Digging out past life roots

Join Jen Ward as she guides a client through releasing past life traumas using SFT tapping, uncovering deep emotional blockages for spiritual freedom and empowerment.


In the latest Jenuine Healing private session, world-renowned energy healer, Jen Ward, guides a client through the process of uncovering and releasing deep-rooted past life traumas. This powerful session reveals how past life experiences of illness and suffering can affect present-day health and emotional well-being. Using SFT tapping, Jen helps the client release these blockages, leading to profound shifts in energy and awareness.

The session explores themes of fear, regret, and the struggle for spiritual liberation. Jen emphasizes the importance of facing one’s fears and traumas to achieve true empowerment. She explains how the interconnectedness of all life and adherence to spiritual laws can lead to collective healing and freedom.

Jen Ward’s unique approach highlights the transformative power of love and higher consciousness. By untangling karmic knots and releasing past life traumas, individuals can achieve a higher state of being, benefiting not only themselves but the collective as well. This session is a testament to the profound impact of energy healing and the importance of spiritual awakening in today’s world.

Key Highlights

πŸ”‘ Jen Ward uncovers deep-rooted past life traumas affecting present-day life.
πŸ”‘ SFT tapping is used to release emotional and physical blockages.
πŸ”‘ The client recalls lifetimes of illness and suffering, impacting current health.
πŸ”‘ Jen emphasizes the importance of facing one’s fears and traumas.
πŸ”‘ The session highlights the interconnectedness of all life and spiritual laws.
πŸ”‘ Jen discusses the collective impact of individual healing.
πŸ”‘ The client experiences a profound shift in energy and awareness.
πŸ”‘ Insights on how past life experiences shape current emotional states.
πŸ”‘ Techniques to untangle karmic knots and achieve spiritual freedom.
πŸ”‘ The power of love and higher consciousness in healing and empowerment.

Quotable Quotes

πŸ’¬ “Regret is the worst. You’ve said it, and I’ve actually experienced that.”
πŸ’¬ “At some point, they are going to have to face themselves.”
πŸ’¬ “We release the futility of not getting better; in all moments.”
πŸ’¬ “Emotionally isn’t it less taxing except for the guff I give you.”
πŸ’¬ “Imagine being on your deathbed, moments away from dying.”
πŸ’¬ “We release the fear of being separated from our consciousness; in all moments.”
πŸ’¬ “The more knots you get out of this collective, the more the collective can breathe and be freer.”
πŸ’¬ “When you let the self go, you let the higher self expound.”
πŸ’¬ “All life resonates, emanates, and is interconnected with all life in adherence to spiritual law.”
πŸ’¬ “The SFT tapping is a way to untether that worship without naming anyone as the instigator.”


00:00:00 Introduction and Session Overview
00:01:19 Addressing Past Life Memories
00:04:58 Releasing Physical and Emotional Pain
00:07:08 Understanding the Fear of Death
00:11:09 Living Between Worlds
00:17:16 The Power of Energy Work
00:23:06 Personal Experiences with Healing
00:25:17 Impact of Past Lives on Present Abilities
00:37:41 Healing Trauma for Enhanced Performance
00:40:23 The Power of Language and Intentions
00:42:37 Unfurling Your True Self
00:43:32 Transcending Lower Consciousness
00:50:09 Cutting Ties of Worship
00:56:26 Eradicating Suffering and Ignorance
01:06:52 Universal Adherence to Spiritual Law
01:11:07 Final Reflections and Encouragement

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