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Freeing the World of Kim’s Blight

Break free from oppression! SFT tapping with Jen Ward dismantles tyranny, restores empowerment, and uplifts collective consciousness.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. All self-loathing Kim Jong-Un stews in, is contained within his own microcosm; in all moments.
  2. Kim Jong-Un is thwarted from projecting his self-loathing onto North Korea through cruelty; in all moments.
  3. Kim Jong-Un is thwarted from projecting his self-loathing onto the world; in all moments.
  4. Kim is thwarted from activating all the ways he overcompensates for his shortcomings; in all moments.
  5. The paranoia that engulfs Kim paralyzes him from inflicting cruelty; in all moments.
  6. Kim is thwarted from projecting self-deprecation onto the North Korean people; in all moments.
  7. Kim is thwarted from projecting self-deprivation onto the North Korean people; in all moments.
  8. All engrams of being a depraved, love-starved little boy are removed from Kim; in all moments.
  9. Kim is thwarted from inflicting temper tantrums onto the people; in all moments.
  10. Kim is thwarted from treating his military as baubles and toys of a spoiled brat; in all moments.
  11. Kim’s fervor to use cruelty to gain respect is dissipated; in all moments.
  12. Kim’s desperation for love is released from his propensity to be cruel; in all moments.
  13. The systemic cruelty and indifference is released from the mainstay of North Korean life; in all moments.
  14. All positive reinforcement to be cruel is extracted from the North Korean mainstay; in all moments.
  15. All North Korean gulags are immediately shut down; in all moments.
  16. The balm of fear, indifference, and suffering is dissipated from the North Korean people; in all moments.
  17. The North Korean people are all released from their individual gulags; in all moments.
  18. North Korea is released from being one huge gulag; in all moments.
  19. North Korean women are freed from being raised to merely be whores and mothers; in all moments.
  20. North Korean men are freed from being forced into military service; in all moments.
  21. The first cause to mandating laws to appease Kim is eliminated; in all moments.
  22. All isolation from the awakening of humanity is released from the North Korean people; in all moments.
  23. Isolation is ended in North Korea; in all moments.
  24. All attempts to unleash North Korea on the world miserably fail; in all moments.
  25. All surprise attacks on the world backfire on Kim; in all moments.
  26. All coordinated plans with Xi or Putin to overtake the world miserably fail; in all moments.
  27. All concerted attempts to destroy Western civilization fail; in all moments.
  28. Kim is immediately hoisted on his own petard in all attempts to destroy the world; in all moments.
  29. All despots in the Kim lineage are neutered from gaining power; in all moments.
  30. All propensity to inflict their desperation on humanity is released from the North Korean people; in all moments.
  31. North Korea is put back on its hinges in relationship to world order; in all moments.
  32. North Korea is re-hinged; in all moments.
  33. All colossal mistakes of Kim are contained; in all moments.
  34. All Kim’s wet dreams of global control immediately go limp; in all moments.
  35. North Korea is freed from the nightmare of Kim; in all moments.
  36. Kim is removed from influence; in all moments.
  37. Kim is free of the hellish nightmare of dictatorship; in all moments.
  38. Kim’s unworthiness implodes his plans for world domination; in all moments.
  39. Kim’s insecurities are thwarted from emboldening the North Korean people to abuse power; in all moments.
  40. The reign of insanity that North Korean people suffer finally ends; in all moments.
  41. The nightmare of a cruel regime ends for the North Korean people; in all moments.
  42. The South Korean people are safe and protected from Kim’s flights of fancy; in all moments.
  43. All Kim’s fanatical intentions to lash out on the world are immediately dried up; in all moments.
  44. All Kim’s nefarious intentions are immediately dismantled and disarmed; in all moments.
  45. All synergy Kim enjoys with other dictators is immediately dissipated; in all moments.
  46. Kim is dried up from stewing in his own juices; in all moments.
  47. All that Kim believes he has to prove is immediately released; in all moments.
  48. All energy matrices that drive the depravity of the Kim regime are sent into the light and sound; in all moments.
  49. North Korea thwarts proliferating warheads; in all moments.
  50. North Korea is released from converting all its providence to munitions; in all moments.
  51. North Korea’s stockpile of munitions fizzles; in all moments.
  52. All complex energy matrices that drive the depravity of the Kim regime are escorted into the light and sound; in all moments.
  53. All intentions to take down democracy are immediately thwarted; in all moments.
  54. All plans in the works to control the world hoist Kim on his own petard; in all moments.
  55. All Kim’s pissing contests with world order are ended; in all moments.
  56. Kim wakes up from the wet dream of world domination; in all moments.
  57. All the war toys that Kim has accrued are dismantled and deactivated; in all moments.
  58. All North Korean people are free from being playthings in a little boy’s play box; in all moments.
  59. All Kim’s bluster is depleted of its fervor; in all moments.
  60. All subversive activity of Kim is brought to the light of day; in all moments.
  61. All illusion is stripped off Kim’s nefarious intentions; in all moments.
  62. Kim is released from being in ready-to-strike mode; in all moments.
