Removing the rust bucket of old consciousness

Discover how to dissolve entrenched beliefs and uplift your consciousness with guided SFT tapping in this enlightening event with Marvin Schneider and world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward.


In the latest Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event titled “Removing the Rust Bucket of Old Consciousness,” Marvin Schneider and world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward guide participants through an enlightening journey to dissolve entrenched worldviews and psychic influences. These deeply ingrained beliefs, often formed during early childhood, create resistance to new perspectives and hinder spiritual growth. Through the powerful practice of SFT tapping, participants work to eradicate these stagnant energies, promoting higher consciousness and universal empowerment.

The session highlights the importance of breaking free from societal constructs and family ideologies that limit our potential. Jen and Marvin discuss how these entrenched beliefs impact personal growth and the collective consciousness, emphasizing the need for self-awareness and inner discernment. By addressing the underlying psychic streams of energy, participants can reclaim their empowerment and contribute to the well-being of humanity.

Ultimately, the goal of this session is to uplift individuals and the collective, helping everyone realize their potential as light beings. Through guided SFT taps, Marvin and Jen provide the tools necessary to dissolve old, rusted beliefs and embrace higher frequencies of energy. This transformative process not only benefits participants but also aids in the universal mission of healing and empowerment.

Quotable Quotes

“These rusted-on worldviews are almost imprinted on you from your early childhood.”

“The natural growth of life is to break out of those constructs.”

“As individuals, if you’re expounding beyond what the physical construct will believe, the only way to experience that is to go to sleep.”

“We’re doing this work to help people realize they’re this light being.”

“All that we have in this society is baked in for this lifetime.”

“The remedy seems to be SFT tapping.”

“Imagine someone who’s so bastardized their own inner compass.”

“Integrity has separated itself from this monster of power.”

“This beautiful energy that is a human spirit is being desecrated.”

“As an energy being, you are empowered beyond compare.”


00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:35 The Rusted-On Worldviews
00:05:21 Breaking Free from Constructs
00:11:28 The Power of SFT Tapping
00:13:00 Political Lies and Worldviews
00:23:53 The Role of Media and Information
00:42:26 Religious Rhetoric and Political Control
00:48:05 Comic Relief and Vile Individuals
00:54:02 Gut-Punching the Instigators of Lies
01:01:42 Thwarting Minions and Attack Dogs
01:07:31 Redistributing Leveraged Power
01:15:09 Realigning Humanity with Higher Purpose
01:17:35 Reflecting on the Taps and Consciousness
01:21:28 Challenging Conservative Values
01:25:47 The Perils of Perpetuating Family Dynasties
01:29:32 Understanding the Consequences of Inflicting Pain
01:31:12 Concluding Thoughts and Farewell
01:32:06 Subscription and Premium Content Information

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