The roots and leaves of humanity

Exploring humanity’s essence through nature’s lens, this article delves into our intrinsic dualities, comparing society’s doers and dreamers to a tree’s roots and leaves. Can unity prevail?

I was laying in the hammock one day looking up at the beauty of one particular tree. It started to give me a message to help people understand their own nature. It wanted to assist me in formulating the message into words to help others understand.

It asked me, “What is more important, the roots that draw in nutrients from the ground, or the leaves that draw in nutrients from the sun?”

I said to the tree, “Both are equally important. Yet their vantage point is completely different.”

The tree responded, “That is true. But the problem with humanity these days is that humans have become fixated on just one aspect of their own nature. There are those who are rooted in the ground and depend on facts and figures to navigate their life. There are others who take sustenance and guidance from the intangibles in life. Both ways are important and valid. These two aspects of human nature are like the roots and leaves of humanity.”

I was following the analogy as best as I could. It is true that the information that the tree was giving me was difficult to get in my conscious brain. This is how I interpret what the tree was communicating to me.

All of humanity is like the tree. The trunk is like broader society in which we live, and the roots and leaves are like the individuals that make up the broader society. Right now, selfish influences are causing the roots and leaves of humanity to fight with each other. There is a constant battle between the roots and the leaves. Each feels that they have the more superior vantage point. They argue against validating the other and would wish the other did not exist.

But the roots know things that the leaves don’t know, and the leaves know things that the roots don’t know. Each is an expert in their own field. The leaves have to stop wanting the roots to be leaves and vice versa. This is very important to the well-being of humanity.

The roots and leaves of a tree would never try to tell the other what to do. That is silly. They all need to do what is best for the whole and never waste energy surmising about a vantage point that is foreign to them.

Society can function much more easily if all of the roots and the leaves tend to giving their gifts and talents to the whole of the tree and forgo selfish and ignorant pursuits of trying to control the other.

I lay there in quiet communion with this marvelous truth, and then a humorous thought came into my mind. There are those that don’t want to evolve, don’t want to better themselves and are so closed off to the concept of awakening. They are rigid and defensive perhaps. If people who thrive well in society are the roots and those who thrive in their creative endeavors are the leaves in society; then all those who are existing in apathy, unwilling or unable to evolve, must be the bark.

If this truth resonates with you, try doing these Spiritual Freedom Technique (SFT) taps. Say each statement three times while continuously tapping on the top of your head, a fourth time while continuously tapping on your chests, and a fifth time while continuously tapping on your abdomen.

We release polarizing ourselves away from those who are fundamentally different from us; in all moments.

We release being trapped in primal mode; in all moments.

We release meeting strangers as enemies; in all moments.

We release our inclination to look for differences in others; in all moments.

We remove all blockages to finding and embracing the similarities in others; in all moments.

We release being both guarded and defensive; in all moments.

We remove all engrams and muscle memory of greeting strangers as the enemy; in all moments.

We thwart all attempts to take from us for being kind to strangers; in all moments.

We release associating kindness with being taken for granted; in all moments.

We release displaying trepidation as hostility; in all moments.

We release attacking strangers on social media; in all moments.

We dissipate all psychic streams of energy that keep humans trapped in a “then vs us” mode; in all moments.

We free humanity of the systemic fear of being deceived, betrayed, attacked or destroyed; in all moments.

We remove all the pain, burden, limitations and trauma that individuals have put on each other; in all moments.

We return to all individuals all that others have stolen from them; in all moments.

All individuals are compelled to lay down their sword and shield; in all moments.

All individuals transcend the “them vs us” mode; in all moments.

All individuals are centered and empowered in the transcendence of “them vs us” mode; in all moments.

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