Courageous voices

Join world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward in empowering whistleblowers, exposing secrets, and dismantling shadow agendas through SFT tapping for universal truth.


In this transformative Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer Jen Ward and Marvin Schneider lead participants through a deeply impactful session focused on the courage it takes to speak the truth. This event is dedicated to protecting whistleblowers, those brave individuals who risk their lives and reputations to expose secrets and shed light on nefarious activities. By dismantling secrecy and empowering truth-tellers, this event helps participants connect to higher consciousness and universal empowerment, creating a pathway for all to live with greater integrity and authenticity.

Event Highlights

🔑 The Role of Whistleblowers in Exposing Secrecy:  Whistleblowers are essential in breaking down the walls of secrecy that protect harmful activities in governments, corporations, and other institutions. Jen Ward emphasizes that these truth-tellers shine a light on hidden agendas, which can no longer thrive once exposed. Through this session, participants are guided to energetically support whistleblowers through SFT tapping, helping them find protection and strength as they continue their courageous work.

🔑 The Detrimental Impact of Secrecy on Humanity:  Secrecy creates divisions in society, families, and even within individuals. Jen points out how secrecy is often learned early in life, instilled as a form of protection. However, this behavior isolates people from love and support. In this session, participants are encouraged to examine their own relationship with secrecy and how it may be holding them back. By using SFT tapping, they can release the shame and fear that secrecy fosters, opening themselves to a more authentic and empowered life.

🔑 Empowering Truth and Dismantling Lies:  Jen explains that each whistleblower acts as a “culture of truth,” much like a probiotic culture that benefits the body. When whistleblowers expose the truth, they enable society to flourish and grow. This session invites participants to align themselves with truth and integrity, actively contributing to the collective upliftment of humanity. By energetically supporting whistleblowers, you can help dismantle the lies that keep oppressive systems in place.

🔑 Spiritual Accountability in a World of Secrecy:  Spiritual accountability plays a crucial role in this event. Jen and Marvin discuss how secrecy is not just a societal issue but also a personal one. This session challenges you to confront the secrets you may be holding and consider how they are affecting your life. By tapping into higher consciousness through SFT, you are empowered to release the need for secrecy and embrace spiritual integrity, which in turn helps dismantle larger systems of deception.

🔑 Protecting Whistleblowers Through Energetic Support:  Whistleblowers often face severe consequences for their actions, from public backlash to personal threats. This session focuses on providing energetic protection and comfort to those who risk everything to reveal the truth. Through SFT tapping, participants can help shield whistleblowers from the negative forces working against them, ensuring that their courageous voices are heard and respected.

The Heavy Burden Carried by Whistleblowers 

When whistleblowers decide to expose hidden agendas, they are often met with immense resistance and personal risk. In this session, you are invited to reflect on the immense courage it takes to stand up against powerful institutions. Jen Ward makes it clear that whistleblowers serve a vital function in society by shining a light on corruption and deception. Without them, these harmful systems would continue unchecked. You, too, can participate in this act of bravery by using SFT tapping to energetically support whistleblowers, ensuring that they are protected and empowered as they bring these hidden truths to light. The burden they carry is one that impacts all of us, as their revelations have the potential to change the world for the better.

Secrecy’s Role in Creating Division and Isolation 

Secrecy is not just a societal issue but a deeply personal one that affects you at an individual level. Jen Ward explains that secrecy, learned from an early age, is often seen as a form of protection. However, this belief isolates you from the love and support that would otherwise be available to you. By holding onto secrets, you create barriers between yourself and those around you, leading to feelings of shame and disconnection. In this session, you are encouraged to examine the secrets you hold and ask yourself if they are truly serving your highest good. Through SFT tapping, you can release the need for secrecy and embrace a life of openness, authenticity, and connection.

Truth as a Catalyst for Collective Empowerment 

Jen Ward beautifully illustrates how whistleblowers act as “cultures of truth,” just as probiotics nourish the body. Each time a whistleblower exposes a hidden agenda, they contribute to the collective empowerment of humanity, allowing society to grow and thrive. This metaphor invites you to reflect on your own role in supporting truth. Are you willing to stand with whistleblowers and those who risk everything to speak out? By participating in this session, you actively contribute to the dismantling of systems that rely on lies and secrecy to maintain power. Your energy can help foster a world built on truth and integrity, where every individual has the opportunity to live authentically.

Spiritual Accountability: A Path to Higher Consciousness 

One of the key messages in this session is the importance of spiritual accountability. Jen and Marvin emphasize that secrecy is not just an external issue but something that affects you on a personal level. By holding onto secrets, you limit your own spiritual growth and keep yourself trapped in lower consciousness. This session encourages you to confront your own secrets and ask yourself whether they are truly protecting you or holding you back. Through SFT tapping, you can release the need for secrecy and step into a higher state of spiritual integrity. This process not only benefits you but also contributes to the collective upliftment of humanity by dissolving the systems that rely on secrecy to maintain power.

Providing Energetic Support to Whistleblowers 

Whistleblowers often face severe consequences for their actions, including public backlash, threats, and even legal repercussions. In this session, you are called to energetically support these courageous individuals by offering them protection and comfort through SFT tapping. Jen and Marvin explain how energetic support can shield whistleblowers from the negative forces that work against them, allowing them to continue their work with strength and resilience. By participating in this tapping session, you play a vital role in ensuring that whistleblowers are protected and that their voices are heard. In doing so, you contribute to a world where truth and integrity are valued above secrecy and deception.

