Advocating for fairy kind

Trees, humans, and fairies share a profound bond which has been severed by modern commercialism. we can revive this magical link by reconnecting with nature and ancient wisdom.

In an earlier article on reconnecting with the wisdom of the trees, I shared the story of how I collected, nurtured, and then planted a veritable forest of tree saplings, and how one of them downloaded into me their profound message for humanity. This article is a continuation of that story, but focused on the connection between trees, humans, and fairy kind.

Discovering a world of fairies

Occasionally, I go back to that part of the woods where I planted my little sapling forest. Their personalities seem too far away to call them back simply to accommodate my loneliness. But something happened around the sapling forest that was equally surreal and exciting. I got a sense of a whole world of fairy kind that I was now privy to their understanding. They had a story to tell me about their plight and why they were no longer safe to interact with humans.

There seemed to be a bridge of trust formed between myself and the fairies by me collecting the trees of the sapling forest and nurturing them into the ground. This gave the fairies a means to explain certain truths to me that are usually lost on humans. They helped me start to fathom that the realm in which they can exist on Earth, is created when there is a convergence between the energy systems of trees and the energy systems of humans.

Convergence of energy systems

There is a dynamic energy realm created as trees interface and communicate with each other through their rooting system and other intangible means. Fairies currently exist underground throughout this thoroughfare of rooting system. When humans connect with trees, it is done by emanating energy from their heart. The chakra system crudely depicts how this heart energy works.

The way intentions are sent out through the human heart is a vibrational aspect of humans that has been neglected almost in its entirety. When the tree’s means of communicating through the rooting system interfaces with the energy system of a human, a special vibrational synergy happens between the two. This creates the vibrational zone or a realm in which fairies can exist in relationship to our physical realm.

Fairies having a presence in the world seems to always be in conjunction with the humans connecting with trees. This explains why fairies have been lost to the world. Fairy kind was lost to the world when we were disconnected from our reverence for trees through the systemic practice of monotheism.

The loss of fairies through commercialism

The fairy kind were happy to share great truths with me about how they lost their effectiveness in interacting with humans and how human greed drove their kind even further away. They shared with me a dark truth that underlay the nefarious intention of commercialism that we as humans covet so much.

The little community of fairies in my back yard revealed to me how fairies where energetically raped of all that made them magical. This essence was harvested by those who were able to tap into childlike wonder and harvest it like gold for their own benefit. A couple examples they gave me was Disney and the mass creators of the story behind Christmas.

The fairies reminded me that the earliest depiction of Santa Claus was actually based on elves. Elves were an aspect of the fairy world. Santa’s helpers were all elves. The seven dwarves were elves. And of course, Tinkerbell was a fairy. They reminded me of a scene from the Peter Pan play where Tinkerbell almost dies. The audience is instructed to clap really loudly and say they believe in fairies to donate their energy to save Tinkerbell. This scene in the play is actually a disgusting ploy to have unsuspecting humans eek out what childlike wonder they have left and “leave it in the coffers” for the production of the play.

The fairies explained to me in pictures in my own mind that when people clap for anything, it is really a vulgar yet successful attempt for them to give over their energy to the outside recipient who they are clapping for. Other ways that commercialism got its hold on humans is by promising an experience of childlike wonder, but with everything promised felling short of the sweet interaction that takes place in the magic of the moment.

The fairies then showed me all the vulgar long lines at amusement parks, and how humans have been duped into giving so much of their essence to a place to go to have a magical experience. But it is all an illusion. Humans are being gutted of so much more of their essence than they ever promised or even received in the exchange. This is what the fairy’ essence was being used to do. Fairies, tree kind and humans were all subjugated in a veil of deception.

The sinister nature of Christmas

The fairies knew that I was in a position to help them retrieve their essence through the SFT tapping protocols, so they really wanted me to understand their plight. They showed me how commercialism had depleted humans by using fairy energy to conjure up the Christmas spirit. But in reality, the holiday left the humans depleted.

All holidays, toys, candy and amusement parks are energetic Ponzi schemes that target children in order to rape them of their innate childlike wonder and imagination. Adult humans feel obligated to offer these things to their children, but what they are really doing is offering them up to a form of societal servitude.

The simple joy of being present in the moment was eked out of humankind. They were drained of their childlike wonder, creativity and imagination that would organically be used to connect with the fairy world.  Christmas, candy, and toys are all dangling carrots used on children to enslave another generation to mass commercialism. This robs the unsuspecting humans of being able to access the simple sweet pleasures of life.

