Releasing past life trauma

Release deep-rooted past life trauma with Jen Ward’s SFT Tapping. Heal emotional wounds, clear energetic blocks, and restore your soul connections for deeper healing.


In this profound private session, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward helps a client release deep-rooted past life trauma that has been affecting her present life. By using her signature SFT Tapping technique, Jen Ward identifies and clears the emotional and energetic blockages that have carried over from lifetimes of heartbreak, separation, and interference. As you watch this private session, you’ll discover how unresolved past life trauma can influence your relationships, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. Through energetic cleansing and SFT Tapping, you can release these hidden burdens and open the path to deeper healing and empowerment.

Session Highlights

🔑 Releasing Separation Wounds from Past Lives: Jen Ward identifies past life experiences where the client was separated from her love, resulting in deep feelings of abandonment and loss. By clearing the energetic remnants of these experiences, Jen helps the client regain emotional balance and heal the wounds that have haunted her across lifetimes.

🔑 Breaking Free from Past Life Patterns of Heartbreak: One of the client’s key traumas involved dying young due to heartbreak in several past lives. This pattern created a cycle of grief and unfulfilled love in her soul’s journey. Through SFT Tapping, Jen helps the client release these limiting emotional patterns.

🔑 Healing Interference from Ancient Times: The client experienced a past life as an ancient Pharaoh, but nefarious forces sabotaged her reign, preventing her from achieving her positive influence in the world. Jen facilitates the release of these disruptive energies, enabling the client to break free from the control of these ancient influences.

🔑 Using SFT Tapping for Energetic Cleansing: In this session, Jen demonstrates how SFT Tapping can remove energetic disinformation and other energetic blockages. This process restores the client’s natural energy flow and frees her from the limitations imposed by unresolved past life trauma.

🔑 Restoring Soul Connections Across Lifetimes: Jen helps the client clear the emotional hooks and blockages preventing her from experiencing deep, meaningful connections with her love in this lifetime. Through this process, the client reconnects with her higher consciousness and strengthens her soul’s capacity for love.

Understanding the Impact of Past Life Trauma on Your Present

Past life trauma doesn’t just disappear when you move into a new life—it lingers, affecting your emotional responses, relationships, and even physical well-being. The session with Jen Ward reveals how these traumas, whether from heartbreak, separation, or external interference, can play a significant role in shaping the challenges you face today. By acknowledging these experiences, you gain the power to release them and transform your present life. Are you aware of any recurring emotional patterns that could be linked to your past lives?

Releasing Emotional Patterns Through SFT Tapping

One of the most effective ways to address past life trauma is through SFT Tapping. This technique allows you to release the energetic imprints of painful experiences, clearing blockages that may be holding you back. Jen Ward shows how tapping on specific points while repeating key phrases can energetically “unhook” you from past life traumas. Have you noticed how unresolved emotions might be affecting your relationships today? SFT Tapping can be the key to freeing yourself from those invisible chains.

The Power of Energetic Cleansing for Soul-Level Healing:

The concept of energetic cleansing goes far beyond surface-level emotional healing. It involves clearing the deeper, energetic disinformation (ETDs) that can be passed down through lifetimes or even transferred energetically from others. By energetically cleansing yourself of these blockages, you can restore balance and clarity in your soul’s journey. How would your life change if you could clear out the energetic disinformation holding you back?

Healing Ancient Love Wounds

For many people, love is one of the most profound experiences, yet it can also carry the deepest wounds—wounds that extend across lifetimes. Jen Ward’s session emphasizes how unresolved love traumas from past lives, like the experience of losing a lover or dying from heartbreak, can leave emotional scars that influence present-day relationships. By healing these ancient love wounds, you open yourself up to more fulfilling connections in this lifetime. Have you ever felt a deep sense of loss or heartbreak that seems to come from an unknown place?

Reclaiming Your Energy and Empowerment

Every tap, every affirmation in this session is a step toward reclaiming your energy and your power. Past life traumas often create emotional and energetic “hooks” that drain your energy. Through SFT Tapping, Jen Ward helps clients release these attachments, freeing them to live a life of empowerment and abundance. What past experiences—whether from this life or previous ones—are draining your energy? Imagine the freedom of reclaiming your full power.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. We break down the wall of resistance; in all moments.
  2. We release being brought down to our knees; in all moments.
  3. We release being broken; in all moments.
  4. We release being enslaved by the popular culture; in all moments.
  5. We remove the shackles from our arms and legs; in all moments.
  6. We remove the shackle from our neck; in all moments.
  7. We release carrying our love on our back; in all moments.
  8. We release doing the work for both of us; in all moments.
  9. We release pulling him kicking and screaming; in all moments.
  10. We remove all engrams of leaving him behind; in all moments.
  11. We release our love’s fear of abandonment; in all moments.
  12. We remove all blockages to our love doing the work; in all moments.
  13. We remove all limitations society has put on us; in all moments.
  14. We remove all curses that have been put on our love; in all moments.
  15. We heal our thymus gland; in all moments.
  16. We release all ETDs between us; in all moments.
  17. We energetically complete the PB&J protocol between ourselves and the other’s ETDs; in all moments.
  18. We energetically complete the PB&J protocol between ourselves and our love potions; in all moments.
  19. We energetically complete the PB&J protocol between ourselves and being trapped in a sarcophagus; in all moments.
  20. We energetically complete the PB&J protocol between ourselves and all nefarious energies preventing us from being together; in all moments.
  21. We energetically complete the PB&J protocol between ourselves and the controlling eye; in all moments.
  22. We energetically complete the PB&J protocol between ourselves and all controlling devices in our energy field; in all moments.
  23. We send all energy matrices into the light and sound that have been controlling us; in all moments.
  24. We command all complex energy matrices that have been controlling me or my love to be escorted into the light and sound; in all moments.
  25. We send all energy matrices into the light and sound that fuck with our health; in all moments.
  26. We send all energy matrices into the light and sound that cause us to doubt ourselves; in all moments.
  27. We remove all blockages to our love seeing the totality of our love; in all moments.
  28. We remove all engrams of being kept apart; in all moments.
  29. We release staying apart out of habit; in all moments.
  30. We remove all mind fucks keeping us apart; in all moments.
  31. We release the corrosion of anger; in all moments.
  32. We remove all engrams of being murdered; in all moments.
  33. We remove all engrams of watching each other die; in all moments.
  34. We remove all muscle memory of watching each other die; in all moments.
  35. We energetically complete the positive protocol to be reunited heart, mind, and soul; in all moments.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Are there emotional wounds in your life that seem to repeat themselves, or patterns that you just can’t break? Could they be linked to your past lives? Reflect on the connections between your present challenges and past life experiences. What blockages are preventing you from achieving deeper emotional and spiritual healing?

To start releasing these energetic blocks, try using the Energetic Cleanse protocol from the Jenuine Healing website. Try using Energetic Cleanse phrases like “being left behind”; “feeling alone”; “abandonment”.

Explore our extensive library of other private sessions or book a private session with Jen Ward to dive deeper into your own soul healing journey. Remember, the path to empowerment begins with releasing the past.

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