SFT Tapping Companion

  1. Humanity releases needing whistleblowers to get to the truth; in all moments. 
  2. The demonization of whistleblowers is eradicated; in all moments. 
  3. The catch and kill of whistleblowers is eradicated; in all moments. 
  4. All cock blocks to truth are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  5. All methods of deterring the truth are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  6. Exoneration of all whistleblowers is immediately activated; in all moments. 
  7. The need for whistleblowers is transcended; in all moments. 
  8. All cabals of lies that create the need for whistleblowers are immediately collapsed and dissolved; in all moments. 
  9. The first cause in creating a cabal of secrets is eliminated; in all moments. 
  10. The baked-in desperation to protect secrets is eradicated; in all moments. 
  11. The need or belief that secrets are necessary is eradicated; in all moments. 
  12. The skin of secrets is peeled back to expose the pus of deception to the air; in all moments. 
  13. All those who surgically remove secrets are thwarted from being demonized; in all moments. 
  14. Good people are thwarted from needing to protect secrets; in all moments. 
  15. Those who disinfect society with truth are immediately exonerated; in all moments. 
  16. All blockages to all people disinfecting the collective with truth are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  17. Truth is reinstated as the native language; in all moments. 
  18. All beings return to their native language of truth; in all moments. 
  19. All nobility is taken out of the profession of keeping secrets; in all moments. 
  20. All those who lurk in the shadows believing their secret keeping is righteous are upgraded; in all moments. 
  21. All secrecy to transcending is eradicated; in all moments. 
  22. The belief that secrets are here to protect innocence is eradicated; in all moments. 
  23. The true nature of secrecy is revealed; in all moments. 
  24. Holding secrets as a badge of honor is eradicated; in all moments. 
  25. All self-righteous secret holding is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  26. Being blissfully ignorant of the toxic nature of secrets is eradicated; in all moments. 
  27. Being a double agent for secrets is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  28. The need for secrets is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  29. All nefarious intentions that lie hidden under secrecy are immediately exposed to truth; in all moments. 
  30. The belief that secret keeping is honorable is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  31. Putting people in the position to lie to protect secrets is eradicated; in all moments. 
  32. Silence to protect secrets is universally recognized as a lie; in all moments. 
  33. Omission of truth is universally considered a lie; in all moments. 
  34. We release being a dirty rotten stinking liar; in all moments. 
  35. All those who refuse to defend nefarious intentions are celebrated for their valor; in all moments. 
  36. All negative implications are extracted from the term whistleblower; in all moments. 
  37. All whistleblowers are thwarted from having their name or reputation sullied; in all moments. 
  38. All that was taken from whistleblowers is immediately returned to them; in all moments. 
  39. The target is taken off all whistleblowers’ backs; in all moments. 
  40. The practice of doxxing or outing the truthful is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  41. Projecting nefarious intentions onto the whistleblower is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  42. Subjugating whistleblowers with a ruthless vetting program is eradicated; in all moments. 
  43. The nefarious intention of outing someone is thwarted from being compared to the courageousness of a whistleblower; in all moments. 
  44. Desecrating personal privacy is thwarted; in all moments. 
  45. All nefarious intentions are gutted from the construct of all establishments; in all moments. 
  46. Creating shadow policies around protecting nefarious intentions is thwarted; in all moments. 
  47. All shadow policies in place to protect nefarious intentions are immediately exposed to the light of truth and dissipated; in all moments. 
  48. All foundations built on deception and nefarious intentions are immediately collapsed and dissolved; in all moments. 
  49. All false equivalence between whistleblowers and informants working for nefarious intentions are eradicated; in all moments. 
  50. All informants for nefarious intentions are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  51. All false equivalencies between the truth and deceit are immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  52. All false equivalencies between whistleblowing and violating the sovereignty of individuals are eradicated; in all moments. 
  53. Protecting nefarious intentions under the umbrella of individual sovereignty is immediately eradicated; in all moments. 
  54. All those who are cock-blocking truth under the umbrella of individual sovereignty are immediately taken to the cleaner and given their comeuppance; in all moments. 
  55. All societal factions are purged clean through integrity and grace; in all moments. 
  56. The silt of guilty blowback is washed off all those who tell the truth; in all moments. 
  57. All of humanity is elevated through the heavy lifting of whistleblowers; in all moments. 
  58. All potential whistleblowers sitting on the fence are inspired to bring truth to the issues; in all moments. 
  59. All hovels of nefarious activity are exposed to the light of truth by whistleblowers; in all moments. 
  60. All of humanity is elevated to a perpetual state of accountability and grace through the implementation of intentional truth; in all moments. 
  61. All of humanity is aligned to the vibrational altitude of integral truth; in all moments. 
  62. All of humanity has an all-access pass to partake in integral truth; in all moments. 
  63. All of humanity is centered and empowered in integral truth; in all moments. 
  64. All of humanity resonates, emanates, and is interconnected with all life in integral truth; in all moments.

Conclusion and Call to Action

What role does secrecy play in your life, and are there truths you are holding back that are keeping you in lower consciousness? This event invites you to reflect on the impact of secrecy in your own personal growth and challenges you to release these burdens through SFT tapping. By aligning yourself with integrity, you can participate in the collective upliftment of humanity, supporting whistleblowers who risk everything to expose hidden agendas.

You can begin your own journey by downloading the SFT protocols from the Jenuine Healing website. Start with the Energetic Cleanse using phrases like “secrecy”; “hiding in plain sight”; and “the fear of speaking truth”.

Explore our extensive library of other group SFT tapping events and join the Declaration of Universal Interdependence Facebook page to connect with a community committed to truth and universal empowerment.

If this event brings up any personal issues, consider booking a private session with Jen Ward to facilitate your healing.

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