Releasing the worship of moloch

Explore the transformative journey of releasing the worship of Moloch, an ancient symbol of costly sacrifices, and rediscover joy, freedom, and empowerment in life.

I recently facilitated a long-distance remote session for a woman. As soon as I tapped into her energy, I perceived excruciating sadness. She was aware of it and attributed it to the loss of her son. We released an incredible amount of anguish from her.

Sometimes things come through from a session that I don’t really understand but they are relevant to the client and what they need to release. The word Moloch came through. I was aware of the expression “The Worship of Moloch,” but I didn’t understand how relevant it was for this woman. We released all her association with Moloch and she felt much lighter. After the session, I researched the word to see how it was relevant.

The modern meaning of the expression comes from the writer Milton’s reference to it. The Worship of Moloch means paying too great a price for something. This meaning is relevant today because we are all paying too dearly for the comfortable lifestyle that we have become accustomed to. Most of us are much lazier and focused on issues rather than actually enjoying life. On the whole, we have sacrificed health, vigor, free will, adventure and integrity to maintain a complacent way of life. We give our power away much too easily to stay complacent. This is worshiping Moloch.

What the client doesn’t realize is that the original meaning of Moloch is relevant to her as well. It is also relevant to the sadness she was carrying in regard to her son. Moloch was an ancient God who demanded that subjects sacrifice their children to prove their devotion. In a past life, my client killed her own son to appease Moloch. This ancient pain was triggered in this lifetime when her son left this world before her.

These are powerful taps. Just when I think that there is nothing that could come up that could help people release more, something else comes to light. This woman’s pain was a gift to the world which revealed this set of releases to bring humanity more freedom. May you all feel more joyful and free in doing them.

Say each statement three times while continuously tapping on the top of your head, a fourth time while continuously tapping on your chest, and a fifth time while continuously tapping on your abdomen.

We release worshiping Moloch; in all moments.

We strip all illusion off of Moloch; in all moments.

We release being enslaved to worshiping Moloch; in all moments.

We recant all vows and agreements between ourselves and worshiping Moloch; in all moments.

We remove all curses between ourselves and worshiping Moloch; in all moments.

We sever all strings and cords between ourselves and worshiping Moloch; in all moments.

We dissolve all karmic ties between ourselves and worshiping Moloch; in all moments.

We remove all the pain, fear, burden, limitations and engrams that worshiping Moloch has put on us; in all moments.

We remove all the pain, fear, burden, limitations and engrams that we have put on all others due to worshiping Moloch; in all moments.

We take back all the joy, love, abundance, freedom, health, success, security, companionship, creativity, peace, life, wholeness, beauty, enthusiasm, contentment, spirituality, enlightenment and confidence that the worship of Moloch has taken from us; in all moments.

We give back all the joy, love, abundance, freedom, health, success, security, companionship, creativity, peace, life, wholeness, beauty, enthusiasm, contentment, spirituality, enlightenment and confidence that we have taken from all others due to the worship of Moloch; in all moments.

We release resonating with the worship of Moloch; in all moments.

We release emanating with the worship of Moloch; in all moments.

We remove all of the worship of Moloch from our sound frequency; in all moments.

We remove all of the worship of Moloch from our light body; in all moments.

We shift our paradigm from the worship of Moloch to joy, love, abundance, freedom, health, success, security, companionship, creativity, peace, life, wholeness, beauty, enthusiasm, contentment, spirituality, enlightenment, confidence and free will; in all moments.

We transcend the worship of Moloch; in all moments.

We repair and fortify the wei chi of all our bodies; in all moments.

We align all our bodies; in all moments.

We are centered and empowered in divine love and our own free will; in all moments.

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