SFT Tapping Companion
- Humanity refuses to agree to giving up their sovereignty; in all moments.
- Humanity thwarts abiding by corrupted laws that siphon off their sovereignty; in all moments.
- All individuals refuse to agree with their own subjugation; in all moments.
- Humanity shifts its paradigm from abiding by corrupt laws to claiming its sovereignty; in all moments.
- Dark MAGA is thwarted from indoctrinating humanity through agreeing to be subjugated; in all moments.
- Dark MAGA is thwarted from believing it is in alignment with spiritual law; in all moments.
- Dark MAGA is immediately knocked on its ass for violating spiritual law; in all moments.
- Abiding by physical law is eradicated as irrefutably agreeing with spiritual law; in all moments.
- All those who intend to lock humanity into a foreboding trajectory are immediately and unceremoniously spit out of the system; in all moments.
- The gears that wheel humanity into higher consciousness grind away all the dead weight that is holding it back; in all moments.
- A sliver of conscience in the sycophants of Dark MAGA blooms to a wedge of divide; in all moments.
- A wedge of divide between Donald and all of humanity expounds to a tsunami of blowback; in all moments.
- Donald is douched out of humanity; in all moments.
- Elon is douched out of humanity; in all moments.
- The carbuncles of society are thoroughly scraped out of positions of authority; in all moments.
- The feeding frenzy of power immediately ends; in all moments.
- The egregious bitch slap that Donald is giving to democracy immediately results in his takedown; in all moments.
- Putin immediately receives the final blow; in all moments.
- People stop acting as chum in the water and consolidate their intentions to drive the helm; in all moments.
- The vacuous positions of the sycophants are exposed; in all moments.
- All tendrils reaching out from Donald are immediately clipped off at the base; in all moments.
- Donald is rendered unable to take and immediately withers away; in all moments.
- The tendrils of oligarchs are severed from all autocrats; in all moments.
- All autocrats are immediately deprived of fertile ground and wither away; in all moments.
- All the individuals who fought for freedom throughout history rise up in a wave of outrage to take down the beast that Donald represents; in all moments.
- MAGA ignorance is immediately thwarted from being used as tinder to ignite war; in all moments.
- All wet dreams of apocalyptic war are immediately ejaculated out of the collective; in all moments.
- All the half-wit, power-crazed, imbecilic cabinet picks of Donald’s intifada are immediately peeled away from positions they are unworthy to hold; in all moments.
- All the spineless jellyfish glomming around Donald are kicked on the beach and urinated on; in all moments.
- A zillion blow darts of truth repeatedly land in Donald’s fat, fleshy underbelly; in all moments.
- All the carbuncles of sycophants are immediately scraped off Donald’s fleshy ass; in all moments.
- Donald and his sycophants are immediately flattened and deflated in a tsunami of blowback; in all moments.
- All the illusion of pomp and circumstance is stripped from the feeding frenzy of Donald’s grift; in all moments.
- All grifters in chief are walloped in public opinion polls; in all moments.
- Information outlets are drained of corruption and bias; in all moments.
- Elon’s conviction of invincibility is immediately collapsed and dissolved; in all moments.
- All blockages to Elon experiencing the extent of suffering his intentions have the propensity to inflict are removed; in all moments.
- All Elon’s brainchildren of cruelty are quarantined home to roost; in all moments.
- All the plates that Elon is balancing in the air immediately crash to the floor; in all moments.
- The muffled voice of Elon’s muted conscience is free to perpetually scream to a crescendo in his head; in all moments.
- Elon blows his wad of ingenuity in trying to wrestle God to the ground; in all moments.
- Elon’s pissing contest with Donald to wrestle God to the ground depletes both their energies and intentions; in all moments.
- God is thwarted from being morphed into Donald’s image; in all moments.
- God is thwarted from reflecting Elon’s image; in all moments.
- All attempts of Elon to appropriate America as one of his acquisitions immediately and miserably fail; in all moments.
- Elon’s God complex is immediately exfoliated off the face of humanity; in all moments.
- Elon is thrust into a menopausal decline of his pheromones of confidence; in all moments.
- Elon is immediately stripped and deflated of his delusion of grandeur; in all moments.
- Elon’s nefarious believed superpowers are immediately and unceremoniously revoked; in all moments.
- All psychic streams of energy that enable Elon’s thirst for power are immediately dissipated; in all moments.
