SFT Tapping Companion
- Justice is of the people for the people and by the people; in all moments.
- Right wing justices are immediately thwarted from desecrating human rights; in all moments.
- All judges with an allegiance to MAGA instead of the Constitution are immediately impeached; in all moments.
- All those who work to destroy the integrity of the Constitution are immediately knocked off their perch; in all moments.
- All mouthpieces for treason against democracy immediately lose their authority; in all moments.
- The MAGA agenda is shredded from all constructs of legitimacy; in all moments.
- Religious factions are thwarted from perpetuating ignorance; in all moments.
- The sanctity of the Establishment Clause is healed, repaired, and protected; in all moments.
- The aggression of personal freedoms by Maga zealots is immediately thwarted; in all moments.
- The ongoing assault on mass awakening is immediately thwarted; in all moments.
- The inalienable rights of all individuals are strengthened, healed, repaired, and vehemently protected; in all moments.
- The passing of religious factions in public pools is thwarted; in all moments.
- All forked-tongued interpretations of law by MAGA judges are universally rejected; in all moments.
- Gorsuch, Alito, and Thomas are all rendered impotent and removed from the bench; in all moments.
- The bloated, pathetic, filthy rich are thwarted from playing monopoly with the court systems; in all moments.
- Religions are disemboweled from state and federal law; in all moments.
- All children are protected from taking the knee to religious practices in school; in all moments.
- The guardrails between church and state are reinstated, repaired, and strengthened; in all moments.
- All those jonesing for religious indoctrination are redirected to fix their own lives; in all moments.
- Those in desperate need to control others are contained within their own microcosm; in all moments.
- Religious factions are thwarted from the mean girl mentality; in all moments.
- All psychic streams of energy that possess religious zealots to infiltrate government are dissipated; in all moments.
- All factions and networks storming the walls of democracy are immediately collapsed and dissolved; in all moments.
- All weaponizing of religion to influence government policy is immediately thwarted; in all moments.
- All psychic streams of energy of weaponized prayer are dissipated; in all moments.
- All energy matrices and complex energy matrices that are hell-bent on destroying democracy are escorted into the light and sound; in all moments.
- All evil intentions using mind tricks to stay relevant are dissipated; in all moments.
- All psychic attacks against avatars of truth are immediately thwarted; in all moments.
- All legal precedent is protected from despots masquerading as Supreme Court justices; in all moments.
- The rotting in our court system is immediately removed; in all moments.
- All silent nods to corruption in the court system are systemically ousted; in all moments.
- All judges that condone corruption are pulled off the bench by their hair; in all moments.
- All judges who are bending over for MAGA are immediately stripped of their robes; in all moments.
- MAGA supporting mandates are immediately removed from the court’s docket; in all moments.
- The toxic mold of insurrectionists is purged from all government and judicial decisions; in all moments.
- Religious zealots are thwarted from farting on the inalienable rights of others; in all moments.
- The stench of conservative zealots is removed from all bodies of governing systems; in all moments.
- All parasites are cleansed from all our governing bodies; in all moments.
- All those enacting a coup against democracy are immediately ******* up the *** by accountability; in all moments.
- The sanctity of our judicial system is protected from a vantage point of higher consciousness; in all moments.
- The church is thwarted from inbreeding with the state; in all moments.
- All governing bodies maintain their secular virginity; in all moments.
- Judges are thwarted from fingering public policy; in all moments.
- All attempts to pop our secular cherry are thwarted; in all moments.
- The court system rigidly rebukes any iota of religious conformity; in all moments.
- All justices and politicians who have pimped themselves out to MAGA are rendered impotent; in all moments.
- Public policy is guard railed from weaponization; in all moments.
- All attempts to use the Constitution to dismantle itself and inalienable rights are thwarted; in all moments.
- We thwart hiding behind the Constitution to destroy the Constitution; in all moments.
- The courts are cockblocked from aiding an insurrection; in all moments.
- All case law regression by corrupt judges is immediately reversed; in all moments.
- Zealots and extremists are thwarted from diddling with democracy and the judicial system; in all moments.
- Filthy rich sickos are thwarted from ************ all over the Constitution; in all moments.
- All billionaires are stripped of the God complex compulsion to control the masses; in all moments.
- Abominations to humanity have their tax shelters revoked; in all moments.
