowerment; in all moments.
  43. The political, governance, and economic systems of the collective are immediately and irrevocably infused with higher consciousness; in all moments.
  44. All leaders operating in the political, governance, and economic systems are systemically converted to ascribing to universal empowerment; in all moments.
  45. The collective “We” are not going back; in all moments.
  46. The collective “We” is thwarted from reverting to the rust bucket of the old political, governance, and economic systems; in all moments.
  47. All political, governance, and economic systems are centered and empowered to be in accordance with spiritual law; in all moments.
  48. All political, governance, and economic systems resonate, emanate, and are interconnected with all life in being in accordance with spiritual law; in all moments.


In a transformative session led by world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider, the event “Beyond Party Politics” illuminated the path to uniting humanity for higher consciousness. This SFT tapping session coincided with day four of the Democratic National Convention and delved into dissolving divisive energies, breaking down political tribalism, and fostering universal empowerment. Through profound energy work, participants were guided to release lower-consciousness constructs, opening space for joy, love, and collective empowerment. The session serves as a call to action for individuals to transcend party lines and embrace their roles in uplifting humanity.

Event Highlights

πŸ”‘ Breaking Down Divisive Constructs: Participants explored how political tribalism hinders collective growth and learned to shift from “us vs. them” to unity-based consciousness through SFT tapping.

πŸ”‘ Restoring Universal Joy and Love: Taps focused on removing blockages to joy and abundance, encouraging participants to align with higher consciousness for themselves and the collective.

πŸ”‘ Empowering Open-Hearted Leadership: Insights were shared on the importance of leaders operating from love and service rather than power and control, with taps supporting this shift in governance.

πŸ”‘ Healing Energetic Imbalances: The session addressed how hoarding energy for personal gain disrupts collective progress, replacing this pattern with the free flow of universal empowerment.

πŸ”‘ The Power of Group Intention: Jen Ward emphasized the ripple effect of collective tapping, demonstrating how unified intention creates lasting change in energy and consciousness.

Moving Beyond Political Labels

You are more than your political affiliation. By transcending the limitations of party politics, you align with the universal truth of interconnectedness. This session revealed how labels divide humanity and prevent collective progress. Instead of focusing on divisions, the energy healing focused on fostering a shared vision of joy, love, and empowerment.

Energy Healing as a Tool for Transformation

Energy healing, like the SFT tapping method practiced in this session, goes beyond intellectual understanding. By tapping into the subtle realms, you can dissolve outdated constructs such as tribalism, fear, and hate. This session showcased how SFT tapping acts as a catalyst for dismantling deep-seated energetic blockages.

Releasing Energetic Hoarding

In the political arena, hoarding energy for personal gain creates imbalance. This session highlighted how leaders and individuals alike can adopt a mindset of service, ensuring that energy flows freely to uplift all. Imagine what could happen if every leader operated from a space of love and integrity.

Cultivating Higher Consciousness

Higher consciousness is not just a personal achievement; it is a collective aspiration. Through the session’s taps, participants witnessed how collective intention can elevate humanity’s vibrational frequency. What small steps can you take to align yourself with this movement?

Uniting Through Universal Empowerment

Universal empowerment means ensuring that every individual experiences joy, love, and abundance. This session encouraged participants to see themselves as part of an interconnected web, where empowering one uplifts all. How are you contributing to this global shift?

Conclusion and Call to Action

The “Beyond Party Politics” session invites you to reflect: What beliefs or labels are holding you back from connecting with others on a deeper level? How can you contribute to a world where unity replaces division? Are you ready to release old constructs and embrace universal empowerment?

For those inspired by this session, download the SFT protocols here. Use example phrases for the Energetic Cleanse protocol such as “political tribalism,” “energetic imbalance,” and “division-based systems” to continue your journey.

Explore the extensive video library of transformative events here. Consider participating in regular group SFT tapping events here or booking a private session with Jen Ward here.

For those seeking deeper healing, sign up for the Extended Healing package here to work one-on-one with Jen Ward. This offering is designed to bring profound transformation and help you unlock your highest potential.

Join the movement to raise collective consciousness. Start tapping into your power here. The world is ready for your lightβ€”are you ready to shine?

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