Restoring peace in the Middle East

Restore peace in the Middle East through SFT Tapping with Jen Ward. Heal ancient conflicts like Cain and Abel, raise global consciousness, and break the cycle of war.


In this powerful Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider tackle one of humanity’s most profound conflicts—restoring peace in the Middle East. This event uses SFT tapping techniques to energetically resolve the ancient transgressions between Cain and Abel, addressing a core issue that has symbolically fueled division, war, and suffering for centuries. By raising the consciousness of humanity, this event helps break the endless cycles of aggression and empowers individuals to contribute to lasting global peace. Through collective healing, we aim to lift humanity into higher consciousness and universal empowerment.

Event Highlights

🔑 Raising Collective Consciousness to Restore Peace:  Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider emphasize that peace in the Middle East cannot be achieved through conventional means alone. Instead, it requires raising the consciousness of humanity to transcend the ingrained cycles of conflict. This session empowers participants to contribute energetically to peace, regardless of their background or location.

🔑 Healing the Ancient Transgressions Between Cain and Abel:  The conflict between Cain and Abel is one of the oldest symbolic narratives of human suffering. By addressing this energetic root through SFT tapping, Jen Ward guides participants in healing the destructive patterns that have kept humanity trapped in cycles of war and retribution.

🔑 Breaking the Energetic Patterns of War and Aggression:  War, according to Jen Ward, is an agreement that is energetically upheld by the collective consciousness. This tapping session dismantles the psychic energy of manipulation and control, releasing individuals from the collective patterns that perpetuate conflict. It’s a transformative step toward healing humanity.

🔑 Personal Empowerment in Global Conflict Resolution:  One of the most profound insights from this session is the realization that individual empowerment can ripple out to affect global change. Jen Ward explains how each person’s spiritual awakening contributes to a larger shift in consciousness, which is essential for resolving global issues like war.

🔑 Energetic Cleanse of Old Agreements and Vows:  Through this SFT tapping session, Jen Ward facilitates the clearing of ancient agreements, vows, and contracts that have kept humanity embroiled in lower-consciousness behavior. By removing these energetic blocks, individuals can move toward a higher level of awareness and foster global peace.

The Power of Consciousness in Global Peace 

You may feel helpless when thinking about global conflicts like those in the Middle East. However, this session teaches that peace doesn’t begin with political leaders or governments—it begins with you. When you raise your consciousness through SFT tapping, you are contributing to the collective energy that shapes the world. The transgressions between Cain and Abel represent all the conflicts throughout history. By healing this energy, you help break the cycle of war and aggression.

The Ripple Effect of Personal Empowerment 

When you step into your power and heal the deep wounds within yourself, you initiate a ripple effect that touches the lives of others. This session reveals how individual empowerment contributes to global healing. You don’t have to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of global conflicts. By energetically resolving patterns of conflict within yourself, you play a vital role in global peace.

Releasing the Psychic Streams of Manipulation 

The psychic energy surrounding war and conflict is often invisible, yet its effects are felt deeply. Jen Ward teaches that this energy can be dissipated through SFT tapping. By energetically clearing the manipulation and control tactics embedded in war, you help humanity transcend the outdated patterns that keep us trapped in cycles of aggression.

Healing Humanity’s Ancient Wounds 

The wounds of humanity run deep, and many of them are ancient. The conflict between Cain and Abel is a symbolic representation of these wounds. This session helps you confront and heal these patterns within yourself, allowing you to contribute to the collective healing of humanity.

