SFT Tapping Companion
- All psychic warfare against Ukraine is immediately disarmed and dissipated; in all moments.
- All psychic warfare permeating the world is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
- All attempts to ignite the world in cruelty and hate are immediately, vehemently, and irrevocably fizzled out; in all moments.
- All cloud cover for Putin is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
- All of the dying breed of selfish megalomaniacs are eradicated from humanity; in all moments.
- All of the nests of those who infest the world with hate are exterminated; in all moments.
- All dynasties of hate are eliminated from the annals of humanity; in all moments.
- All the moldering bogs of want and need are extracted from the landscape of humanity; in all moments.
- Putin’s gruesome, grisly, ghastly cacophony and stench are purged from the annals of humanity; in all moments.
- Putin is immediately fucked, stricken, and effigied in accountability; in all moments.
- All of Putin’s war crimes immediately land strictly on his back; in all moments.
- All of Putin’s sycophants are immediately hobbled from following in his footsteps; in all moments.
- Humans are immediately thwarted from planting their flags in a gelatinous bog of wanton intentions; in all moments.
- All serial liars are immediately struck down with the full ramifications of their own words; in all moments.
- The plague of Putin is immediately eradicated from the Earth; in all moments.
- Putin is immediately, vehemently, and irrevocably thwarted from handing his legacy or mantle to another; in all moments.
- All of humanity is immediately inoculated against the plague of Trump and his death squad; in all moments.
- The facade of ignorance is immediately stripped off cruelty; in all moments.
- All slumlords to ghettos of indifference are immediately stripped of their credentials; in all moments.
- All the gulags of physical, emotional, and intellectual passivity and ineptness are immediately emptied; in all moments.
- All those disenfranchised from their own capabilities, potential, and empowering voice are immediately brought back to reason; in all moments.
- All those who have had the light snuffed out of their eyes are immediately reconnected to source; in all moments.
- All those who have been distracted from receiving celestial music in their ears are immediately reconnected to source; in all moments.
- All those who have lost the promptings of spirit from within are immediately re-engaged; in all moments.
- All those who have lost their voice are immediately compelled to sing to the hilltops; in all moments.
- All individuals are immediately ripped out of their cocoons of apathy; in all moments.
- All illusion is stripped away from the lair of the complacent; in all moments.
- All those wrapped in denial are immediately stripped of their shawl and exposed to the wind of truth; in all moments.
- All those dwelling in the permeating lies suddenly experience a chill of reality up their spine; in all moments.
- All those living in complacency immediately feel their foot to the fire; in all moments.
- All those slowly boiling in a pot of indifference immediately jump the fuck out; in all moments.
- All those selfishly taking are ousted out of complacency and are immediately caught up in a wind swelling of outflowing; in all moments.
- All those hell-bent on taking are immediately grounded in an inundation of blowback; in all moments.
- All those shellacked in a hard shell of white supremacy are immediately cracked open to expose their vulnerability; in all moments.
- All those ignoring the plight of the collective immediately experience the thin walls of communal living; in all moments.
- All legacies of entitlement and paternal superiority are eradicated off the planet; in all moments.
- The whispering of a selfish God is muted in the ears of the sheep; in all moments.
- The curse of meekness and compliance is removed from all individuals; in all moments.
- All sheep spontaneously realize they are the shepherds; in all moments.
- All those cursed with being lambs of God rise up to the accountability of their purpose; in all moments.
- The selfish allure of denial and apathy is ripped off like covers on the sleeping masses; in all moments.
- All individuals forego shivering in their beds of denial and awaken to their purpose; in all moments.
- All those refusing to take a stance immediately stand toe-to-toe with accountability; in all moments.
- Personified cruelty is immediately forced eye-to-eye with all those it has oppressed; in all moments.
- The oppressor is rendered naked, vulnerable, and incapable of slithering out of accountability; in all moments.
- A strong-arm grip holds the oppressor suppliant to receive his accountability; in all moments.
- All hosts of cruelty are quarantined in isolation and a purgatory of self-reflection; in all moments.
- All those hosting the dark plague of hate and control are held to the purging fire of truth; in all moments.
- All maniacal plans for humanity are immediately eliminated; in all moments.
- The fork in the road where subjugation meets empowerment makes way for mass awakening; in all moments.
- The barometric pressure of power and control immediately gives way to a torrential expounding of truth; in all moments.
- All those in a feeding frenzy of power immediately and vehemently get the trots; in all moments.
