Stop the real steal

Empower yourself with Jenuine Healing’s group SFT tapping event on dismantling election sabotage and protecting democracy through energy work and high consciousness practices.


In a pivotal Jenuine Healing group SFT tapping event, world-renowned energy healer, Jen Ward, and Marvin Schneider dive deep into the concept of the “real steal” – the covert efforts by Donald Trump and MAGA loyalists to disrupt and steal the 2024 election. This session sheds light on the insidious plans set in motion at the grassroots level aiming to subvert democratic processes. Through powerful SFT (Spiritual Freedom Technique) taps, the duo empowers participants to use energy work to dismantle these nefarious intentions and protect the integrity of the election.

Jen and Marvin stress the importance of maintaining high consciousness in political matters. They discuss how misinformation and conspiracy theories fuel dangerous movements and the need for individuals to trust their inner compass to discern truth. This event is not just about addressing immediate threats but also about uplifting the collective consciousness to ensure long-term democratic health.

The event highlights the role of media in shaping political narratives and the necessity for personal responsibility and awareness. By joining forces, participants contribute to a higher state of being, ensuring that democracy is safeguarded and the true will of the people prevails. This blog post encourages readers to watch the session and become active participants in protecting democracy through energy work and collective consciousness.

Key Highlights

๐Ÿ”‘ Exposing and dissolving plans to steal the 2024 election
๐Ÿ”‘ The importance of energy work in preventing political sabotage
๐Ÿ”‘ Understanding the grassroots movement to disrupt elections
๐Ÿ”‘ The role of SFT taps in protecting democracy
๐Ÿ”‘ The impact of misinformation and conspiracy theories
๐Ÿ”‘ The significance of maintaining high consciousness in politics
๐Ÿ”‘ Strategies to prevent the influence of nefarious networks
๐Ÿ”‘ The power of collective consciousness in ensuring fair elections
๐Ÿ”‘ The role of media in shaping political narratives
๐Ÿ”‘ Encouraging personal responsibility and awareness in political processes

Quotable Quotes

๐Ÿ’ฌ “We’re stopping the real steal by dissipating their energy before it can manifest.”
๐Ÿ’ฌ “Energy work is effective because it shines the light of truth on nefarious plans.”
๐Ÿ’ฌ “Maintaining boundaries in energy means not inviting negativity into your world.”
๐Ÿ’ฌ “The broader collective must awaken to the subtle manipulations in politics.”
๐Ÿ’ฌ “Free and fair elections are vital for the true representation of the populace.”
๐Ÿ’ฌ “Shining light on white supremacy and autocracy is crucial for democracy.”
๐Ÿ’ฌ “Dissipating fear can bring reason back to those caught in extremist ideologies.”
๐Ÿ’ฌ “Trust your inner compass to discern truth in a world full of misinformation.”
๐Ÿ’ฌ “Our work is not just to stabilize but to uplift humanity into higher consciousness.”
๐Ÿ’ฌ “The purpose of life is to outflow in service to humanity.”


00:00:00 Understanding the Real Steal
00:01:59 The Role of Higher Consciousness in Politics
00:03:30 Grassroots Movements and Election Denial
00:08:45 The Power of Saying No
00:11:48 The Importance of Free and Fair Elections
00:13:02 SFT Tapping Session Begins
00:15:29 Commentary on Political Dynamics
00:23:17 Dissipating Fear and White Supremacy
00:42:53 Restoring Integrity in the Election Process
00:48:02 Thwarting Constitutional Hijacking
00:48:33 Eradicating Media Manipulation
00:49:08 Neutralizing Coup Enablers
00:53:58 Addressing White Supremacy and Radicalization
01:05:48 Protecting the 2024 Election
01:12:59 Empowerment and Healing
01:27:14 Call to Action and Conclusion

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