- All manipulation of historical engrams of the past and the present is thwarted; in all moments.
- The defrocking of advocates of truth is thwarted; in all moments.
- Judeo-Christian tunnel vision is removed from our governing systems; in all moments.
- All engrams and muscle memory of a vengeful God are removed from the judicial system; in all moments.
- All hints of the Hammurabi code are extracted from the present-day judicial system; in all moments.
- Inalienable secular rights are secured; in all moments.
- Passing laws between federal and state jurisdictions to inflict an intentional agenda is thwarted; in all moments.
- All masks, walls, armor, and pretense are stripped from all tainted judges; in all moments.
- All corrupt judges are stripped of their dignity, good standing, and lined pockets; in all moments.
- All corrupt judges are immediately pummeled by accountability; in all moments.
- The carbon footprint of religious doctrine is removed from the judicial system; in all moments.
- Religious nationalism is cockblocked from affecting judicial decisions; in all moments.
- All programming, conditioning, propaganda, and rhetoric that target individual rights are removed; in all moments.
- All fear-baiting and weaponizing sects of society against each other is immediately thwarted; in all moments.
- Special interest groups are thwarted from lobbying the **** out of inalienable rights; in all moments.
- The judicial system is inoculated against special interest groups; in all moments.
- Corrupt judges are thwarted from freebasing power; in all moments.
- The black market of power is eradicated; in all moments.
- All weaponization of the misinformed is thwarted; in all moments.
- All power pheromones are extracted from all those who serve the Constitution through the bench; in all moments.
- All religious mandates inflicted on the populace in bad faith are reversed; in all moments.
- All engrams, muscle memory, programming, and conditioning of outdated norms are removed from the present-day judicial system; in all moments.
- State funding is thwarted from the coffers of religious practices; in all moments.
- Democracy is protected from all mind tricks of a washed-up KGB operator; in all moments.
- Judges are thwarted from bending the knee to any particular God or dictator; in all moments.
- The polarities of extreme left and extreme right are harmonized to the center; in all moments.
- Those who **** with secular protections are immediately contained within their own microcosm; in all moments.
- Democracy transcends the limitations of a Judeo-Christian mentality; in all moments.
- All shaming of subsets of society by religious bias is thwarted; in all moments.
- All blockages to universally embracing higher consciousness are removed; in all moments.
- Sincerity, kindness, compassion, and integrity are infused into our judicial systems and permeate our daily lives; in all moments.
- All blockages to all individuals discerning truth are removed; in all moments.
- All individuals are knocked out of primal mode and introduced to discernment; in all moments.
- All individuals are gifted with the propensity to discern truth; in all moments.
- Humanity’s paradigm is shifted from primal fear to mass enlightenment; in all moments.
- All ties to lower consciousness need and want are severed; in all moments.
- The universal mind is thwarted from blocking passage into higher consciousness; in all moments.
- All apathy and resistance to spiritual awakening is removed; in all moments.
- The suffering of all individuals is immediately alleviated through the understanding provided here and by doing these taps; in all moments.
- All portals to mass control are closed; in all moments.
- All individuals are realigned to their highest purpose; in all moments.
- All soul contracts with lower consciousness experiences and mentalities are erased and eradicated; in all moments.
- All worship of materialism is ended; in all moments.
- Moloch is dethroned as a petty God; in all moments.
- All individuals are centered and empowered in the conscious awareness of the expounding splendor of divine love; in all moments.
- All individuals resonate, emanate, and are interconnected with all life in the conscious awareness of the expounding splendor of divine love; in all moments.
World-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider led a powerful group SFT tapping event focused on restoring judicial integrity and democracy. The Supreme Court, once regarded as the guardian of constitutional fairness, has been increasingly compromised by corporate influence, religious infiltration, and ideological bias. This event addressed the energetic roots of judicial corruption, empowering participants to remove the silent agreement that allows these distortions to persist.
Throughout the session, participants worked to dismantle the energetic foundations of judicial manipulation, ensuring that justices who serve hidden agendas are held accountable at an energetic level. By tapping into higher consciousness, the event reinforced the importance of a transparent and just legal system that upholds democracy rather than dismantles it.
