Healing through kindness

Discover the transformative power of genuine kindness. Whether expected or unexpected, acts of kindness profoundly impact your well-being. Embrace kindness as a path to healing and connection.

The innate power of kindness

Your body is naturally inclined to resonate with acts of kindness, irrespective of the circumstances. Interestingly, the more unexpected the situation, the more profound the impact of kindness on your physiological well-being. While one might anticipate a caregiver to exhibit kindness, the kindness shown by a caregiver might not deeply resonate with your consciousness due to the expectation of kindness from caregivers. But an act of kindness from a stranger can be truly impactful.

Extending kindness to someone caught off-guard can potentially break their defensive patterns or preemptive retaliations. This allows them to let go of their guarded stance or “relax their atoms”, facilitating an openness in their energy system. Such an act can significantly contribute to their healing journey. Yet, the key lies in the genuineness of your gesture. If not sincere, you risk coming off as patronizing, leading the other person to become even more distant.

Be an every day healer

Approaching your actions with profound reverence and a sense of duty to benefit others essentially transforms you into a healer. By willingly choosing to exude kindness—a responsibility we all intrinsically possess—you become a conduit for divine love.

Through this, you embody the change you desire to see in others. You might not always recognize this in yourself due to your perspective, but that’s inconsequential. Your actions’ value doesn’t hinge on immediate acknowledgment or appreciation. Your service to life extends beyond instant gratification. The unseen entities around you celebrate your commitment, for in your actions, you serve humanity.

SFT taps for healing through kindness

Do these Spiritual Freedom Technique (SFT) taps to become a natural born healer through kindness. Say each statement three times while continuously tapping on the top of your head, a fourth time while continuously tapping on your chest, and a fifth time while continuously tapping on your abdomen.

We release confusing kindness with vulnerable exposure; in all moments.

We remove all engrams and muscle memory of being exploited for being kind; in all moments.

We release the fear of exploitation for being kind; in all moments.

We release closing down our energy when someone is kind to us; in all moments.

We release the aversion to giving or receiving kindness; in all moments.

We release all the pain, burden and limitations that have been inflicted on us for being kind; in all moments.

We take back all that was taken from us when we were kind; in all moments.

We stretch our propensity to be kind; in all moments.

We are safe and protected in giving and receiving kindness; in all moments.

We are centered and empowered in giving and receiving kindness; in all moments.

We resonate, emanate and are interconnected with all of life in giving and receiving kindness; in all moments.

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