David slays Goliath

Empower the disenfranchised and redefine the American Dream with SFT tapping to challenge power structures and promote unity.


In this transformative Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider focus on empowering the disenfranchised—those ordinary individuals who often feel powerless in the face of systemic challenges. Titled “David Slays Goliath,” this session uses SFT tapping to help participants release limiting beliefs and reclaim their personal sovereignty. The event’s central theme revolves around redefining the American Dream to promote universal empowerment, moving beyond entitlement and fostering a shift towards collective consciousness. Join us as we explore how empowering the disenfranchised can bring about a higher consciousness and unity for all of humanity.

Event Highlights

🔑 Redefining the American Dream: Jen and Marvin challenge the traditional concept of the American Dream, suggesting it should evolve from a pursuit of wealth and power to a universal aspiration that benefits all of humanity, regardless of nationality or background. 

🔑 Empowering the Disenfranchised: The event focuses on uplifting the “Davids” of the world—those ordinary individuals often marginalized by societal power structures. Through SFT tapping, participants learn to shed feelings of disenfranchisement and reclaim their sense of purpose and personal power. 

🔑 Challenging Power Structures: This event addresses the imbalance of power dynamics by encouraging participants to recognize and dismantle the structures that perpetuate inequality, shifting from a “them versus us” mindset to one of unity and mutual respect. 

🔑 Promoting a Shift in Collective Consciousness: The event emphasizes the need for a collective consciousness shift towards inclusivity and universal empowerment. By breaking down barriers and promoting interconnectedness, humanity can move from division to a more unified state. 

🔑 Rediscovering Authentic Purpose: Participants are guided to find and pursue their true passions and purpose. Jen and Marvin explain that real empowerment comes from aligning with your authenticity rather than seeking societal validation or material wealth. 

🔑 Practical Tools for Transformation: The event provides practical tools, including SFT taps, to help you release emotional and energetic blockages. These tools empower you  to live authentically and fully embrace your unique contribution to the world. 

Redefining the American Dream: A Universal Aspiration

The traditional narrative of the American Dream is evolving. No longer is it about personal wealth and climbing the social ladder; it’s now about finding a purpose that uplifts not just the individual but the whole of humanity. Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider argue that the American Dream should be redefined to encompass a universal aspiration for collective empowerment. You are encouraged to seek fulfillment not through competition or entitlement but through genuine connection, purpose, and service to others. In this new paradigm, the dream becomes a shared vision, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to the greater good, regardless of their origins or circumstances.

Empowering the Disenfranchised: Elevating the Davids

Many people feel like “Davids” facing formidable “Goliaths” and the systems and individuals that hold power over them. This event sheds light on the importance of empowering these ordinary people, who are often marginalized or oppressed. Through SFT tapping, you can release the limiting beliefs and energetic blockages that keep you feeling powerless. The event encourages you to see yourself not as a victim of circumstances but as a powerful force for change, capable of standing up against oppressive structures and reclaiming your birthright to thrive. This empowerment is the key to transforming not only your own life but also the broader social landscape.

Challenging Power Structures: Breaking Down the Goliaths

Breaking down entrenched power structures requires you to recognize and confront the societal forces that create inequality and division. This event provides the tools needed to challenge these structures and balance power dynamics. You are invited to examine how you may unconsciously contribute to these imbalances and take steps to dismantle them, both within yourself and in the wider world. The focus is on shifting from a “them versus us” mentality to a mindset of unity and collaboration, where everyone has a role in creating a fairer, more equitable society.

Shifting Collective Consciousness: From Division to Unity

A shift in collective consciousness is essential for humanity to move beyond the current paradigms of division and conflict. This event emphasizes the importance of fostering unity and interconnectedness, transcending societal labels and boundaries. Through SFT tapping, you can contribute to this shift by releasing judgments, embracing inclusivity, and recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings. As you do so, you become part of a larger movement toward a more harmonious world where the focus is on shared purpose and mutual respect.

Reclaiming Authenticity: Rediscovering Purpose Beyond Entitlement

True empowerment comes not from seeking external validation or material success but from aligning with your inner truth and authentic purpose. In this event, Jen and Marvin encourage you to reconnect with the passions and joys that define your true self, moving beyond societal expectations and entitlement. By doing so, you can live a life that is not only fulfilling for yourself but also contributes positively to the world around you. Jen and Marvin invite you to rediscover your purpose, align with it fully, and embrace the unique gifts you have to offer.

SFT Taps

💬 All blockages to the empowerment of the disenfranchised are removed; in all moments.
💬 David systemically transcends Goliath; in all moments.
💬 The American Dream is redefined for all; in all moments.
💬 All corporate malfeasance is eradicated; in all moments.
💬 All masks, walls, armor, and illusion are stripped off Goliath; in all moments.
💬 All the disenfranchised regain all that was taken from them; in all moments.
💬 All cracks in society between the haves and have-nots are repaired; in all moments.
💬 All blockages to personal empowerment are removed; in all moments.
💬 The Wei Chi of all the disenfranchised is repaired and fortified; in all moments.
💬 Humanity’s paradigm is shifted from ‘them versus us’ to ‘love thy neighbor’; in all moments.
💬 All energetic lobotomies are reversed; in all moments.
💬 The thumb is removed from the scale of the disenfranchised; in all moments.
💬 All distortions in doctrines of love are thwarted from being mandates of hate; in all moments.
💬 All worship or glorifying those who take is eradicated; in all moments.
💬 All blockages to the worldwide achievement of the American Dream are removed; in all moments.
💬 The practice of catch and kill of ingenuity is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
💬 All lines in the sand are washed away by a tsunami of purpose; in all moments.
💬 The scattered myriad of the disenfranchised unify into a bombastic wave of empowerment; in all moments.
💬 All party lines are immediately blurred; in all moments.
💬 The Golden Rule is universally reinstated; in all moments.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Reflect for a moment: How do the power dynamics in your life make you feel? Do you find yourself playing the role of a “David,” facing seemingly insurmountable “Goliaths”? This event encourages you to examine these dynamics and consider how you might reclaim your power and purpose. What steps can you take to shift your perspective from division to unity, or from entitlement to authenticity?

Start by downloading the SFT protocols from the Jenuine Healing website and trying out the Energetic Cleanse protocol with phrases such as “being disenfranchised”;worshiping Goliath”;  and “being lobotomized”.

Explore other Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping events and join the Declaration of Universal Interdependence Facebook page to connect with like-minded individuals.

If this event has brought up personal issues or challenges, consider booking a private session with Jen Ward to receive personalized guidance on your path to empowerment. Embrace this opportunity to ignite your own process of individual and universal empowerment today.

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