- All those with a taste for cruelty are immediately met with a mouthful of energetic glass; in all moments.
- All those who inflict cruelty immediately feel the effects in their own throbbing flesh; in all moments.
- All those who poison the well with lies immediately taste the effects on their own burning tongue; in all moments.
- All those who lay in a bed of complacency immediately realize the discomfort of bed sores; in all moments.
- All those who send others to suffer are immediately struck with the foreboding dread of their own intentions; in all moments.
- All those curled in a hovel of past memories are ousted into the light of higher consciousness; in all moments.
- All humans are thwarted from burying themselves in a nest of crumpled-up past life engrams; in all moments.
- All disinformation bubbles are immediately popped; in all moments.
- All boils on the asses of the complacent are immediately lanced; in all moments.
- All blockages to Ukraine being respected as a superpower are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
- The shell of all narcissists is immediately crushed to dust; in all moments.
- All those desecrating those living their purpose are immediately repurposed to their own purpose; in all moments.
- All of humanity celebrates the upgrade to higher consciousness that Ukraine’s resilience, integrity, and sincerity exemplify; in all moments.
- All of humanity is centered and empowered in a tenacity of higher consciousness that Ukraine exemplifies; in all moments.
- All of humanity resonates, emanates, and is interconnected with all life in a tenacity of higher consciousness that Ukraine exemplifies; in all moments.
The battle for Ukraine extends beyond physical borders. It is a fight for global freedom, sovereignty, and higher consciousness. In this Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer, Jen Ward, and Marvin Schneider lead an energetic movement to dismantle psychic warfare, authoritarian control, and collective apathy.
This session exposes hidden forces manipulating humanity, drawing attention to the energetic oppression behind global conflicts. Through SFT tapping, participants work to dissolve energetic strongholds of tyranny, complacency, and misinformation, paving the way for universal empowerment. If you feel the weight of collective struggles, this event will help you release energetic burdens and reclaim your power.
Event Highlights
🔑 Unmasking the True Battle for Ukraine: This event reveals that the conflict in Ukraine is not just a kinetic war. It is a spiritual battle between empowerment and oppression. Participants learn how psychic warfare and mass complacency contribute to the fight.
🔑 Breaking the Chains of Apathy: Complacency fuels oppression. This session confronts global indifference, urging individuals to wake up and take action energetically and physically.
🔑 Dismantling Tyrannical Agendas: Jen Ward exposes how leaders like Putin, Trump, and Elon manipulate mass consciousness, keeping humanity trapped in lower vibrations.
🔑 Reclaiming Humanity’s Higher Consciousness: The event highlights Ukraine’s resilience as a catalyst for global awakening, emphasizing energy healing as a revolutionary tool for dismantling oppression.
🔑 The Power of SFT Tapping for Collective Liberation: Through targeted SFT taps, participants energetically strip oppressive figures of their control and force them to face accountability.
🔑 Energetic Resistance Through Action: This session teaches that energy work is a powerful force in shaping reality, proving that collective intention can dismantle authoritarian power structures.
The Reality of Psychic Warfare and Global Manipulation
If you think oppression exists only in the physical world, think again. Psychic warfare is not a metaphor—it is a real force shaping global conflicts. What is happening in Ukraine is not just a territorial dispute; it is an energetic battle for the soul of humanity. Those in power who thrive on control, deception, and fear understand how to manipulate mass consciousness. They use fear-based narratives, misinformation, and energetic suppression to keep people apathetic, distracted, and submissive.
This is why the struggle for Ukraine’s sovereignty carries far greater consequences than many realize. It is not just about one country. It is about whether humanity as a whole can awaken from the grip of authoritarian control. Leaders like Putin, Trump, and Elon are energetic warlords who feed off control and subjugation. The more people remain in denial, complacency, or willful ignorance, the more fuel they provide to these oppressive forces.
You may not think that your thoughts, beliefs, and energy contribute to global events, but they do. Every time you disengage, every time you dismiss a crisis as “someone else’s problem,” you reinforce the very system that keeps tyrants in power. Recognizing this truth is the first step in breaking free from the energetic entrapment they create. Through SFT tapping, you can reclaim your personal power and stop feeding into the mechanisms of oppression. By dissolving energetic blockages of control, you can disrupt the psychic strongholds that empower corruption and authoritarian rule.