  63. All illusion is stripped off the loveless boy playing dictator; in all moments.
  64. All psychic streams of energy that make up Kim’s bluster are dissipated; in all moments.
  65. All of Kim’s starvation for love is thwarted from actually starving the people of North Korea; in all moments.
  66. The dark balm of Kim’s depravity is lifted off North Korea; in all moments.
  67. The reign of depravity and cruelty is ended for the people of North Korea; in all moments.
  68. The North Korean people are released from being pushed to their breaking point; in all moments.
  69. All military options are taken off the table in regard to the North Korean people; in all moments.
  70. North Korea is contained from inflicting its wrath on the world; in all moments.
  71. All engrams and muscle memory of depravity and cruelty are removed from the people of North Korea; in all moments.
  72. The North Korean people are released from being toys in Kim’s war chest; in all moments.
  73. The depravity that has been conditioned into the people of North Korea is released; in all moments.
  74. South Korea is freed from needing to walk on the eggshells of Kim’s regime; in all moments.
  75. Kim is gutted of all the life force he has siphoned off the North Korean people; in all moments.
  76. All the life force Kim has siphoned off the North Korean people is returned to them for their own empowerment; in all moments.
  77. Life, health, and enthusiasm are infused back into the North Korean people; in all moments.
  78. All engrams, muscle memory, programming, and conditioning of depravity are extracted from the North Korean people; in all moments.
  79. All sycophants of Kim are removed from their office; in all moments.
  80. All pomp and bravado are stripped off the facade of Kim’s regime; in all moments.
  81. All threats of Kim hung over the North Korean people are rendered empty; in all moments.
  82. All threats Kim dangles over humanity are immediately rendered ineffective; in all moments.
  83. All bluster Kim uses to overcompensate is gutted from his façade; in all moments.
  84. The first cause is eliminated in ruling North Korea in tyranny; in all moments.
  85. Tyranny is released from the mainstay of the North Korean leadership; in all moments.
  86. Kim is released from the nightmare of being a ruthless dictator; in all moments.
  87. Paranoia of “kill or be killed” is extracted from the leadership process in North Korea; in all moments.
  88. Kim is given an out from his nefarious plans; in all moments.
  89. Cynical killer propensities are released from the commonality of the North Korean leadership; in all moments.
  90. All plans of Kim to bide his time and pounce on the world are thwarted; in all moments.
  91. The weaponization of the North Korean population is thwarted; in all moments.
  92. The best-laid plans of Kim are thwarted; in all moments.
  93. All attempts of Kim to unleash a reign of terror on the world are immediately derailed; in all moments.
  94. All attempts of Kim to poison the world are immediately derailed; in all moments.
  95. All overcompensation for a small Johnson is released from Kim; in all moments.
  96. All plans for world domination are immediately derailed; in all moments.
  97. The twisted plans of a twisted mind are untangled from mass consciousness; in all moments.
  98. All gloom and doom intentions for the world at the hands of Kim, Xi, and Putin immediately fail; in all moments.
  99. The propensity for Kim to create global chaos miserably fails; in all moments.
  100. Nuclear activation is thwarted as ever being an option; in all moments.
  101. Kim is distracted from world domination through the onslaught of a thousand paper cuts; in all moments.
  102. Kim is hoisted on his own petard of his own nefarious intentions; in all moments.
  103. All propensity for North Korea to prevail in evil intentions is thwarted; in all moments.
  104. The venomous bile that North Korea is perched to spew is diluted to milk toast; in all moments.
  105. North Korea is eased off being a global threat; in all moments.
  106. All blockages to the North Korean people being free of tyrannical control are released; in all moments.
  107. North Korea is freed from being pushed to the wall; in all moments.
  108. All programming and conditioning to hate world order is released; in all moments.
  109. All propensity to attack Western civilization is released; in all moments.
  110. All curses that Kim and North Korea have put on the world are removed; in all moments.
  111. All desperation in the North Korean people is eased through benevolent leadership; in all moments.
  112. All blockages to North Korea being transformed from within are released; in all moments.
  113. All blockages to North Korea engaging the world with civility and cooperation are released; in all moments.
  114. All blockages to North Korea experiencing the brotherhood of man are released; in all moments.
  115. Humanitarian benevolence is activated in the North Korean people; in all moments.
  116. All mistrust dies in the North Korean people; in all moments.
  117. North Korea joins the awakened in respect for humanity; in all moments.
  118. All dire straits are dried up in North Korea; in all moments.
  119. All blockages to North Korea joining the modern League of Nations with dignity and mutual respect are released; in all moments.
  120. North Korea is centered and empowered in upgrading to a modern awakened stance as a global citizen; in all moments.
  121. North Korea enjoys global good neighbor status; in all moments.
  122. North Korea is centered and empowered in global good neighbor status; in all moments.
  123. North Korea resonates, emanates, and is interconnected with all life in global good neighbor status; in all moments.


