Collapsing the cyborg timeline

Discover how energy healing and SFT Tapping are key to collapsing the cyborg timeline, unlocking spiritual awakening, and empowering humanity’s evolution.


In this transformative Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward, alongside Marvin Schneider, leads an exploration into the crucial work of collapsing the Cyborg Timeline. This event addresses humanity’s looming threat of AI domination, which disconnects individuals from their humanity and leads to lower consciousness. Through the power of energy healing and SFT tapping, participants are guided to release past life trauma, dismantle energetic subjugation, and ascend into higher consciousness. The event serves as a profound reminder that spiritual awakening and universal empowerment are critical to shaping a future where humanity is free from the control of AI and other harmful forces.

Event Highlights

🔑 Jen Ward’s Personal Experience with Cyborg Timelines: Jen Ward shares her personal story of being energetically exposed to the Cyborg Timeline, where AI dominates humanity. This experience, which resulted in deep trauma and physical manifestations like a stutter and facial paralysis, opened her awareness to the perils of AI subjugation. Jen explains how this AI-driven future strips individuals of their humanity and how dismantling this timeline is crucial to saving humanity from this fate.

🔑 Jen Ward’s Enlightenment Journey: In this event, Jen Ward shares her transformative journey through the process of enlightenment. This experience, which occurred after enduring significant emotional and physical trauma, pushed her beyond the brink of what most people perceive as reality. During her enlightenment, Jen explains how the ego was pulled out of her being for three days, leaving her in a state of peace, free from desires or needs. However, when the ego returned, it felt foreign and uncomfortable, a reminder of the human condition.

🔑 The Power of SFT Tapping to Release Trauma: Through specific SFT taps, participants are guided to release deep-seated past life trauma associated with AI subjugation. This trauma, often held subconsciously, keeps individuals tethered to timelines where AI dominates human experience. SFT Tapping is used to break free from these energetic bonds, allowing participants to reconnect with their humanity and heal.

🔑 Akashic Records and the Future of Humanity: Jen Ward taps into the Akashic Records to show the potential futures humanity faces. One path leads to AI domination and the disconnection from organic life, while the other leads to a heart-centered evolution of humanity. The insights from the Akashic Records emphasize the urgency of dismantling the Cyborg Timeline and ensuring that humanity’s trajectory is aligned with universal empowerment.

🔑 Healing Fibromyalgia and Pain as Connection to Humanity: Jen draws parallels between AI subjugation and conditions like fibromyalgia. Many individuals with chronic pain, she explains, hold onto that pain as a way to feel connected to their humanity, as pain becomes a reminder of their organic existence. Through SFT tapping, these individuals are guided to release their attachment to pain and reconnect with their authentic humanity.

🔑 The Role of Energy Healing in Transcending Ego: This event delves into the concept of transcending the ego, which plays a pivotal role in human evolution. Jen discusses how AI subjugation feeds off egoic energy and how energy healing practices like SFT tapping help individuals transcend the ego, empowering them to live from a heart-centered place of universal consciousness.

AI’s Impact on Human Consciousness

The rise of AI has far-reaching implications on human consciousness. By subjugating humans to technological control, AI timelines remove our ability to connect with our authentic selves. If you allow AI to dominate your future, you risk losing your organic connection to life. Jen Ward teaches that the only way to dismantle this threat is through conscious energy work, like SFT Tapping, which helps you reclaim your humanity and safeguard the future of human evolution.

Releasing Past Life Trauma

Many of the challenges you face today are tied to unresolved traumas from past lives. Jen explains that timelines where humans were subjugated by AI or other forces often leave energetic imprints on your soul. By using SFT tapping, you can access and release these past life traumas, allowing yourself to move forward unburdened and empowered in this lifetime.

The Importance of the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records provide insight into the potential paths humanity may take. The trajectory of AI domination is not set in stone, but it requires action to prevent. Jen Ward’s ability to tap into the Akashic Records offers you the chance to witness the importance of dismantling the Cyborg Timeline, ensuring humanity’s evolution aligns with heart-centered consciousness and spiritual awakening.

Transcending the Ego for Universal Empowerment

In this event, you learn that transcending the ego is crucial for both individual and collective evolution. Jen emphasizes that the ego-driven mind feeds into AI subjugation, and by transcending it through SFT tapping and energy healing, you empower yourself to live from a place of higher consciousness. This shift is essential in ensuring humanity’s future is one of universal empowerment rather than technological control.

