A twin journey through spiritual freedom

Unlocking the emotional and spiritual paths of twins with empathy, Jen Ward uses SFT taps to pave the way for healing, self-love, and a deeper sibling connection.


“A Twin Journey Through Spiritual Freedom” chronicles a transformative session guided by the empathetic and insightful energy healer, Jen Ward, focusing on a client’s seven-year-old twins. This unique healing journey delves deep into the emotional and spiritual landscapes of two young souls, addressing their individual struggles and perceptions within the family dynamics, and their interconnected paths toward healing. Through Jen’s intuitive use of Spiritual Freedom Technique (SFT) taps, the session offers a profound exploration of anxiety, self-perception, and the intricate relationships that shape our inner worlds from a tender age.

For the client’s daughter, the session begins with addressing feelings of nervousness, self-doubt, and the perceived imbalance of love within the family, which are common yet deeply impactful issues for children navigating their emotional development. Jen’s approach, involving imaginative engagement with the child’s “little cells” and the use of SFT taps, not only provides immediate comfort but also instills a sense of self-awareness and empowerment. The daughter’s journey through the session illuminates the healing power of acknowledging and releasing deeply held fears and beliefs, paving the way for a stronger sense of self-love and belonging.

Similarly, the session with the client’s son unfolds layers of emotional resistance, highlighting his struggle with feelings of invisibility and competition for parental attention. Jen’s tailored SFT taps for him aim at breaking down the walls of these emotional barricades, fostering an environment where he can express vulnerability and find solace in being understood. This part of the session emphasizes the importance of emotional expression and the healing that comes from confronting and releasing pent-up emotions. As the session concludes, both twins emerge more connected to their own spirits and each other, embarking on a continued journey of spiritual freedom with renewed resilience, understanding, and a deeper bond that transcends their individual experiences.

Quotable Quotes

“It’s fun to talk to the little cells in your body like they are people.”

“You know how pretty you are when you’re serious? You’re very pretty. And when you sit there and you’re calm, you look just like a very beautiful queen.”

“[Son] wants to be more like you. [Son] admires you.”

“So, you shouldn’t be dumbing down how you act to be like [son], right?”

“There’s so much adventure out there for you. There’s so much of it.”

“It’s okay to be sad. You’re doing actually great work by being sad. I’m so proud of you.”


00:00:00 Introduction and Connecting with Daughter’s Cells
00:02:47 The Importance of Sleep
00:05:35 Addressing Confusion Caused by Different Parental Treatments
00:10:58 Grown-Up Session Topics
00:13:43 The Power of Being Calm and Composed
00:16:26 Daughter’s Relationship with Her Father's Girlfriend
00:20:13 Discussing Daughter’s Overstimulation
00:24:39 The Genetic Propensity to Please Others
00:28:41 Removing Glass Ceilings and Validating Emotions
00:34:16 Completing the Karmic Triad Protocol
00:36:35 Son Interrupts the Session
00:44:44 Addressing Son’s Behavior and Emotional Blockages
00:52:42 The Negative Impact of Video Games
00:58:18 Encouraging Son’s Leadership and Sense of Adventure
01:04:28 Reconnecting the Emotional Body
01:08:27 Helping Son Express and Release Sadness
01:16:37 Wrapping Up the Session

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