Breaking free from family karma

Break free from family karma and past life ties through SFT Tapping. Reclaim your energy, restore balance, and heal generational patterns with Jen Ward’s guidance.


In this Jenuine Healing private session, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward helps a family unravel the karmic ties that have kept them trapped in disempowering patterns for lifetimes. Through the powerful process of SFT Tapping, Jen guides them to release family karma, reclaim their personal power, and restore balance within their family dynamic. By addressing past life contracts and deeply rooted energetic blockages, this session empowers the family to break free from the heavy influence of past life devotion and regain their independence. Ancestral healing through Akashic Records unlocks their potential to live fully in the present without being tied to old energies.

Session Highlights

🔑 Reclaiming Energy from Past Life Devotion:  Jen identifies a recurring pattern where the family members have unconsciously devoted themselves to a dominant figure across multiple lifetimes. This past life devotion has left them depleted, constantly feeding the energy of one family member. Through SFT Tapping, they release this energetic tie, reclaiming their power and restoring balance.

🔑 Severing Unhealthy Family Dynamics:  The session reveals that the family’s energy has been trapped in an unhealthy cycle, where one member’s over-inflated ego dominates their interactions. Jen helps them cut through these patterns using SFT Tapping, restoring emotional autonomy and allowing each member to step into their own empowerment.

🔑 Unlocking Akashic Records for Karmic Healing:  Jen taps into the Akashic Records to help the family break free from past life vows and contracts that have bound them together in disempowering ways. This profound act of karmic release frees the family from generational cycles and opens the way for new, healthier dynamics.

🔑 Restoring Emotional Balance through SFT Tapping:  Jen uses SFT Tapping to help the family release their emotional attachment to a past life figure and reclaim their individual autonomy. This process allows them to stop feeding their energy into a single person and instead balance their emotional and spiritual energy across all relationships.

🔑 Healing Family Karma to Create a New Future:  By releasing the karmic entanglements that have kept them stuck, the family is empowered to move forward without the weight of the past. Jen’s guidance in SFT Tapping helps them envision a future where they can each thrive independently while remaining connected in a healthy, supportive way.

The Burden of Past Life Devotion

Many individuals unknowingly carry the weight of past life devotion into their current lives. In this session, Jen identifies how this devotion has drained the family’s energy and kept them from thriving. By releasing these past life vows through SFT Tapping, you too can free yourself from outdated commitments that no longer serve you. Imagine how much more energy you could have when you’re no longer bound by these unseen ties.

Breaking Free from Family Karma

Family karma can manifest as repeated patterns of disempowerment, often passed down through generations. If you’ve ever felt stuck in your family dynamics, it’s possible that ancestral energy is playing a role. As Jen shows in this session, releasing family karma can unlock new levels of emotional and spiritual freedom. How would your relationships transform if you could break these generational patterns?

Using Akashic Records for Ancestral Healing

The Akashic Records hold the key to understanding and healing your past lives. In this session, Jen uses the Akashic Records to reveal hidden contracts and agreements that have kept the family stuck. You, too, can access these records to understand how your past lives may be influencing your current experiences. Imagine the relief of releasing past life contracts that no longer align with your highest good.

Empowering Yourself Through SFT Tapping

One of the most powerful tools Jen offers in this session is SFT Tapping. This simple yet profound technique allows you to release emotional and energetic blockages that have held you back for lifetimes. Through SFT, you can reclaim your autonomy, restore balance, and create the future you desire. Have you ever wondered how much lighter you’d feel without carrying the weight of the past?

Restoring Balance in Family Dynamics

Family relationships can be both a source of love and a source of deep emotional entanglement. When one member’s energy dominates, the entire family can feel out of balance. In this session, Jen helps the family restore harmony by breaking free from unhealthy dynamics. How could your family relationships change if everyone stood in their own power, without needing to dominate or be dominated?

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. We recant all vows and agreements to Max; in all moments.
  2. We release fueling Max’s past life purpose; in all moments.
  3. We release worshipping Max; in all moments.
  4. We release operating as inferior to Max; in all moments.
  5. We release feeding our life force into Max’s whims; in all moments.
  6. We release being blindsided by our love for Max; in all moments.
  7. We release being whiplashed by Max’s actions; in all moments.
  8. We release being held hostage by Max’s ego; in all moments.
  9. We erase Max’s success from our soul contract; in all moments.
  10. We remove all engrams and muscle memory of merely living for Max; in all moments.
  11. We release confusing Max for Source; in all moments.
  12. We take back the keys of our empowerment from Max; in all moments.
  13. We gift Max with the ability to see beyond using us; in all moments.
  14. We see our joy, love, abundance, freedom, health, and wholeness beyond Max; in all moments.
  15. We release creating a monster; in all moments.
  16. We take back all the energy that Max has taken from us to accrue his power; in all moments.
  17. We release Max being the force that binds our love; in all moments.
  18. We release unleashing a monster ego on the world; in all moments.
  19. We nullify all contracts to live for Max; in all moments.
  20. We release living in the cult of Max; in all moments.
  21. We release being worn down by Max; in all moments.
  22. We release being disrespected by Max; in all moments.
  23. We release being overpowered by Max; in all moments.
  24. We release being swayed by the whims of Max; in all moments.
  25. We remove all engrams of being martyred for Max; in all moments.
  26. We remove all engrams of being hung for Max; in all moments.
  27. We free our daughter from living for Max; in all moments.
  28. We free all of Max’s past followers; in all moments.
  29. We thwart Max from gaining devotees; in all moments.
  30. We strip all illusions of grandeur off Max; in all moments.
  31. We deflate Max’s ego; in all moments.
  32. We give back to our daughter everything that we have taken from her to give to Max; in all moments.
  33. We thwart birthing a crime against humanity; in all moments.
  34. We release having the weight of the world on our shoulders; in all moments.
  35. We shift our paradigm from Max to joy, love, abundance, freedom, health, and wholeness; in all moments.
  36. We instate healthy boundaries with Max; in all moments.
  37. We free ourselves of having Stockholm Syndrome with Max; in all moments.
  38. We are centered and empowered in our joy, love, abundance, freedom, health, success regardless of Max; in all moments.
  39. We resonate, emanate, and are interconnected with all life in joy, love, abundance, freedom, health, and success regardless of Max; in all moments.
  40. We take back the stockpile of energy that Max has taken from the collective; in all moments.
  41. We take back our peace of mind; in all moments.
  42. We release our unhealthy obsession with Max; in all moments.
  43. We release being fucked over by Max; in all moments.
  44. We release fueling Max’s destruction; in all moments.
  45. We thwart fueling a crime against humanity; in all moments.
  46. We shatter all glass ceilings that Max has put on us; in all moments.

Conclusion and Call to Action

This session shows the profound healing that can occur when you free yourself from family karma and past life contracts. Reflect on your own family dynamics: Are you unknowingly tied to unhealthy patterns from the past? Are you carrying the emotional weight of your ancestors? Consider how SFT Tapping and Akashic Records healing could help you break free from these burdens and step into your full empowerment.

To begin your own healing journey, download the Energetic Cleanse protocol from the Jenuine Healing website and use phrases like, “family karma“; “being born to the enemy”; and “soul contracts”.

Explore the library other private sessions available through Jenuine Healing and book your own private session with Jen Ward to address your unique energetic challenges. Now is the time to release old patterns, restore balance, and claim your spiritual freedom.

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