Deep healing through ancestral wisdom

Experience deep healing through ancestral wisdom, Christ consciousness, and SFT tapping to release past traumas and unlock spiritual transformation.


In this transformative Jenuine Healing private session, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward guides the client on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. By tapping into ancestral wisdom and Christ consciousness, Jen Ward helps the client release deep-seated energetic blockages and past life traumas. Through the powerful SFT (Spiritual Freedom Technique) tapping method, she facilitates a deep healing process that addresses the root causes of spiritual and emotional distress. This session is a unique blend of ancient spiritual practices and modern energy healing, offering a pathway to spiritual transformation and enlightenment. Join this journey to discover how you, too, can access Christ consciousness, clear your Akashic records, and reclaim your spiritual freedom.

Session Highlights

🔑 Releasing Energetic Blockages through Ancestral Wisdom: Jen Ward utilizes the client’s ancestral connections to uncover and release deep-rooted energetic blockages. By engaging with ancestral wisdom, she guides the client to recognize patterns from past lives that still impact her present journey. This revelation opens up a path for profound healing and self-awareness, allowing the client to reclaim their spiritual heritage and power.

🔑 Accessing Christ Consciousness for Spiritual Transformation: During the session, Jen Ward introduces the concept of Christ consciousness—a state of higher spiritual awareness and unconditional love. She explains how accessing this consciousness can help release negative energy and break free from limitations imposed by past traumas and societal conditioning, leading to a profound spiritual awakening.

🔑 Utilizing the Akashic Records for Healing: Jen guides the client to tap into her Akashic records, a spiritual repository of their soul’s journey. By accessing these records, the client gains insight into unresolved past-life traumas and patterns. This knowledge empowers them to clear blockages, dissolve karmic debts, and realign with their highest purpose, fostering a deeper connection to their spiritual path.

🔑 Harnessing SFT Tapping for Deep Healing: Jen Ward demonstrates the powerful SFT (Spiritual Freedom Technique) tapping method to help the client release specific emotional and energetic imprints. Through targeted SFT taps, Jen assists the client in overcoming fears, releasing ancestral trauma, and clearing energetic blockages that hinder their spiritual growth.

🔑 Understanding the Role of Divine Love in Spiritual Empowerment: Jen emphasizes the importance of divine love as a catalyst for spiritual empowerment. By aligning with divine love, the client is encouraged to move beyond fear, reclaim their spiritual sovereignty, and embrace a life of freedom and purpose. This alignment is presented as a vital step in the journey toward spiritual transformation.

Expert Insights

Jen Ward’s approach to healing in this session is both unique and profound, combining ancient wisdom with modern energy techniques to create a powerful pathway to transformation. Her use of ancestral wisdom and Christ consciousness provides the client with a deeper understanding of their spiritual and emotional challenges, while the SFT tapping technique offers a practical tool for releasing deeply held energetic blockages. Jen’s emphasis on self-empowerment, divine love, and spiritual sovereignty highlights her commitment to helping clients reclaim their spiritual freedom and align with their highest purpose. This session illustrates how Jen’s methods are designed to foster not only healing but also personal and spiritual growth, making her work at Jenuine Healing truly life-changing.

SFT Taps

  1. We release being skewered in the back; in all moments. 
  2. We release being threatened; in all moments. 
  3. We free Jesus; in all moments. 
  4. We free Mary Magdalene; in all moments. 
  5. We cleanse Christ consciousness; in all moments. 
  6. We release being a scared little girl; in all moments. 
  7. We release being knocked off our purpose; in all moments. 
  8. We remove all curses on us; in all moments. 
  9. We purge the deceit; in all moments. 
  10. We remove all curses from all crucifixes; in all moments. 
  11. We remove all curses from the Bible; in all moments. 
  12. We remove all dark energy and curses attached to the Bible; in all moments. 
  13. We collapse and dissolve the daisy of death; in all moments. 
  14. We take down all power mongers; in all moments. 
  15. We deactivate the controlling eye; in all moments. 
  16. We disrupt all programming and conditioning; in all moments. 
  17. We recant all vows and agreements to power; in all moments. 
  18. We release sabotaging our own empowerment; in all moments. 
  19. We are safe to transcend; in all moments. 
  20. We release the trauma of the Crusades; in all moments. 
  21. We lay down our sword and shield; in all moments. 
  22. We remove all engrams of being buried alive; in all moments. 
  23. We release being trapped under the rubble; in all moments. 
  24. We release sucking in dust; in all moments. 
  25. We release being mummified; in all moments. 
  26. We remove ourselves from the crypt; in all moments. 
  27. We release being trapped in primal mode; in all moments. 
  28. We release resenting being human; in all moments. 
  29. We release resenting earth; in all moments. 
  30. We release feeling trapped on earth; in all moments. 
  31. We disarm all weaponized prayer; in all moments. 
  32. We release confusing world peace for socialism; in all moments. 
  33. We annul all soul contracts; in all moments. 
  34. We erase war from Earth’s soul contract; in all moments. 
  35. We erase war from all soul contracts; in all moments. 
  36. We release the onslaught of attacks to those awakening; in all moments. 
  37. We are centered and empowered in divine love; in all moments. 
  38. We remove our helmet; in all moments. 
  39. We remove all engrams of wearing the helmet; in all moments. 
  40. We remove all engrams of going extinct; in all moments. 

Conclusion and Call to Action

Have you ever felt weighed down by unexplained fears, recurring patterns, or a sense of being stuck? This energy healing session encourages you to explore your own energetic blockages and past-life traumas. Reflect on how your ancestral wisdom and spiritual heritage might influence your current life. Are you open to accessing Christ consciousness for your spiritual transformation? How can divine love guide you in releasing fears and embracing your true purpose?

To support your journey, consider downloading the SFT protocols from the Jenuine Healing website. Use the Energetic Cleanse with phrases like “all curses on us”; “the daisy of death”; and “weaponized prayer”.   These Energetic Cleanse taps will help you clear negativity and empower your spiritual path.

Explore more energy healing videos and consider booking your own private session with Jen Ward to experience these transformative techniques firsthand. Unlock your highest potential and step into a life of spiritual freedom and empowerment today!

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