The spirit of Christmas, the excitement of going to an amusement park, and the compulsion to over consume at malls, are all experiences that stripped the splendor and wonder of nature and the fairy world. The intangible essence fairy energy was all but depleted from the magic of a new snow, that first day of spring and that warm breezy fall day. There is a sweet joy with these experiences that is offered to everyone and not a haughty hoard of selfish indulgence absconded for the entitled.

The return of fairy kind

The simple joy that has been fracked from the moment, raped from the earth and commercialized, needs to be put back into humans by having an organic interaction with the land. If humans could help fairies retrieve their core essence that was extracted from them, they could return to the surface of the Earth again and regain an interactive relationship with humans.

This is the hope and the excitement that caused the celebration of the little saplings when I returned them to the ground. It was as if the tree kind, and fairy kind have been waiting for humans to wake up out of a stupor and reclaim our connection with them both.

SFT tapping to free fairy kind

If any of this resonates as a noble intention to you, please take the time to do these taps and share this message as much as possible. Say each statement three times while continuously tapping on the top of your head, a fourth time while continuously tapping on your chest, and a fifth time while continuously tapping on your abdomen.

We declare ourselves a sacred advocate for the fairies in doing these taps; in all moments.

Fairy kind is freed from the grip of power; in all moments.

All fairies are free of being rendered helpless; in all moments.

All vivaxes between fairy kind and power are removed; in all moments.

The claws of power remove their grip from all of fairy kind; in all moments.

All tentacles of power are removed from fairy kind; in all moments.

All attempts of power to rape fairy kind are thwarted; in all moments.

All subjugation of fairy kind to power is thwarted; in all moments.

All of fairy kind is freed from the trauma of being driven underground; in all moments.

All of fairy kind is empowered and protected back into existence; in all moments.

All limitations that power has put on fairy kind are removed; in all moments.

All of fairy kind’s essence and providence that was stolen from them is returned; in all moments.

All illusion is stripped off all those who have stolen from fairy kind; in all moments.

All those who attempt to steal from fairy kind are thwarted; in all moments.

All of power is prevented from hiding behind the goodness of fairy kind; in all moments.

All masks, walls, and armor are removed from power factions that steal from fairy kind; in all moments.

All energy matrices that abuse fairy kind are sent into the light and sound; in all moments.

All complex energy matrices that abuse fairy kind are escorted into the light and sound; in all moments.

All fairy kind is released from being duped by power; in all moments.

All contracts between fairy kind and power are nullified; in all moments.

All vows and agreements between fairy kind and power are recanted; in all moments.

All soul contracts between fairy kind and disappearing from Earth are annulled; in all moments.

All curses that power has put on fairy kind are removed; in all moments.

All blessings between fairy-kind and power are removed, in all moments.

All of fairy kind’s magic, blessings, and gifts are returned to them; in all moments.

All strings and chords between fairy kind and power are severed; in all moments.

All karmic ties between fairy kind and power are dissolved; in all moments.

All fairies are freed from the grip of power; in all moments.

All of fairy kind’s energy is extracted from power; in all moments.

All the anguish, burden, and limitations that power has put on fairy kind is removed; in all moments.

All of the isolation that power has inflicted on fairy kind is removed; in all moments.

All of fairy energy is stripped from power’s beingness; in all moments.

Power is rendered incapable of stealing from fairy kind; in all moments.

Power is rendered incapable of resonating or emanating with fairy kind; in all moments.

Power is rendered incapable if infiltrating fairy kind energy; in all moments.

The Wei chi of fairy kind is strengthened and fortified; in all moments.

All fear and trepidation that power has put on fairy kind is removed; in all moments.

All of fairy energy is extracted from power’s sound frequency; in all moments.

All of fairy energy is extracted from power’s light emanation; in all moments.

All power factions that survive through stealing from fairy kind are collapsed and dissolved; in all moments.

All energy matrices that scorn or invalidate fairy kind are sent into the light and sound; in all moments.

Fairy kind everywhere is healed; in all moments.

Human gratitude, love, and support is poured into fairy kind everywhere; in all moments.

Space is made in this world for fairy kind to be seen, loved, and valued; in all moments.

All blockages to universal gratitude, love, and support for fairy kind everywhere are removed; in all moments.

This world’s capacity to love, appreciate, and support fairy kind everywhere is stretched; in all moments.

This world releases tuning out and ignoring fairy kind; in all moments.

We embrace the interconnectedness between humans and fairy kind; in all moments.

We are centered and empowered in the interconnectedness between fairies and humans; in all moments.

We transcend power; in all moments.

We resonate and emanate mutual love and respect between fairy kind and human kind; in all moments.

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