Justice for all

Experience how SFT tapping, self-accountability, and universal empowerment can transform justice, guided by Jen Ward in this powerful session on higher consciousness.


In this transformative Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider lead an in-depth session on justice, self-accountability, and universal empowerment. The event, titled “Justice for All,” confronts systemic inequality, privilege, and corruption within the justice system while offering spiritual tools to empower individuals and humanity to raise collective consciousness. Through discussions and powerful SFT tapping sequences, participants are guided toward dismantling structures of oppression and embracing higher consciousness, aligning justice with spiritual law to create a fairer, more compassionate world.

Event Highlights

πŸ”‘ Dismantling Entitlement in the Justice System: Jen Ward emphasizes how the current justice system is built on privilege and entitlement, which fosters inequality. Through SFT tapping, participants energetically dismantle these outdated structures, creating space for fairness and integrity to prevail.

πŸ”‘ Self-Accountability as the Key to Justice: A major theme of the event is that true justice begins with self-accountability. Jen explains how, when individuals take responsibility for their actions, they align with higher consciousness, helping to elevate the collective toward universal empowerment.

πŸ”‘ Restoring Spiritual Integrity in Governance: The event delves into how current governance and legal systems operate at lower levels of consciousness. Jen and Marvin explore ways to reimagine justice, aligning it with spiritual law to reflect values like honor, decency, and compassion.

πŸ”‘ Reforming the Penal System: In a powerful discussion, the group tackles the issue of mass incarceration and prisons-for-profit, advocating for compassion-based rehabilitation. Through tapping, the participants work to energetically dissolve these corrupt systems.

πŸ”‘ Empowering Humanity through Universal Justice: Jen stresses that justice must be fair and equitable, rooted in compassion. SFT tapping helps participants energetically shift toward a justice system that serves all 8 billion souls, promoting universal empowerment.

Self-Accountability and Your Role in Justice

Injustice starts within when individuals fail to hold themselves accountable. The SFT taps used in this session help you confront your own misalignments and take responsibility for your role in societal imbalance. Jen Ward teaches that when you embrace self-accountability, you raise your vibration and contribute to a fairer, more conscious world. The more you embody this concept, the more you uplift humanity.

The Power of Higher Consciousness in Restructuring Justice

Through this session, Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider reveal how low-consciousness systems such as the current justice system perpetuate inequality. By focusing on higher consciousness, you can help dismantle these corrupt structures and realign with fairness and integrity. The SFT tapping protocol serves as a potent tool in this energetic restructuring, allowing you to contribute to creating a justice system aligned with spiritual law.

The Energetics of Privilege and Entitlement

Privilege and entitlement aren’t just societal issues; they are energy blocks that hinder the collective consciousness from evolving. In this session, Jen helps you understand how privilege operates energetically, and how you can help break down these barriers through focused SFT tapping. By dissolving the energetic layers of entitlement, you help create a world where justice is dispensed fairly, without favoritism.

Realigning Justice with Compassion

Justice must be more than punitiveβ€”it must be compassionate. Through tapping, Jen guides you to align with a higher form of justice rooted in compassion. The energy of compassion allows for true healing and transformation, both individually and collectively. This approach to justice not only addresses the symptoms of societal imbalance but corrects the root causes energetically.

Universal Empowerment Through Spiritual Law

In this session, justice and spiritual law are deeply intertwined. You learn that true justice is impartial and universal, operating from a place of spiritual integrity. The SFT taps in this session enable you to align with this higher vision, one that transcends human legal systems and reflects universal laws of accountability, integrity, and fairness.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. The tier system of justice is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  2. All entitlement is extracted from the justice system; in all moments.
  3. Imposing stiff penalties on persons of color is immediately eradicated from the justice system; in all moments.
  4. Cruel punishment is replaced with compassionate programs regarding the justice system; in all moments.
  5. All scapegoating is eradicated from the justice system; in all moments.
  6. Cruelty is eradicated from the dispensing of justice; in all moments.
  7. All blockages to justice coalescing with self-accountability are removed; in all moments.
  8. Self-accountability is implemented as a keystone for justice; in all moments.
  9. Justice is mandated from within; in all moments.
  10. Justice is regulated through integrity; in all moments.
  11. Skewed justice is eradicated; in all moments.
  12. All power factions are removed from affecting the justice system; in all moments.
  13. Justice, accountability, integrity, and compassion are four pillars of course correction; in all moments.
  14. All portals that veer away from justice are closed; in all moments.
  15. All psychic streams of energy that enable a course away from justice are dissipated; in all moments.
  16. All forked roads in justice are eradicated; in all moments.
  17. All self-indulgence of the corrupt is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  18. All propping up of the unjust is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  19. All humoring of the corrupt in the justice system is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  20. Humanity shifts its paradigm from trafficking justice to being graced in it; in all moments.
  21. Justice is a universal state of grace; in all moments.
  22. Justice reflects universal self-accountability, sincerity, integrity, and compassion; in all moments.
  23. All karmic conditions interfering with justice are rectified; in all moments.
  24. Justice like karma is instant; in all moments.
  25. All blockages to justice for all are removed; in all moments.
  26. All necessity for a third party to mandate justice is eradicated; in all moments.
  27. All good old boy mentality is eradicated from justice by any stretch of the imagination; in all moments.
  28. All loopholes in receiving justice are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  29. Man’s law is upgraded to reflect spiritual law; in all moments.
  30. Justice is unhinged from the concept or the desire for revenge; in all moments.
  31. Justice is upheld without privilege or favor; in all moments.
  32. All those who have been skating justice immediately get their comeuppance; in all moments.
  33. Prisons for profit are immediately eradicated from the justice system; in all moments.
  34. Justice reflects the penalty meeting the crime; in all moments.
  35. The injustice of mass incarceration is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  36. All blockages to an upgrade in administering justice are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  37. Justice cannot be bought; in all moments.
  38. The legal and penal systems are eradicated from administering injustices; in all moments.
  39. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander; in all moments.
  40. Justice is blind to monetary favors; in all moments.
  41. The scales of justice are indifferent to those with a silver spoon in their mouth; in all moments.
  42. Accountability washes all stains clean; in all moments.
  43. All white-collar transgressors receive their comeuppance in full; in all moments.
  44. The legal system is mutually attentive to blue and white-collar crimes; in all moments.
  45. All assholes who have bypassed justice are immediately read the Riot Act; in all moments.
  46. All blockages to universal justice being retroactively activated are removed; in all moments.
  47. All assholes who think they are off the hook are immediately hooked; in all moments.
  48. All individuals are redirected to universal justice; in all moments.
  49. All of humanity is centered and empowered in individual accountability; in all moments.
  50. All of humanity resonates, emanates, and is interconnected with all life in individual accountability; in all moments.

Conclusion and Call to Action:

As you reflect on the themes of justice, self-accountability, and universal empowerment, consider how they apply to your life. Where can you embrace more accountability in your daily interactions? How can you energetically align with a higher form of justice? These are the questions that the SFT tapping event raises, and by addressing them, you begin to elevate your consciousness.

To deepen this process, download the SFT protocol from the Jenuine Healing website and try the Energetic Cleanse protocol with phrases like β€œinjustice”; β€œavoiding self-accountability”; and β€œvictimhood”.

Explore more Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping events and join the Declaration of Universal Interdependence Facebook page to continue raising your consciousness.

If this event has brought up personal issues for you, consider booking a private session with world-renowned energy healer, Jen Ward, to dive deeper into your own healing journey.

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