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Restoring Humanity’s Core Values

Explore freedom, accountability, and passion of purpose with Jen Ward. Transform your life through SFT Tapping and embrace higher consciousness.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. The dwindling and constriction of freedom is immediately thwarted; in all moments.
  2. All factions interfering with humanity’s freedom are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  3. The integral structure of the blueprint of freedom is immediately repaired; in all moments.
  4. Freedom is redistributed back into the integral fiber of humanity; in all moments.
  5. Humanity is protected from relinquishing or opting out of freedom; in all moments.
  6. Freedom is an integral fractal of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  7. Freedom is a schematic in the blueprint of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  8. All of humanity immediately awakens in the freedom of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  9. The desecration of accountability is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  10. All engrams and muscle memory that erode away accountability are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  11. The fabric of accountability is immediately healed, repaired, and reinstated in the collective; in all moments.
  12. The genome sequencing of accountability is immediately infused in the DNA of humanity; in all moments.
  13. Accountability is an integral fractal in the continuum of humanity; in all moments.
  14. Accountability is a vital schematic in the blueprint of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  15. All those incapable of accountability are refused access to higher consciousness; in all moments.
  16. All those who hold themselves accountable immediately awaken in higher consciousness; in all moments.
  17. The dwindling and constriction of health is immediately thwarted; in all moments.
  18. All factions interfering with humanity’s health are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  19. The integral structure of the blueprint of health is immediately repaired; in all moments.
  20. Health is redistributed back into the integral fiber of humanity; in all moments.
  21. Humanity is protected from relinquishing or opting out of optimal health; in all moments.
  22. Optimal health is an integral fractal of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  23. Pristine health is a schematic in the blueprint of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  24. All of humanity immediately awakens in the pristine health of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  25. The desecration of self-care is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  26. All engrams and muscle memory that erode away self-care are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  27. The fabric of self-care is immediately healed, repaired, and reinstated in the collective; in all moments.
  28. The genome sequencing of self-care is immediately infused in the DNA of humanity; in all moments.
  29. Self-care is an integral fractal in the continuum of humanity; in all moments.
  30. Self-care is a vital schematic in the blueprint of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  31. All those incapable of self-care are opted out of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  32. All those incapable of self-care are released from opting out of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  33. All those who are diligent with self-care awaken into higher consciousness; in all moments.
  34. The dwindling and constriction of success is immediately thwarted; in all moments.
  35. All factions interfering with humanity’s success are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  36. The integral structure of the blueprint of success is immediately repaired; in all moments.
  37. Success is redistributed back into the integral fiber of humanity; in all moments.
  38. Humanity is protected from relinquishing or opting out of success; in all moments.
  39. Success is an integral fractal of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  40. Success is a schematic in the blueprint of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  41. All of humanity immediately awakens in the success of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  42. The desecration of passion of purpose is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  43. All engrams and muscle memory that erode away passion of purpose are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  44. The fabric of passion of purpose is immediately healed, repaired, and reinstated in the collective; in all moments.
  45. The genome sequencing of passion of purpose is immediately infused in the DNA of humanity; in all moments.
  46. Passion of purpose is an integral fractal in the continuum of humanity; in all moments.
  47. Passion of purpose is a vital schematic in the blueprint of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  48. All those incapable of passion of purpose are refused access to higher consciousness; in all moments.
  49. All those with passion of purpose awaken into higher consciousness; in all moments.
  50. Humanity is centered and empowered in freedom, accountability, health, self-care, success, and passion of purpose in higher consciousness; in all moments.
  51. Humanity resonates, emanates, and is interconnected with all life in freedom, accountability, health, self-care, success, and passion of purpose in higher consciousness; in all moments.