Transcending Lower-Consciousness Agreements 

Ancient agreements and vows have held humanity in a state of lower consciousness for centuries. Through this SFT tapping event, you have the opportunity to clear these agreements from your energy field. As you do, you help dismantle the energetic patterns that uphold war and conflict, paving the way for a new era of global peace.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. Earth gets off the treadmill of war; in all moments.
  2. All transgressions between Cain and Abel are resolved; in all moments.
  3. All divvying up the world into The Jets and the Sharks is eradicated; in all moments.
  4. All pissing contests between petty vengeful gods is eradicated; in all moments.
  5. The first cause of inflicting punishment is eradicated; in all moments.
  6. The first cause of seeking retribution is eliminated; in all moments.
  7. All false equivalence between the victim and the bully are eradicated; in all moments.
  8. All propensity to rule as either the victim or bully is eradicated; in all moments.
  9. All pissing contests to be the biggest bully are eradicated; in all moments.
  10. All pissing contests to be the biggest victim are eradicated; in all moments.
  11. Racing to extremism of any kind is eradicated; in all moments.
  12. Racing to systemic radicalization of any kind is eradicated; in all moments.
  13. Blindness to ideologically inflamed entitlement is eradicated; in all moments.
  14. All hotspots for wounded religious pride are healed; in all moments.
  15. Jonesing for an all-in brawl is eradicated; in all moments.
  16. The all or nothing mentality is eradicated; in all moments.
  17. The winner taking all the marbles and going home is eradicated; in all moments.
  18. Space is made in the world for compromise in the Middle East; in all moments.
  19. All proxies get their fat ugly fingers out of the pie; in all moments.
  20. Girding war on for entertainment is eradicated; in all moments.
  21. Cheering war on for profit is eradicated; in all moments.
  22. Being impervious to the suffering by one’s own hand is eradicated; in all moments.
  23. Being impervious to the suffering beyond one’s backyard is eradicated; in all moments.
  24. Pandering to humanity’s base nature is eradicated; in all moments.
  25. Reverting to primal solutions is eradicated; in all moments.
  26. All portals to nuclear options are closed; in all moments.
  27. All psychic streams of energy that induce fear by threatening going nuclear are immediately dissipated; in all moments.
  28. All temper tantrums of tyrants are contained within their own microcosm; in all moments.
  29. All those fueling escalation are immediately hoisted on their own petard; in all moments.
  30. All attempts to ensconce the world in lower consciousness through war are eradicated; in all moments.
  31. All devil’s advocates jonesing for war are eradicated; in all moments.
  32. All targeting of humanitarian efforts is eradicated; in all moments.
  33. All those sowing conflict for personal gain are eradicated; in all moments.
  34. Anteing up the bargaining chips for war is eradicated; in all moments.
  35. All propensity for war is extracted from the DNA of every being on the planet; in all moments.
  36. All battlegrounds drawn in the sand of human suffering are eradicated; in all moments.
  37. All makeshift models for world domination are collapsed and dissolved; in all moments.
  38. All agreements entered into with ill intent are pulled up by the bootstraps of higher consciousness; in all moments.
  39. All political class are removed from the pressing issues of humanity; in all moments.
  40. All race baiting as a political objective is eradicated; in all moments.
  41. All operatives pimping out the sovereignty of any people are eradicated; in all moments.
  42. All bedazzled bullshit of those with nefarious intentions is stripped away; in all moments.
  43. All secret covenants made in the caves of antiquity are thwarted from sealing humanity’s fate; in all moments.
  44. All cabals of world subjugation are collapsed and dissolved; in all moments.
  45. All soul contracts blocking perpetual peace in the Middle East are eradicated; in all moments.
  46. All vows and agreements keeping Earth enthralled in the lower worlds through war are annulled; in all moments.
  47. All prophecies from holy Scriptures acting as curses on humanity are rendered inert and obsolete; in all moments.
  48. All unholy intentions disguised in holy scriptures are extricated from the analogues of humanity; in all moments.
  49. All curses ancient cultures have put on humanity are immediately removed; in all moments.
  50. Space is made in this world for compassionate coexistence within all demographics of humanity; in all moments.
  51. All demographics of humanity are centered and empowered in compassionate coexistence; in all moments.
  52. All demographics of humanity resonate, emanate, and are interconnected with all life in compassionate coexistence; in all moments.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Have you ever felt helpless in the face of global conflict? What if you could contribute to world peace by simply raising your own consciousness? This session of SFT tapping offers a powerful way for you to heal deep-seated patterns that contribute to conflict. How can you apply this method to your own life? What ancient wounds might you need to heal to foster peace in your relationships and the world around you?

Download the SFT protocols from the Jenuine Healing website, and start with the Energetic Cleanse protocol to clear any residual conflict in your life using phrases like “Cain and Abel”; “ancient wounds”; and “ancient curses”.

 Join other group SFT tapping events and be part of the change by exploring the Declaration of Universal Interdependence Facebook page.

If this event has stirred personal issues within you, consider booking a private session with Jen Ward to go deeper into your healing journey.

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