Breaking free from spiritual paralysis

Break free from spiritual paralysis with Jen Ward’s energy healing. Release past life trauma, dark energies, and emotional burdens to reconnect with your soul’s purpose.


In this powerful Jenuine Healing session, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward works with a client to help her break free from spiritual paralysis and reconnect with her true purpose. Throughout the session, the client confronts deep-seated past life trauma, ancestral burdens, and emotional blockages that have been preventing her spiritual growth. Through energy healing and SFT tapping, the client embarks on a journey to release dark energies, remove curses, and heal past life wounds. This session reveals how unresolved grief and past trauma can hinder your soul’s liberation, and shows the profound power of energy healing to restore balance and clarity.

Session Highlights

🔑 Releasing Spiritual Paralysis:  Jen Ward identifies the client’s feeling of spiritual paralysis, a deep disconnection from her purpose in life. This paralysis is rooted in past life trauma, where the client experienced betrayal and separation from what they loved most. Through energy healing, they release this block and begin to reconnect with her spiritual path.

🔑 Healing Past Life Trauma:  The session uncovers traumatic events from the client’s past lives, including desecrating sacred sites and being haunted by ancestral curses. Jen helps the client release the emotional weight of these experiences, freeing her from the burdens of guilt and unresolved trauma that have carried over into her current life.

🔑 Releasing Dark Energies:  One of the significant breakthroughs in this session involves the client realizing how dark energies and curses from past lives have been affecting her present. Jen uses SFT tapping to clear these energies, helping the client reclaim her power and break free from the dark forces that have been holding her back.

🔑 Confronting Guilt and Grief:  The client faces unresolved guilt from the death of a close friend in this lifetime. Jen helps her release the lingering emotions tied to this event, allowing the client to forgive themselves and move forward with clarity and peace.

🔑 Transforming Emotional Blockages:  Through various SFT tapping protocols, Jen guides the client in clearing emotional blockages that have caused feelings of heaviness and stagnation. This emotional release is crucial in liberating the client’s soul from the burdens of both this life and past lives.

Confronting Spiritual Paralysis: Why It Happens

Spiritual paralysis can occur when you are disconnected from your life’s true purpose. Often, the cause of this disconnection is deeper than surface-level emotional challenges; it can be rooted in past life trauma or ancestral burdens that you may not even be aware of. This Jenuine Healing session highlights the importance of recognizing when spiritual paralysis is affecting you. By addressing these root causes through energy healing and SFT tapping, you can free yourself from the stagnation that has kept you from moving forward on your spiritual path.

In this session, the client realized that her paralysis was tied to past life events where they were separated from what they loved. This separation caused a ripple effect in her current life, manifesting as an inability to fully connect with her purpose. Energy healing allowed her to confront this and begin the journey of reconnection.

The Role of Past Life Trauma in Your Present

Past life trauma often plays a significant role in the emotional and spiritual blockages you experience in the present. As seen in this session, events like desecrating sacred sites or unresolved grief from past lives can create burdens that follow you into this lifetime. These unresolved energies can manifest as guilt, fear, or even spiritual paralysis, preventing you from fully embracing your current path.

Jen Ward’s work in this session involved helping the client heal from these past traumas, releasing the emotional weight and guilt tied to her. If you’ve ever felt a heaviness you couldn’t explain, or emotional wounds that don’t seem to heal, it could be tied to a past life experience. By addressing these through energy healing and SFT tapping, you can finally release these burdens and step into your power.

Clearing Dark Energies and Curses

Throughout the session, the client became aware of dark energies and ancestral curses that were affecting her life. These dark energies can sometimes act as invisible barriers, preventing you from accessing your higher consciousness. Jen’s expert guidance through SFT tapping protocols allows the client to clear these curses, helping her reclaim her energy and power.

If you’ve ever felt that something unseen is holding you back, it may be worth exploring whether dark energies or ancestral curses are at play. Energy healing can be a powerful tool in clearing these influences and restoring your connection to your soul’s purpose.

Releasing Guilt and Emotional Burdens

Guilt, especially tied to unresolved grief or traumatic events, can act as a powerful emotional block. In this session, the client carried guilt over the death of a loved one. This emotional burden added to the feelings of spiritual paralysis. By confronting this guilt and releasing it through SFT tapping, the client was able to let go of the emotional chains that had kept her stuck.