Throughout history, individuals and nations have been shackled by oppressive regimes, often feeling powerless to effect change. In this Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider guided participants through a transformative session focused on dismantling the energetic hold of Kim Jong-Un’s oppressive regime. This event went beyond political discourse—tapping into the root cause of tyranny, dismantling fear-based control, and restoring personal and collective empowerment.

By energetically addressing the legacy of North Korea’s dictatorship, this session helped shift deep-seated patterns of suffering, fear, and submission. Participants engaged in powerful SFT taps designed to free the North Korean people, neutralize global threats, and usher in higher consciousness. This was not just about North Korea—it was about breaking the cycle of oppression in all forms and stepping into a world of universal empowerment.

Event Highlights

🔑 Dissolving Fear-Based Control: Participants worked on shifting the energetic patterns that keep Kim Jong-Un’s regime in power. The taps targeted the fear, control, and compliance ingrained in North Korean leadership and its people, helping to dissolve tyranny at its roots.

🔑 Neutralizing the Weapons of Oppression: A critical aspect of this session was energetically addressing the military-industrial structure that fuels global threats. By dismantling energetic support for Kim’s war-driven policies, participants weakened the power dynamics that keep oppression alive.

🔑 Restoring Universal Empowerment: The taps encouraged the North Korean people to reclaim their sovereignty while also empowering participants to recognize and dissolve oppressive energies in their own lives. This event helped dissolve subjugation in all forms.

🔑 Severing Energetic Ties Between Dictators: This session targeted the hidden networks of control and influence between Kim Jong-Un, Vladimir Putin, and Xi Jinping. By energetically dismantling these alliances, the participants weakened their collective stronghold on global affairs.

🔑 Releasing Collective Trauma: The SFT taps worked to release generations of suffering, starvation, and imprisonment endured by the North Korean people. By doing this, the event helped pave the way for healing, higher consciousness, and the possibility of a brighter future.

🔑 Awakening Global Consciousness: This session reinforced that everyone plays a role in shifting the world’s trajectory. By participating in these taps, individuals helped anchor higher consciousness and accelerate global awakening.

Breaking the Chains of Tyranny

Tyranny operates as a deeply ingrained system, perpetuated through fear, coercion, and suppression. It does not arise in isolation but rather thrives where individual and collective energies are manipulated into submission. The energy work in this session specifically targeted these hidden constructs of power, unraveling the energetic signatures that uphold authoritarian rule.

Energy healing works at an unseen level, dissolving the vibrational stronghold of oppressive systems. As this event demonstrated, energetic intervention is a powerful tool for weakening the invisible forces that sustain dictatorship, allowing space for transformation. The dissolution of such structures begins on an energetic level before manifesting in tangible shifts.

Dismantling the Global Web of Dictatorship

Dictators do not act independently; they are interwoven into a matrix of power consolidation and mutual reinforcement. Their regimes draw strength from one another, feeding off shared ideologies, economic dependencies, and global instability. This event targeted the energetic entanglement of dictatorial regimes, working to dismantle these networks of control from an unseen level.

The energetic collapse of a dictatorial system does not happen overnight, but the disruption of energetic bonds between oppressive leaders weakens their collective grip. As more people engage in such healing practices, the shift from domination to liberation becomes increasingly tangible, paving the way for a global transformation.

Shifting from Fear to Empowerment

Oppressive regimes rely on fear as their primary tool of control. The fear imposed by North Korea’s leadership extends beyond its borders, influencing global policies, military responses, and economic structures. Fear-based leadership thrives in an atmosphere where consciousness remains stagnant.

This session worked to dismantle the energetic foundation of fear that fuels such oppressive rule. By releasing fear-based compliance from the collective field, it creates a ripple effect—weakening the mechanisms that sustain tyranny. As the energetic resonance of fear dissipates, oppression loses its stronghold, allowing empowerment and self-determination to take root.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Are you ready to free yourself from energetic control and oppression? Reflect on these questions: Where in your life do you feel disempowered or controlled? How can you use energy work to release fear and reclaim your sovereignty? What steps can you take to shift oppressive dynamics in your personal or professional life?

To support your journey, download the SFT protocols here. For this event, you can use the Energetic Cleanse Protocol with phrases like: “Tyrannical control”; “Fear-based compliance”; “Oppressive power structures”; “Suppressed sovereignty”; and “Energetic subjugation”.

If this session has stirred something within you, consider watching past group SFT tapping events here or joining our live group healing events here. For deeper personal healing, book a private session with Jen Ward here.

For those ready to accelerate their empowerment journey, the Extended Healing Package offers a transformative experience. Work one-on-one with Jen Ward to remove deep-seated blockages, heal past life trauma, and unlock your true potential. Learn more about this opportunity here.

Join the movement of universal empowerment—you are more powerful than you’ve been led to believe. Change begins with you.

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