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Overcoming Abuse and Reclaiming Power

Reclaim your power and heal emotional wounds with Jen Ward’s transformative energy healing techniques. Overcome abuse and embrace your strength.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. We fill in the blanks with loving kindness; in all moments.
  2. We release punishing ourselves; in all moments.
  3. We release haunting ourselves with memories of abuse; in all moments.
  4. We release identifying with the abuse; in all moments.
  5. We release being stripped of our dignity; in all moments.
  6. We release being preyed upon as a baby; in all moments.
  7. We release seeing a monster and love in the same face; in all moments.
  8. We release being stripped of our boundaries; in all moments.
  9. We release being penetrated; in all moments.
  10. We release being helpless to run away; in all moments.
  11. We release being too little to fight it off; in all moments.
  12. We release being voiceless; in all moments.
  13. We release being crushed; in all moments.
  14. We release being toyed with; in all moments.
  15. We release being suffocated; in all moments.
  16. We release being stuck at the vantage point of a helpless baby; in all moments.
  17. We release seeing the abuse as larger than life; in all moments.
  18. We release being trapped in the body; in all moments.
  19. We release disassociating from the body; in all moments.
  20. We release seeing the abuser as great; in all moments.
  21. We strip all illusion off of the abuser; in all moments.
  22. We strip all energy out of the abuse; in all moments.
  23. We release fueling engrams of abuse; in all moments.
  24. We blow the memories out of existence; in all moments.
  25. We release being shamed; in all moments.
  26. We release confusing normal function with abuse; in all moments.
  27. We remove all the chaos in our babyhood; in all moments.
  28. We repair the frazzled wiring; in all moments.
  29. We heal our nervous system; in all moments.
  30. We accept Jen’s strength and resilience; in all moments.
  31. We entangle the circuits in our brain; in all moments.
  32. We declutter the abuse from our psyche; in all moments.
  33. We refurbish our psyche; in all moments.
  34. We release obsessing over details; in all moments.
  35. We release being invalidated by the mother’s denial; in all moments.
  36. We release being afraid to hurt the mother’s feelings; in all moments.
  37. We release protecting the mother’s delusion; in all moments.
  38. We release stuffing the anger regarding the mother; in all moments.
  39. We release being brainwashed by the mother’s denial; in all moments.
  40. We release taking our mother’s ********; in all moments.
  41. We strip all illusion off the mother; in all moments.
  42. We release being desecrated by the mother; in all moments.
  43. We release stuffing the anger for the mother; in all moments.
  44. We release being robbed by the mother; in all moments.
  45. We release being born to indifference; in all moments.
  46. We replace the present lifetime’s engrams of childhood with our best childhood engrams ever; in all moments.
  47. We extract all the engrams of abuse and replace them with engrams of being validated and appreciated; in all moments.
  48. We grind up all the shattered engrams to powder and release them; in all moments.
  49. We are saturated with the milk of human kindness; in all moments.
  50. We remove all echoes and flecks of abuse; in all moments.
  51. We remove all mental aberrations of abuse; in all moments.
  52. We remove all mind flecks of abuse; in all moments.
  53. We remove all causal engrams of abuse; in all moments.
  54. We remove all emotional damage of abuse; in all moments.
  55. We remove all muscle memory of abuse; in all moments.


Abuse leaves invisible scars that can linger, impacting every aspect of life. In this powerful private session, Jen Ward, a world-renowned energy healer, guided her client through a transformative journey to release the energetic imprints of abuse. This session focused on addressing unresolved trauma, reclaiming personal power, and restoring emotional balance through energy healing. If you’ve struggled to overcome painful memories or reclaim your sense of self, this session highlights a pathway to deep healing and empowerment.

Session Highlights

🔑 Releasing Energetic Imprints of Abuse: Jen led the client through a profound process of releasing emotional and physical memories tied to abuse. Through targeted SFT taps, the session removed layers of guilt, shame, and helplessness to restore a sense of safety and autonomy.

🔑 Reclaiming Personal Power: A powerful visualization exercise helped the client reclaim their energy and strength, symbolized by dismantling abusive memories like a balloon being shot down, restoring their inner sassiness and vitality.

🔑 Repairing Emotional Boundaries: Jen guided the client in reinforcing boundaries that had been stripped away by past experiences. By energetically rebuilding protective layers, the client could feel safe and empowered again.

🔑 Recreating a Safe Inner Space: Using a house visualization, the client was encouraged to clean, refurbish, and transform their psyche, turning traumatic memories into symbols of healing and safety.

🔑 Infusing Compassion and Strength: Jen emphasized the client’s heightened compassion as a gift developed through their experiences. This recognition provided a sense of purpose and empowerment, encouraging gratitude for the strengths gained.

Releasing Trauma Stored in the Body

Abuse often leaves traces not just emotionally but physically, as the body stores trauma in its tissues. Jen’s energy healing approach emphasizes releasing this stored energy, allowing the body to relax and the mind to find peace.

The Power of Visualization in Healing

Visual exercises, like cleaning out rooms or reassembling a broken Fabergé egg, symbolize reclaiming lost pieces of self. These techniques help clients heal without revisiting painful memories directly, providing a safe and effective healing path.

Rebuilding Emotional Boundaries

A lack of boundaries is a common aftermath of abuse. Through energy healing, Jen helps clients recognize and restore their right to safety and personal space, enabling them to feel secure in their relationships and environments.

Turning Pain into Compassionate Strength

Jen highlights how personal struggles can cultivate extraordinary compassion. By recognizing this strength, clients transform their pain into a tool for connection and healing in themselves and others.

Embracing Energetic Support for Deep Healing

Healing is not a solitary journey. Jen’s sessions show how accepting energetic support from healers and spiritual practices can accelerate recovery, fostering resilience and self-love.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Healing from abuse is a journey of reclaiming your power, restoring your dignity, and finding safety within yourself. Ask yourself: How have your past experiences shaped your current strengths? Are you ready to let go of lingering pain to embrace a life of freedom and compassion?

Start your healing journey today. Download the SFT protocols from the Jenuine Healing website here. Incorporate into the Energetic Cleanse protocol phrases such as “energetic imbalance,” “haunting memories,” and “fractured psyche” to address these themes.

Explore Jen Ward’s extensive library of videos of private sessions and group SFT tapping events here.

Book a private session with Jen Ward here or participate in a group healing event here.

For those ready to fully embrace their empowerment journey, consider Jen Ward’s Extended Healing Package here, a comprehensive approach to unlocking your full potential.

Transform your life. Reclaim your power. You deserve it.

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