If you are holding onto guilt, whether from recent events or lingering from the past, it’s crucial to release it to find true emotional and spiritual freedom. SFT tapping can help you clear these emotional burdens and allow you to move forward with a lighter heart.

Embracing Your Full Spiritual Potential

Finally, this session emphasizes the importance of embracing all aspects of yourself—both light and dark. Often, spiritual growth is seen as moving toward the “light” while avoiding the “dark,” but true enlightenment comes from acknowledging and integrating both sides of yourself. In this session, Jen Ward helps the client embrace her full spiritual potential by addressing the dark aspects of her past and releasing the energy tied to her.

If you’ve felt disconnected from your spiritual potential, it’s time to embrace all aspects of your journey. Through energy healing, you can release the burdens of both past and present and step fully into your spiritual power.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. We release carrying the dead weight; in all moments.
  2. We release being buried at sea; in all moments.
  3. We release sinking to the bottom; in all moments.
  4. We release being separated from what we love; in all moments.
  5. We release feeling cursed; in all moments.
  6. We release offending the natives; in all moments.
  7. We remove all curses on us; in all moments.
  8. We release being haunted; in all moments.
  9. We release being hunted; in all moments.
  10. We release being targeted by the dark arts; in all moments.
  11. We release pissing off the Zulu warriors; in all moments.
  12. We release robbing their sacred burial ground; in all moments.
  13. We release being an arrogant prick; in all moments.
  14. We release dehumanizing a sacred people; in all moments.
  15. We release getting riddled with blow darts; in all moments.
  16. We release being poisoned; in all moments.
  17. We remove the poison from our body; in all moments.
  18. We release being strung up; in all moments.
  19. We release being paralyzed; in all moments.
  20. We release watching in horror; in all moments.
  21. We release being tortured; in all moments.
  22. We release the desecration of our ship; in all moments.
  23. We release losing everything; in all moments.
  24. We release watching helplessly; in all moments.
  25. We release being trapped after death; in all moments.
  26. We remove all engrams of being tortured; in all moments.
  27. We remove all engrams of the Black Death; in all moments.
  28. We remove all engrams of dying at sea; in all moments.
  29. We release dying doing what we love; in all moments.
  30. We release the fear of doing what we love; in all moments.
  31. We release confusing doing what we love with dying; in all moments.
  32. We release settling; in all moments.
  33. We release the fear of pissing others off; in all moments.
  34. We release the fear of retaliation; in all moments.
  35. We remove all engrams of retaliation; in all moments.
  36. We give back what we have taken; in all moments.
  37. We send all energy matrixes into the light and sound that are messing with us; in all moments.
  38. We release the trauma of Matthew’s death; in all moments.
  39. We release blaming ourselves for Matthew’s death; in all moments.
  40. We remove all curses from Matthew; in all moments.
  41. We free Matthew from being trapped between lifetimes; in all moments.
  42. We remove all guilt regarding Matthew; in all moments.
  43. We release being trapped in the trauma of Matthew’s crossing; in all moments.
  44. We untangle my energy from Matt’s; in all moments.
  45. We heal all of Matt’s bodies; in all moments.
  46. We heal all of our bodies; in all moments.
  47. We release being obsessed with death; in all moments.
  48. We release the weird fascination with the angel of death; in all moments.
  49. We release offering others up to the angel of death; in all moments.
  50. We release worshipping death; in all moments.
  51. We release confusing death for life; in all moments.
  52. We release being buried alive; in all moments.
  53. We release begging to die; in all moments.
  54. We release identifying death as a blessing; in all moments.
  55. We release the belief that we’re evil; in all moments.
  56. We release being considered evil; in all moments.
  57. We release being proud of being evil; in all moments.
  58. We strip all illusion off of evil; in all moments.
  59. We release worshipping power; in all moments.
  60. We remove all glass ceilings on our spirituality; in all moments.
  61. We release being an outcast; in all moments.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Have you ever felt spiritually paralyzed or disconnected from your true purpose? What past experiences might still be holding you back from achieving spiritual freedom? How do unresolved emotional burdens affect your day-to-day life? This Jenuine Healing session shows that through energy healing and SFT tapping, you can break free from these blockages and reconnect with your soul’s purpose.

To continue your healing journey, download the SFT protocols from the Jenuine Healing website and begin working through the Energetic Cleanse protocols using phrases such as “feeling cursed”; “being paralyzed”: and “the angel of death

Explore our extensive library of other private sessions and see how Jen Ward can guide you through your healing process. Book a private session today and step into your soul’s full potential.

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