Releasing lifetimes of abuse

Witness this transformative healing session where deep past-life traumas are released, helping to unlock emotional freedom and spiritual empowerment through Jen Ward’s intuitive guidance.


In this deeply transformative Jenuine Healing private session, world-renowned energy healer, Jen Ward, helps a client release lifetimes of accumulated trauma and emotional pain. Through a series of profound SFT taps and intuitive guidance, Jen uncovers the hidden energies that have kept the client stuck in patterns of fear and self-doubt. As the session progresses, the client experiences significant emotional releases, leading to a newfound sense of freedom and empowerment.

Jen’s unique approach to healing combines past-life regression with energetic clearing, providing a holistic method for breaking free from the chains of past traumas. The session also highlights the importance of pets and other forms of unconditional love in the healing process, offering a refreshing perspective on emotional recovery.

This session is a testament to the power of energy healing in transforming lives. Whether you’re familiar with past-life therapy or new to the concept, this video offers valuable insights into the deep-seated issues that affect our present lives and how we can liberate ourselves from them.

Key Highlights

πŸ”‘ Releasing past life trauma tied to physical and emotional abuse.
πŸ”‘ Clearing deep-seated fears around relationships and vulnerability.
πŸ”‘ Breaking free from vows and contracts that bind the client to past pain.
πŸ”‘ Reclaiming personal power and emotional freedom.
πŸ”‘ The role of SFT taps in clearing energetic blockages.
πŸ”‘ Insights into how past lives affect present-day experiences.
πŸ”‘ Emotional releases that lead to greater self-awareness and empowerment.
πŸ”‘ The importance of pets as healing companions in emotional recovery.
πŸ”‘ Jen’s guidance on integrating new, positive energies into daily life.
πŸ”‘ The transformative impact of energy healing on the client’s sense of self and future potential.

Quotable Quotes

πŸ’¬ “You’re stronger than you realize, and today, we reclaim that strength.”
πŸ’¬ “Healing is about peeling back the layers of pain to reveal the true self underneath.”
πŸ’¬ “Every tap releases a lifetime of suffering, making space for joy and peace.”
πŸ’¬ “It’s time to break the cycle of fear and embrace the love you deserve.”
πŸ’¬ “The energy we carry from past lives often dictates our current challenges.”
πŸ’¬ “Freedom comes when we sever ties to those who have hurt us.”
πŸ’¬ “You have the power to rewrite your soul’s contract, starting today.”
πŸ’¬ “True healing is not just about letting goβ€”it’s about reclaiming your divine essence.”
πŸ’¬ “The universe is waiting for you to step into your full power.”
πŸ’¬ “In this session, we strip away the layers of anguish that have weighed you down.”


00:00:00 Introduction and Initial Conversation
00:02:15 Releasing Negative Energies and Emotions
00:04:11 Addressing Physical and Emotional Pain
00:07:17 Exploring Relationship Issues
00:09:05 Healing from Past Traumas
00:22:45 Releasing Guilt and Self-Blame
00:25:28 Overcoming Fear and Pain in Relationships
00:28:10 Nullifying Contracts with Abuse
00:32:04 Releasing Fear of Love
00:34:13 Releasing Suicidal Beliefs
00:45:48 Recanting Vows and Agreements
00:53:17 Releasing Vulnerability to Abuse
00:56:13 Centering in Divine Love
00:57:09 Concluding the Session

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