Event Highlights
🔑 Dismantling Judicial Corruption in Energy: Participants worked to energetically strip away the distortions that have allowed justices to serve personal and political interests. The session focused on severing the energetic ties between the Supreme Court and manipulative forces, ensuring that judicial decisions align with truth rather than hidden agendas.
🔑 Addressing the Erosion of Individual Rights: The session directly confronted the systematic rollback of fundamental freedoms, reinforcing the energetic strength of constitutional protections. Participants worked to neutralize the influence of extremist ideologies that use the court to impose restrictions on personal autonomy.
🔑 Thwarting the Weaponization of Religion in Law: Religious factions have infiltrated the judiciary, using legal decisions to enforce dogmatic control over human rights. This session focused on dissolving the energetic engrams that sustain religious dominance in legal rulings, ensuring that laws are based on fairness rather than doctrine.
🔑 Exposing the Influence of Wealth in the Court System: The Supreme Court has become a playground for the ultra-wealthy, with billionaires influencing legal outcomes for their own benefit. Participants worked to cut the energetic ties between money and judicial power, restoring fairness and ensuring that justice cannot be bought.
🔑 Reclaiming the Supreme Court for Humanity: There is an unspoken reverence for judicial figures, even when they serve corrupt and self-serving agendas. This event worked to remove the misplaced energetic support that shields these justices from accountability, ensuring they answer to truth rather than unchecked power.
The Supreme Court’s Corruption and the Need for Energetic Reform
The Supreme Court was established to safeguard justice, but its function has been distorted by political maneuvering, corporate influence, and ideological extremism. Instead of acting as a neutral guardian of democracy, it has become a mechanism for those seeking unchecked control over governance. The misuse of judicial power has eroded fundamental freedoms, allowing corruption to thrive beneath the guise of legality.
This session worked to dismantle the energetic structures that sustain judicial corruption, ensuring that the power of the court is returned to the people. By tapping into higher consciousness, participants removed silent agreements with injustice, reinforcing a collective demand for integrity and fairness.
The Supreme Court must return to its true purpose as an impartial and just entity. Through energy work, participants fortified the energetic foundation of judicial integrity, preventing power from being manipulated for personal or political gain.
Dismantling the Weaponization of Religion in the Judiciary
The increasing influence of religious ideology in legal decisions is one of the most insidious threats to democracy. The Supreme Court has been strategically infiltrated by factions seeking to enforce faith-based laws on an entire population. The Establishment Clause was designed to protect individuals from religious coercion, yet the court has become a vehicle for religious extremism rather than a protector of secular justice.
This session targeted the energetic foundations of religious control over the judiciary, removing the psychic streams of energy that fuel religious bias in legal rulings. Participants worked to dissolve indoctrination-based decision-making, ensuring that judicial authority is based on fairness rather than dogma.
Your Role in Judicial Reform
One of the biggest enablers of judicial corruption is public apathy. Many people believe they have no power to influence legal systems, yet this session proved otherwise. By engaging in energetic activism, participants worked to remove the silent consent that allows manipulation to thrive.
Apathy is the foundation of unchecked power. When you engage in energetic dismantling of corruption, you become an active participant in restoring fairness and balance. The Supreme Court must answer to truth rather than personal agendas, and your energy plays a crucial role in holding it accountable.
Conclusion and Call to Action
What beliefs have you unconsciously accepted about the Supreme Court’s authority? How can you shift from silent observation to active participation in dismantling judicial corruption? What role does your energy play in reinforcing the integrity of democracy?
This SFT tapping session was a critical step in reclaiming justice, removing the energetic foundations that allow corruption to persist unchecked. You can continue this work by downloading the SFT tapping protocols here. Incorporate the Energetic Cleanse protocol into your practice with phrases like “entrenched judicial bias”, “corrupt power structures”, “weaponized religion”, “manipulated legal precedents”, and “systemic apathy”.
Explore the extensive library of video sessions here to experience the profound effects of group SFT tapping. If this session stirred personal struggles related to justice, empowerment, or breaking free from oppressive systems, consider booking a private healing session with Jen Ward here.
For those ready to commit to deep energetic transformation, the Extended Healing package provides long-term support for clearing energetic blockages and reclaiming personal power. Sign up here to take the next step in your journey.
Regular group healing events amplify the collective energy of empowerment. By participating in these sessions, you reinforce the energetic shift toward integrity and justice. Join the next live event here.