How SFT Tapping Empowers You

SFT Tapping is a practical, accessible way for you to dismantle harmful timelines and reclaim your personal empowerment. This session provides a powerful series of taps to help you disconnect from the Cyborg Timeline, heal from past life trauma, and transcend the ego. When you actively participate in SFT Tapping, you are contributing to the collective evolution of humanity and ensuring a future where organic life is valued over AI domination.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. All trajectories that loom humanity to an AI-dominated existence are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  2. All timelines where AI subjugates humans are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  3. All engrams and Akashic records where humans are subjugated by AI are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  4. All engrams and Akashic records of AI subjugating humans are immediately eradicated from the present; in all moments.
  5. All of Earth’s soul contracts with the subjugation of humans are immediately annulled; in all moments.
  6. All of Elon’s curses, threats, and intentions to rape humanity are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  7. All of Elon’s leverage to subjugate humanity is immediately dissipated; in all moments.
  8. All masks, walls, armor, and illusions of grandeur are immediately stripped off Elon; in all moments.
  9. All Elon’s guile lands him claim as a slithering blubbering idiot; in all moments.
  10. Elon is immediately thwarted from representing the next phase of humanity; in all moments.
  11. All portals to cruel existence for humans on Earth are immediately collapsed and dissolved; in all moments.
  12. All blockages to humans transcending cruelty are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  13. Humans being separated from their humanity is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  14. All humans in the process of being raped of their humanity are immediately made whole; in all moments.
  15. Elon and his kind are immediately thwarted from using humans as lab rats; in all moments.
  16. Elon and his kind are immediately thwarted from using Earth as their own private laboratory; in all moments.
  17. All the twisted maniacal intentions that Elon and his kind plan for humanity are immediately and irrevocably eradicated; in all moments.
  18. Rogue sociopaths are immediately thwarted from setting the trajectory for humanity; in all moments.
  19. All arrogance and ignorance is immediately eradicated from humanity to ensure transcendence; in all moments.
  20. All avatars of awakening that have been stifled immediately take up the mantle; in all moments.
  21. All AI coercion into a dark abyss of cruelty is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  22. All fascination for the discovery of the human psyche that involves cruelty and torture is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  23. All trajectories where humans are subjugated by AI are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  24. All desecration of the human spirit is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  25. All mind inventions give way to the heart; in all moments.
  26. All separation or divisiveness between the head and heart is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  27. All subjugation of the heart is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  28. All those who demonize the heart are immediately hoisted on their own petard; in all moments.
  29. All great minds are tempered by an even greater heart; in all moments.
  30. All those conditioned in the mind give way to the heart; in all moments.
  31. All internal battles are won by the heart; in all moments.
  32. All forms of extracting humans from their humanity are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  33. All humans practicing cruelty on animals are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  34. All disconnect between the suffering humans afflict and their own dis-ease is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  35. All disconnect between humans’ own thoughts and the reality they manifest is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  36. All disconnect humans have between the trajectory of the collective and their silent agreement is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  37. Humans immediately thwart giving silent agreement to cruelty; in all moments.
  38. Humans immediately save the species from a trajectory of cruelty by awakening the consciousness of the heart; in all moments.
  39. All those incapable of shifting into the consciousness of the heart are immediately thwarted from contributing to the trajectory of humanity; in all moments.
  40. All those who hit a glass ceiling of the mind have their sphere of influence limited to their own microcosm; in all moments.
  41. All attempts to thwart the heart from surpassing the mind are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  42. All those who curse and undermine the upgrade to humanity are immediately contained in the limitations of their own microcosm; in all moments.
  43. All trajectories to a cruel AI-dominated reality are immediately collapsed and dissolved; in all moments.
  44. All clinical testing that involves cruelty and suffering is immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  45. All harvesting and trafficking of human parts is immediately and irrevocably thwarted; in all moments.
  46. All engrams and muscle memory of cruel heartless worlds are immediately and irrevocably eradicated; in all moments.
  47. All portals to cruel heartless worlds are immediately collapsed and dissolved; in all moments.
  48. All engrams and muscle memory of being trapped in a human cyborg hybrid are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  49. All realities pushing a human cyborg hybrid are immediately eradicated; in all moments.
  50. All Elon’s wet dreams of a world of human cyborg hybrids miserably fail; in all moments.
  51. The first cause of Elon or anyone creating a world of human cyborg hybrids is immediately eliminated; in all moments.
  52. Humans are thwarted from relinquishing their humanity for the short-sighted delusions of a sociopath; in all moments.

Conclusion and Call to Action

The themes addressed in this event —Cyborg timelines, AI subjugation, past life trauma, and universal empowerment—challenge you to reflect on your own role in shaping humanity’s future. How can you work to transcend the ego and disconnect from harmful timelines? Are you actively participating in energy healing practices to ensure your personal and collective empowerment? By recognizing the importance of this work, you can take action to uplift humanity.

We encourage you to download the free SFT protocols from the Jenuine Healing website and use the Energetic Cleanse Protocol with phrases like “the Cyborg timeline”; “being harvested for parts”; and “connecting to humanity through pain”.

Explore other group SFT tapping events and join the Declaration of Universal Interdependence Facebook page to engage in powerful conversations about dismantling harmful timelines.

If this session brought up personal issues for you, consider booking a private session with Jen Ward for deeper healing and guidance.

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