- All energy matrices and complex energy matrices that enable Elon’s confidence, grift, pretension, and arrogance are immediately escorted into the light and sound; in all moments.
- Elon is immediately popped as the pimple on the ass of humanity; in all moments.
- Elon is thwarted from cowering under an invincibility cloak; in all moments.
- Elon is immediately thwarted from playing unelected president; in all moments.
- The role of unelected president that Elon plays in his mind is immediately canceled; in all moments.
- Elon is immediately thwarted from shrouding humanity in a foreboding future; in all moments.
- The storm clouds of Elon, Donald, and the rest of the sycophants are evaporated by the rays of higher consciousness; in all moments.
- All of humanity is awakened from the nightmare of Donald, Elon, and other sycophants; in all moments.
- Elon is left in a heap of his own comeuppance; in all moments.
- Humanity in their omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence pops the bubble of Elon, Donald, and all sycophants; in all moments.
In this transformative group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider confront the pressing issues surrounding Dark MAGA’s grip on global consciousness. This session delves deep into reclaiming humanity’s sovereignty, dismantling indoctrination, and empowering participants to rise into higher consciousness. The energy work facilitates universal empowerment, helping you align with compassion, integrity, and truth to counter the forces of manipulation and control. Through collective tapping, this session offers practical and energetic tools to transcend the lower frequencies of fear and subjugation while creating a pathway to freedom.
Event Highlights
🔑 Reclaiming Sovereignty: Learn how humanity’s sovereignty is manipulated and the energetic steps you can take to reclaim your innate freedom.
🔑 Combatting Indoctrination: Discover the impact of media propaganda and indoctrination on collective consciousness and how SFT tapping thwarts these forces.
🔑 Higher Consciousness Activation: Through this session’s focused energy work, you gain insight into aligning with higher vibrations, moving beyond fear and division.
🔑 Addressing Authoritarian Control: Jen Ward explains the energetic dynamics of power structures and how they undermine compassion, integrity, and truth.
🔑 Group Synergy: Experience the amplified energy of collective SFT tapping and understand how it accelerates humanity’s shift toward universal empowerment.
Restoring Sovereignty Through Energetic Work
In this session, Jen Ward explains that sovereignty cannot be stolen; it must be willingly surrendered. Through energy manipulation and fear-based tactics, Dark MAGA seeks to condition individuals to give up their sovereignty. By engaging in SFT tapping, you can actively reclaim this lost sense of personal power. Each tap acts as an energetic statement that reinforces your commitment to autonomy and higher consciousness. Are there areas in your life where you feel disempowered? This session encourages you to recognize and reclaim those aspects through tapping and intentional energy work.
Combatting Indoctrination to Empower Humanity
The media and propaganda machines are powerful tools of indoctrination, designed to sway humanity into fear-based compliance. In this session, Jen Ward discusses how indoctrination erodes discernment and manipulates individuals to surrender their sovereignty. Through SFT tapping, you can energetically disrupt these patterns and align with higher truth. As you participate, you become an active force in breaking the cycle of mass manipulation. Where do you see the influence of indoctrination in your daily life? Use this awareness to tap into clarity and empowerment.
Shifting to Higher Consciousness
Higher consciousness is not a distant concept; it is a lived experience accessible to anyone willing to do the work. This event emphasizes aligning with compassion, integrity, and universal truth to transcend the limitations of fear and division. Through tapping, participants clear energetic blockages and open themselves to the frequencies of love and empowerment. Have you noticed how certain emotions or thought patterns keep you stuck in lower vibrations? This session offers practical techniques to shift your energy and elevate your consciousness.
Conclusion and Call to Action
As you reflect on this session, consider these questions: Are there areas in your life where you’ve unknowingly surrendered your sovereignty? How can you actively align with higher consciousness in your daily actions? What steps can you take to break free from fear-based conditioning?
To deepen your journey, download the SFT tapping protocols from the Jenuine Healing website here. Try starting with the Energetic Cleanse protocol using phrases like, “Dark MAGA”; “Indoctrination”; or “Elon Musk.”
Explore our extensive library of past group SFT tapping events here. Sign up for our upcoming group SFT tapping events here, and participate in one of our regular group healing events here.
Connect with like-minded individuals on the Declaration of Universal Interdependence Facebook page here.
If this event has brought up personal issues for you, consider booking a private session with world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward here.
Together, we can dismantle the lower energies of fear and manipulation and rise into the light of universal empowerment.