World-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider invite you to a transformative group SFT tapping event designed to restore humanity’s core values—freedom, health and success, and their counterparts accountability, self-care and passion of purpose. In this event, participants release energetic blockages and reintegrate these essential principles into their DNA and collective consciousness. By aligning with higher consciousness and universal empowerment, this event addresses the pressing issues of disconnection and disempowerment, guiding you to embrace a life filled with purpose, self-care, and accountability. Dive into this extraordinary journey to ignite transformation for yourself and humanity.

Event Highlights

🔑 Reinstating Freedom in Higher Consciousness: Discover how freedom is an integral fractal of higher consciousness and how it unlocks humanity’s potential.

🔑 The Power of Accountability: Learn why self-accountability is essential for maintaining personal freedom and how it fosters collective empowerment.

🔑 Awakening Passion of Purpose: Explore how passion of purpose can align you with universal empowerment and create a ripple effect of transformation.

🔑 The Role of Self-Care in Energy Healing: Understand how self-care serves as the foundation for higher consciousness and helps dissolve energetic blockages.

🔑 Healing Humanity Through SFT Tapping: Experience Jen Ward’s groundbreaking SFT tapping protocols, designed to reawaken humanity’s core values and collective energy.

🔑 Rebalancing DNA Energies: Visualize how freedom, accountability, and purpose can light up dormant areas of your DNA and restore your energetic balance.

The Essential Role of Freedom in Your Evolution

Freedom is more than a concept; it’s an intrinsic part of higher consciousness. During the session, you’re reminded that freedom isn’t something granted externally but rather an innate quality of your being. When you embrace this realization, you dissolve the limitations imposed by societal constructs and self-imposed barriers. Reflect on this: Where in your life are you holding yourself back? What steps can you take to reclaim your inherent freedom?

Why Accountability is Non-Negotiable for Growth

Self-accountability isn’t just about taking responsibility—it’s a pathway to empowerment. In this session, Jen Ward emphasized how accountability aligns you with universal truths. Accountability isn’t restrictive; it’s liberating because it enables you to live authentically. Ask yourself: Are you holding yourself accountable to your higher purpose? What small shifts in your daily life can cultivate greater integrity and empowerment?

Passion of Purpose is Your Gateway to Fulfillment

Finding and embodying your passion of purpose is central to personal and collective transformation. Jen shared how passion of purpose creates alignment, both within yourself and with the broader collective. Reflect on your life’s direction: Does it resonate with your true self? What passions are you ignoring that could lead to greater fulfillment?

Self-Care is the Foundation for Higher Consciousness

Self-care often gets overlooked, yet it’s the foundation for accessing higher consciousness. Jen highlighted how neglecting self-care blocks your ability to connect with your higher self. Take a moment to assess: How well are you caring for your physical, emotional, and energetic needs? Where can you make simple, impactful improvements?

SFT Tapping as a Transformative Healing Modality

SFT tapping is more than a technique; it’s a pathway to awakening. By addressing energetic blockages at the DNA level, this modality helps you align with your highest potential. Jen’s profound insights during this session revealed how collective empowerment begins with individual transformation. Consider this: Are you open to exploring tools like SFT tapping to heal and empower yourself?

Conclusion and Call to Action

Freedom, health, success, accountability, self-care, and passion of purpose aren’t just ideals—they’re your birthright. How can you reclaim these core values in your life? What small changes can you make to embrace self-care and accountability today? Are you ready to step into your passion of purpose and align with higher consciousness?

Download the SFT Protocols from the Jenuine Healing website here to begin your journey. Use the Energetic Cleanse protocol with phrases like “freedom restriction,” “self-care neglect,” and “blocked purpose” to remove energetic blockages.

Explore additional group SFT tapping events here and sign up for upcoming group SFT tapping events here. You can also participate in regular group healing events to deepen your transformation by joining here.

Engage with the Declaration of Universal Interdependence Facebook community here to connect with like-minded individuals.

If this event stirred unresolved issues, consider booking a private session with Jen Ward here to delve deeper into your healing journey. Together, let’s awaken humanity’s core values and create a world of universal empowerment.

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