Breaking the Spell of Indifference
Apathy is one of the greatest enablers of oppression. Many people believe that remaining neutral or disengaged keeps them safe. But in reality, complacency is complicity. Every major atrocity in history has been fueled by the silent acceptance of those who refuse to act. When people believe that a war happening thousands of miles away has no impact on them, they fail to see the interconnected nature of energy.
Those who are indifferent to Ukraine’s suffering or dismiss the battle as a “political issue” are failing to recognize their own role in perpetuating oppression. Every time you scroll past another headline about global conflicts and feel nothing, that numbness is being weaponized against you. The forces of control rely on people becoming so overwhelmed, disillusioned, or distracted that they stop resisting.
This is why this event focuses so heavily on breaking the energetic hold of apathy. Through SFT tapping, participants release the illusion of powerlessness and restore the will to act, resist, and stand up for higher consciousness. When you remove the energetic blindfolds placed over society, you begin to see the world clearly—and that is exactly what those in power fear the most.
Holding Tyrants Accountable Through Energy Work
One of the biggest myths about corrupt actors like Putin, Trump, and Elon is that they are unstoppable. This illusion is carefully crafted and energetically reinforced to make people believe that resistance is futile. In reality, these figures are held up by a web of energetic manipulation, mass complacency, and fear-based compliance. Their worst nightmare? Being held fully accountable for their actions.
This session focuses on dissolving the energetic armor that shields oppressors from facing justice. Many tyrants operate as black magicians, using psychic manipulation to shield themselves from consequences. Through SFT tapping, participants actively strip these figures of their energetic protection, dismantle their influence, and force them to confront their actions.
Think about how many powerful people have escaped accountability for decades, if not centuries. Now, imagine what happens when the collective energy shifts and those figures can no longer hide behind deception, apathy, or spiritual loopholes. This is what SFT tapping accomplishes—it is an energetic intervention against unchecked power.
Your Role in Global Awakening
You may feel like one person cannot make a difference, but that belief is one of the biggest lies designed to keep humanity disempowered. Every thought, every intention, and every action you take contributes to the energetic balance of the world. If you allow yourself to believe that you are powerless, then those who thrive on control have already won.
But what if you could shift that narrative? What if you recognized that your energy is one of the most powerful forces in existence? What if, instead of feeling defeated by global oppression, you started actively dismantling its energetic strongholds?
The Jenuine Healing community is built on the truth that individual empowerment leads to collective liberation. This session is a reminder that your consciousness matters, your awareness matters, and your ability to resist oppression—both physically and energetically—is more powerful than you’ve been led to believe.
Conclusion & Call to Action: Step Into Your Power
The fight for Ukraine is more than a geopolitical struggle—it is an energetic reckoning. The forces that thrive on manipulation, control, and fear depend on your complacency and detachment to maintain power. But you are not powerless. You are an energetic force capable of dismantling oppression, shifting consciousness, and awakening the world.
If this session has stirred something within you, it is time to act. Take a moment to reflect: Have you unknowingly given your energy to systems of control? Have you allowed fear and apathy to dictate your role in this world? What would happen if you fully embraced your ability to dismantle tyranny—not just through words, but through energy work and conscious resistance?
To begin shifting the energy, start using SFT tapping in your daily practice. You can download the full SFT protocols here and immediately begin clearing psychic manipulation, mass complacency, and energetic strongholds of oppression from your field. If you are ready to go deeper, try the Energetic Cleanse protocol with phrases such as “Psychic warfare manipulation,” “Mass complacency programming,” and “Energetic strongholds of oppression.”
If this session resonates with you, explore the extensive library of group SFT tapping events and private sessions here. These powerful events allow you to continue breaking free from energetic entrapments and stepping into higher consciousness. You can also participate in live group SFT tapping sessions here, where you will work in real-time to disrupt energetic control structures and anchor in global empowerment.
For those who feel called to address personal blockages, one-on-one healing with Jen Ward can help you break through layers of conditioning and reclaim your full personal sovereignty. Book a private session here and take a powerful step toward liberation from past traumas, energetic entrapments, and false narratives.
If you are ready for a deeper, ongoing transformation, consider committing to the Extended Healing package, which offers profound, sustained energy healing. This program is designed to remove deep-seated blockages, restore your authentic power, and align you with your highest potential. You can learn more here.
True change begins when individuals wake up and take action. Join the movement for universal empowerment by participating in regular group healing events here and continue raising the collective consciousness.
The time for awakening is now. The world needs you fully engaged, fully empowered, and fully aware. Are you ready to take back your energy and reclaim your power?